Psychology is the discipline concerned with behavior and mental processes and how they are affected by an organism’s external and internal environment. Type shi
Commonly confused with Pop psychology. Scientific psychology is based on research and empirical evidence.
Psychologists have beef with astrologers and psychics
Pseudopsychologies: unscientific psychology (astrologers and psychics aka Reigan from mob psycho)
People believe in this for three reasons
Uncritical acceptance (we don't take time to process information)
Confirmation bias (quick to trust because aligns with beliefs)
Common sense Problem
Psychologists predict behavior by forming hypotheses and testing scientists
Common sense problem
Birds of the feather flock tgt
Opposites attract
Three ways of doing psychology
Experimental psychologists
Teacher of psychology
Applied psychology
Psychotherapists os an unregulated term for anyone who does any kind of psychotherapy (could have no credentials or training at all)
Licensed therapists differ according to their training and approach
Critical thinking helps people evaluate competing findings on psychological issues that are personally or socially important
Empiricism: knowledge is derived from sensory experience
Willhelm Wundt is the founder of scientific psychology
Structuralism: breaking the mind into separate parts (Edward Tichener)
William james created functionalism (why do we think the way we do)
Evolutionary psychology: why do we have a need to belong? What contributes to attraction? What explains gender differences?
Behaviorism: people seek pleasure and avoid pain
Socio-cultual theory: groups define what is normal and what is normal determines thought and behaviors.
Psychoanalytic perspective: there is more to us than we think (more to us than what we are consciously thinking) “unconscious mind”
Cognitive perspective: how we think, problem solve, belief formation.
Personality psychology: behavior is a product of personality and situation
Feminist psychology: analyzes the influence of social inequalities on gender relation and behaviors of the two sexes.