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Biology- Cells- Specialised cells

Red blood cell

Used to carry blood around the body


  • small and flexible, helps them to fit into small narrow places

  • very thing membrane so they can absorb gasses ( AKA Oxegen) easier

Sperm cell

To fertilises female eggs and carry DNA


  • the long tail helps it to swim

  • sharp & aromatic head helps with speed and crack into the head

Nerve cell

Sends electrical warning signals to the brain


  • the fat around the tail helps to make the message fast

  • branches to help make them pass the message on

Muscle cell

made to contract and relax for movement


  • a lot of mitochondria for energy

  • can contract very quickly

Root hair cells

helps plants to absorb water


  • large surface helps it absorb a lot of water

  • a lot of mitochondria help it to have a lot of energy

Xylem cell

transports water and minerals around the plant


  • long hollow tubes

  • thing cell membrane, allows water to seep through easy


Moves food the plant has created for its self


  • sleeve tubes made for transport

  • leave sleeve has a rounded end


Biology- Cells- Specialised cells

Red blood cell

Used to carry blood around the body


  • small and flexible, helps them to fit into small narrow places

  • very thing membrane so they can absorb gasses ( AKA Oxegen) easier

Sperm cell

To fertilises female eggs and carry DNA


  • the long tail helps it to swim

  • sharp & aromatic head helps with speed and crack into the head

Nerve cell

Sends electrical warning signals to the brain


  • the fat around the tail helps to make the message fast

  • branches to help make them pass the message on

Muscle cell

made to contract and relax for movement


  • a lot of mitochondria for energy

  • can contract very quickly

Root hair cells

helps plants to absorb water


  • large surface helps it absorb a lot of water

  • a lot of mitochondria help it to have a lot of energy

Xylem cell

transports water and minerals around the plant


  • long hollow tubes

  • thing cell membrane, allows water to seep through easy


Moves food the plant has created for its self


  • sleeve tubes made for transport

  • leave sleeve has a rounded end