Introduced Decrees defining the relationship between government and religion
1917 Decree on Land (peasants could seize Church’s Land)
1918 Decree on Freedom of Conscience banned religious education outside home
1918 Decree Concerning Separation of Church & State took away traditional priviledges of Orthodox Church
Used Cheka to terrorise Church
1918 Head of Orthodox Church was under house arrest
All monastries were closed and Churches destroyed
Priests were denied food rations, suffrage and targets during Red Terror 1921-22
League of Militant Godless was establised as part of Bolshevik propaganda campaign 1929
Religious rituals were attacked
Replacing baptisms with Octoberings
The decentralised Living Church was created by Lenin as a rival which would be easier to control
Not prepared to support the regime & most Russians were religious in 1920s
Saw religion as a threat to socialist ideology
Emphasis on rights of the individual opposed collective mentality
“The opium of the masses” - Marx
Particular opposition to Orthodox Church thanks to Tsarist links
Lenin had a particular hatred for priests
Campaign of persecution accompanied collectivisation
Priests labled as Kulaks and deported
More attacks through the Great Purge 1936-39
By 1939 only 12 of 163 bishops weren’t imprisioned
More Churches closed & turned into grain stores
Church supported the war effort, so pariarchate re-established
Some Churches reopened
414 during WW2
Some agknowledgement that religion could be vital in bosting war morale
Ended anti-religion propaganda & censorship of Church magazines
Abandoned compromise → System of repression like Stalin’s preWW2
Harsh campaign against religion 1958-64
Closure of once re-opened Churches
Reintroduction of propaganda
Refused access to holy sites
Priests role was limited to only spiritual advice
Used Space programme to attack religion
Gagarin and Tereshkova said they had found no God → victory of aethism
Active persecution declined
He knew religious persecution alienated West and damaged Foreign Policy
1976- Some priest created “Christian Committee for Defense of Believers Rights” to highlight human rights abuses
Leader Father Yakunin was imprisoned for 5 years for anti-Soviet propaganda in 1979
Church was allowed to act within it’s defined limits
Expected to support Soviet Policies & be submissive
Clergy were classified according to loyalty to Socialism
Council of Religious Affairs created to monitor services
Evangelical practices were restricted
Jews and Baptists were more likely to be critical so treated with less tolerance