Date: Friday February 16, 2018
Department: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University
Course: Materials Science I (MTL 200)
Test Duration: 80 minutes
Instructor: Prof. A. Varvani
Closed book test.
Calculator allowed.
Choose the best answer for multiple choice questions.
Use pencil for Scantron sheet.
Extra pages can be used if needed.
Questions 1-20: 2 marks each; Questions 21-40: 3 marks each.
Topic: Electron Arrangement in Ni (Z=28)
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Topic: Atomic Bonding Types
(a) Ionic, van der Waals, Metallic, Covalent, Hydrogen
(b) Ionic, Covalent, Metallic, Covalent, Hydrogen
(c) Ionic, Covalent, Metallic, van der Waals, Hydrogen
Topic: Interstitial Atoms in FCC/BCC
Options: Various coordinates
Topic: Crystallographic Directions and Planes
Options Identifying the Correct Relationships
Understanding how solidification rates impact amorphous vs crystalline structure.
The role of grain size in material strength based on the Hall-Petch relationship.
Techniques for microscopic analysis in materials science, including Optical Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy.
Secondary Bonds: Weak interactions, particularly among noble gases.
Atomic Packing Factor: How closely atoms are packed in a crystal structure.
Diffusion: Atomic motion in a substance leading to uniform composition in material analysis.
Fick's First Law of Diffusion: Relates to diffusion rates within thin plates.
Bragg's Law: Used for determining angles in x-ray diffraction.