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Vocabulary 3

Adversary - An enemy, opponent

-- A best friend off the tennis court can also be a fierce adversary on it.

Alienate - To turn away; to make indifferent or hostile

-- Gossiping and backbiting are bad habits that are bound to alienate friends.

Artifice - A skillful or ingenious device; a clever trick

-- Even the most renowned art experts were completely taken in by the forger’s artifice.

Coerce - To compel, force

-- Dictators try to coerce their subjects to obedience by threatening them or their families with punishment.

Craven - Cowardly / a coward

-- Those who urged Great Britain to make peace with Hitler were criticized for their craven attitude.

Culinary - Of or related to cooking or the kitchen

-- Cooking shows on television have helped many people to master the secrets of the culinary arts.

Demise - A death, especially of a person in a lofty position

-- Traditionally, the tolling of church bells has announced the demise of a monarch.

Exhilarate - To enliven, cheer, give spirit or liveliness to

-- The first landing on the moon, in the summer of 1969, exhilarated the nation.

Fallow - Plowed but not seeded, inactive, land left alone

-- In the drought-stricken region, there were millions of acres of fallow.

Harass - To disturb, worry; to trouble by repeated attacks

-- The judge repeatedly cautioned the prosecuting attorney not to harass the witness.

Inclement - Stormy, harsh; severe in attitude or action

-- During an inclement New England winter, heavy snowfalls may bring highway traffic to a standstill.

Liquidate - To pay a debt, settle an account; to eliminate

-- After a profitable year, the business was able to liquidate its loan.

Muse - To think about in a dreamy way, ponder

-- Philosophers have always mused on the meaning of life.

Negligible - So unimportant it can be disregarded

-- After taxes were deducted, a small raise in salary may result in a negligible increase in take-home pay.

Perpetuate - To make permanent or long lasting

-- In most cultures, people try to perpetuate the customs of their ancestors.

Precedent - An example that may serve as a basis imitation

-- We hope that students at other schools in our city will follow our precedent in volunteer work and charitable contributions.

Punitive - Inflicting or aiming at punishment

-- George III especially approved this punitive policy.

Redness - To set right, remedy/Relief from wrong or injury

-- The accident victims will seek redress for the injuries they suffered in the train crash.

Sojourn - A temporary stay/to stay for a time

-- No matter how short your sojourn in Paris you must take time to go to the Eiffel Tower.

Urbane - Refined in manner or style, suave

-- An urbane host puts guests at ease by appearing totally confident and unruffled no matter what happens.

Vocabulary 3

Adversary - An enemy, opponent

-- A best friend off the tennis court can also be a fierce adversary on it.

Alienate - To turn away; to make indifferent or hostile

-- Gossiping and backbiting are bad habits that are bound to alienate friends.

Artifice - A skillful or ingenious device; a clever trick

-- Even the most renowned art experts were completely taken in by the forger’s artifice.

Coerce - To compel, force

-- Dictators try to coerce their subjects to obedience by threatening them or their families with punishment.

Craven - Cowardly / a coward

-- Those who urged Great Britain to make peace with Hitler were criticized for their craven attitude.

Culinary - Of or related to cooking or the kitchen

-- Cooking shows on television have helped many people to master the secrets of the culinary arts.

Demise - A death, especially of a person in a lofty position

-- Traditionally, the tolling of church bells has announced the demise of a monarch.

Exhilarate - To enliven, cheer, give spirit or liveliness to

-- The first landing on the moon, in the summer of 1969, exhilarated the nation.

Fallow - Plowed but not seeded, inactive, land left alone

-- In the drought-stricken region, there were millions of acres of fallow.

Harass - To disturb, worry; to trouble by repeated attacks

-- The judge repeatedly cautioned the prosecuting attorney not to harass the witness.

Inclement - Stormy, harsh; severe in attitude or action

-- During an inclement New England winter, heavy snowfalls may bring highway traffic to a standstill.

Liquidate - To pay a debt, settle an account; to eliminate

-- After a profitable year, the business was able to liquidate its loan.

Muse - To think about in a dreamy way, ponder

-- Philosophers have always mused on the meaning of life.

Negligible - So unimportant it can be disregarded

-- After taxes were deducted, a small raise in salary may result in a negligible increase in take-home pay.

Perpetuate - To make permanent or long lasting

-- In most cultures, people try to perpetuate the customs of their ancestors.

Precedent - An example that may serve as a basis imitation

-- We hope that students at other schools in our city will follow our precedent in volunteer work and charitable contributions.

Punitive - Inflicting or aiming at punishment

-- George III especially approved this punitive policy.

Redness - To set right, remedy/Relief from wrong or injury

-- The accident victims will seek redress for the injuries they suffered in the train crash.

Sojourn - A temporary stay/to stay for a time

-- No matter how short your sojourn in Paris you must take time to go to the Eiffel Tower.

Urbane - Refined in manner or style, suave

-- An urbane host puts guests at ease by appearing totally confident and unruffled no matter what happens.