E.B. Tylor
Defined religion as belief in spiritual beings.
Promoted the idea of animism as the earliest form of religion.
James Frazer
Known for his work "The Golden Bough".
Argued that magic precedes religion and that both are attempts to manipulate the environment.
Sigmund Freud
Proposed that religion is an illusion and rooted in human psychology.
Analyzed it through the lens of the Oedipus Complex and the interplay of id, ego, and superego.
Karl Marx
Described religion as the "opiate of the masses".
Argued it legitimizes the status quo and distracts the proletariat from their oppression.
Emile Durkheim
Emphasized the social function of religion.
Defined it as a collective phenomenon for social cohesion.
Introduced the concept of collective effervescence.
William James
Focused on individual experiences of religion.
Introduced the ideas of "healthy-minded" versus "sick-souled" individuals.
Rudolf Otto
Known for the concept of numinous experience.
Defined it as a deeply emotional and mystical experience of the divine, characterized by the "Mysterium Tremendum".
Religion: A system of beliefs and practices centered around spiritual or supernatural elements, providing meaning and community.
Animism: Belief that objects and creatures possess a spiritual essence.
Magic: Practices involving manipulation of supernatural forces.
Totem: Symbolic representation (often an animal or plant) of a group.
Taboo: Social or cultural prohibitions against specific practices or discussions.
Monasticism: A religious life characterized by renunciation of worldly pursuits for spiritual work.
Mystics: Individuals seeking direct experiences of the divine.
Asceticism: A lifestyle of abstaining from worldly pleasures for spiritual reasons.
Collective Effervescence: A social phenomenon where a group experiences shared emotional energy.
Communism: An ideology advocating for a classless system with communal ownership of production.
Superstructure/Base: In Marxist theory, cultural and ideological structures arising from the economic base.
Numen: A divine or supernatural force or spirit.
Numinous: Feeling of being in the presence of the holy.
Mysterium Tremendum: Profound sense of awe and fear in the presence of the divine.