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  • Introduced Decrees defining the relationship between government and religion

    • 1917 Decree on Land (peasants could seize Church’s Land)

    • 1918 Decree on Freedom of Conscience banned religious education outside home

    • 1918 Decree Concerning Separation of Church & State took away traditional priviledges of Orthodox Church

  • Used Cheka to terrorise Church

    • 1918 Head of Orthodox Church was under house arrest

  • All monastries were closed and Churches destroyed

  • Priests were denied food rations, suffrage and targets during Red Terror 1921-22

  • League of Militant Godless was establised as part of Bolshevik propaganda campaign 1929

  • Religious rituals were attacked

    • Replacing baptisms with Octoberings

  • The decentralised Living Church was created by Lenin as a rival which would be easier to control

    • Not prepared to support the regime & most Russians were religious in 1920s

  • Saw religion as a threat to socialist ideology

    • Emphasis on rights of the individual opposed collective mentality

    • The opium of the masses” - Marx

    • Particular opposition to Orthodox Church thanks to Tsarist links

  • Lenin had a particular hatred for priests


  • Campaign of persecution accompanied collectivisation

    • Priests labled as Kulaks and deported

  • More attacks through the Great Purge 1936-39

  • By 1939 only 12 of 163 bishops weren’t imprisioned

  • More Churches closed & turned into grain stores


  • Church supported the war effort, so pariarchate re-established

  • Some Churches reopened

    • 414 during WW2

  • Some agknowledgement that religion could be vital in bosting war morale

  • Ended anti-religion propaganda & censorship of Church magazines


  • Abandoned compromise → System of repression like Stalin’s preWW2

  • Harsh campaign against religion 1958-64

    • Closure of once re-opened Churches

    • Reintroduction of propaganda

    • Refused access to holy sites

    • Priests role was limited to only spiritual advice

  • Used Space programme to attack religion

    • Gagarin and Tereshkova said they had found no God → victory of aethism


  • Active persecution declined

    • He knew religious persecution alienated West and damaged Foreign Policy

    • 1976- Some priest created “Christian Committee for Defense of Believers Rights” to highlight human rights abuses

    • Leader Father Yakunin was imprisoned for 5 years for anti-Soviet propaganda in 1979

  • Church was allowed to act within it’s defined limits

    • Expected to support Soviet Policies & be submissive

    • Clergy were classified according to loyalty to Socialism

  • Council of Religious Affairs created to monitor services

    • Evangelical practices were restricted

    • Jews and Baptists were more likely to be critical so treated with less tolerance





  • Introduced Decrees defining the relationship between government and religion

    • 1917 Decree on Land (peasants could seize Church’s Land)

    • 1918 Decree on Freedom of Conscience banned religious education outside home

    • 1918 Decree Concerning Separation of Church & State took away traditional priviledges of Orthodox Church

  • Used Cheka to terrorise Church

    • 1918 Head of Orthodox Church was under house arrest

  • All monastries were closed and Churches destroyed

  • Priests were denied food rations, suffrage and targets during Red Terror 1921-22

  • League of Militant Godless was establised as part of Bolshevik propaganda campaign 1929

  • Religious rituals were attacked

    • Replacing baptisms with Octoberings

  • The decentralised Living Church was created by Lenin as a rival which would be easier to control

    • Not prepared to support the regime & most Russians were religious in 1920s

  • Saw religion as a threat to socialist ideology

    • Emphasis on rights of the individual opposed collective mentality

    • The opium of the masses” - Marx

    • Particular opposition to Orthodox Church thanks to Tsarist links

  • Lenin had a particular hatred for priests


  • Campaign of persecution accompanied collectivisation

    • Priests labled as Kulaks and deported

  • More attacks through the Great Purge 1936-39

  • By 1939 only 12 of 163 bishops weren’t imprisioned

  • More Churches closed & turned into grain stores


  • Church supported the war effort, so pariarchate re-established

  • Some Churches reopened

    • 414 during WW2

  • Some agknowledgement that religion could be vital in bosting war morale

  • Ended anti-religion propaganda & censorship of Church magazines


  • Abandoned compromise → System of repression like Stalin’s preWW2

  • Harsh campaign against religion 1958-64

    • Closure of once re-opened Churches

    • Reintroduction of propaganda

    • Refused access to holy sites

    • Priests role was limited to only spiritual advice

  • Used Space programme to attack religion

    • Gagarin and Tereshkova said they had found no God → victory of aethism


  • Active persecution declined

    • He knew religious persecution alienated West and damaged Foreign Policy

    • 1976- Some priest created “Christian Committee for Defense of Believers Rights” to highlight human rights abuses

    • Leader Father Yakunin was imprisoned for 5 years for anti-Soviet propaganda in 1979

  • Church was allowed to act within it’s defined limits

    • Expected to support Soviet Policies & be submissive

    • Clergy were classified according to loyalty to Socialism

  • Council of Religious Affairs created to monitor services

    • Evangelical practices were restricted

    • Jews and Baptists were more likely to be critical so treated with less tolerance