Focuses on the breakdown and utilization of sugars and fats.
Regulation of metabolism covered in BIOL 3510: Lecture 11.
General Features of Carbohydrates: Describe their structure and functions.
Monosaccharides: Recognize the names and general structural features.
Cellular Respiration: Understand the general formula and detailed features of its three stages:
1) Glycolysis: Conversion of glucose to pyruvate.
2) Citric Acid Cycle: Processing of acetyl-CoA.
3) Respiratory Electron Transport Chain: Energy production and electron carrier regeneration.
Fates of Pyruvate: Role of oxygen availability.
Respiration & Carbon Skeletons: Associated production processes.
Regulation of Glycolysis: Mechanisms of feedback regulation.
Food Storage in Cells: Mechanisms of how cells store food molecules.
Abundance: Carbohydrates are the most abundant biomolecules on Earth, comprising sugars and saccharides.
Structure: Carbon compounds containing many hydroxyl groups. Commonly end in –ose.
Chiral centers: Carbon atoms with four different groups.
Examples of size range: From glyceraldehyde (3C) to amylopectin (>200,000,000 g/mol).
Glycosidic Bonds: Covalent linkage of sugars with each other or with proteins/lipids.
Energy Storage: Storage forms include glucose, glycogen, and starch.
Biological Roles:
Building blocks for complex carbohydrates, RNA, DNA, vitamins (e.g., L-ascorbic acid), and amino sugars (e.g., glucosamine).
Molecular recognition for the immune system.
Structural roles in cellular protection (plant and bacterial cell walls).
Cell adhesion through glycoproteins.
Biological lubrication and maintenance of structure (e.g., cellulose and chitin).
Sources: Common sugars include fructose, sucrose, lactose, starch, and cellulose (dietary fiber).
Links: Online resources for further exploration of sugars and starch.
Definition: Cannot be hydrolyzed into simpler carbohydrates.
Types: Include:
Trioses (3C), tetroses (4C), pentoses (5C), hexoses (6C), heptoses (7C).
Isomers: Molecules with the same formula but different structures; Question example: identifying ketoses.
Process Overview: Oxidation of food molecules provides energy and carbon skeletons for biosynthesis.
Energy Release: Controlled release during three stages prevents cell damage.
Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA)
Respiratory Electron Transport Chain
Reaction Efficiency: ΔGo’ = -2880 kJ/mol; efficient energy conversion from food substrates.
Digestion Stage: Outside cell; conversion of large molecules.
Glycolysis & Pyruvate Oxidation: Starts in the cytosol and ends in the mitochondrial matrix; production of ATP and NADH.
Citric Acid Cycle & Oxidative Phosphorylation: Occurs in mitochondria; significant ATP production from NADH in the electron transport chain.
Energy Investment Phase: First steps include phosphorylation of glucose, isomerization, and further phosphorylation controlled by phosphofructokinase.
Energy Generation Phase: Conversion of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate leading to ATP generation and NADH production.
Irreversible Steps Identified: Steps 1, 3, and 10 are irreversible in glycolysis.
Dependence on Oxygen: Pyruvate enters respiration or fermentation based on oxygen levels.
Fermentation Types:
Alcoholic: Yeast produces ethanol and CO2.
Lactic Acid: Muscle cells produce lactate.
Function: Both fermentation types regenerate NAD+ for glycolysis continuity.
Sources: Formed from pyruvate in aerobic metabolism and fatty acid breakdown via β-oxidation.
Enzyme Complex: Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex facilitates conversion to acetyl-CoA.
Functionality: Acetyl-CoA oxidation to CO2; generates NADH and FADH2, crucial for energy production.
Localization: Most enzymes reside in the mitochondrial matrix except for succinate dehydrogenase, which interacts with the electron transport chain.
Energy Yield from One Hexose Molecule: Breakdown through glycolysis, TCA, and ATP production.
Mechanism: Activated carriers (NADH & FADH2) donate electrons to the electron transport chain, establishing a proton gradient that drives ATP synthesis. True or False: Oxidative phosphorylation requires a proton gradient.
Caloric Pathways: Catabolic pathways deliver substrates to glycolysis and TCA for energy, while anabolic pathways utilize the products for biosynthesis.
Feedback Regulation Mechanisms: Involve glucose levels impacting glycolytic and gluconeogenesis pathways.
Glycogen and Starch: Animal cells utilize glycogen while plant cells utilize starch for glucose storage.
Fat Storage: Stored as triacylglycerols in adipocytes for animals and in seeds for plants.
Importance: Stored carbohydrates and fats are primary nutrient sources for animals, including humans.
Lecture_11_Cell Energy II
Focuses on the breakdown and utilization of sugars and fats.
Regulation of metabolism covered in BIOL 3510: Lecture 11.
General Features of Carbohydrates: Describe their structure and functions.
Monosaccharides: Recognize the names and general structural features.
Cellular Respiration: Understand the general formula and detailed features of its three stages:
1) Glycolysis: Conversion of glucose to pyruvate.
2) Citric Acid Cycle: Processing of acetyl-CoA.
3) Respiratory Electron Transport Chain: Energy production and electron carrier regeneration.
Fates of Pyruvate: Role of oxygen availability.
Respiration & Carbon Skeletons: Associated production processes.
Regulation of Glycolysis: Mechanisms of feedback regulation.
Food Storage in Cells: Mechanisms of how cells store food molecules.
Abundance: Carbohydrates are the most abundant biomolecules on Earth, comprising sugars and saccharides.
Structure: Carbon compounds containing many hydroxyl groups. Commonly end in –ose.
Chiral centers: Carbon atoms with four different groups.
Examples of size range: From glyceraldehyde (3C) to amylopectin (>200,000,000 g/mol).
Glycosidic Bonds: Covalent linkage of sugars with each other or with proteins/lipids.
Energy Storage: Storage forms include glucose, glycogen, and starch.
Biological Roles:
Building blocks for complex carbohydrates, RNA, DNA, vitamins (e.g., L-ascorbic acid), and amino sugars (e.g., glucosamine).
Molecular recognition for the immune system.
Structural roles in cellular protection (plant and bacterial cell walls).
Cell adhesion through glycoproteins.
Biological lubrication and maintenance of structure (e.g., cellulose and chitin).
Sources: Common sugars include fructose, sucrose, lactose, starch, and cellulose (dietary fiber).
Links: Online resources for further exploration of sugars and starch.
Definition: Cannot be hydrolyzed into simpler carbohydrates.
Types: Include:
Trioses (3C), tetroses (4C), pentoses (5C), hexoses (6C), heptoses (7C).
Isomers: Molecules with the same formula but different structures; Question example: identifying ketoses.
Process Overview: Oxidation of food molecules provides energy and carbon skeletons for biosynthesis.
Energy Release: Controlled release during three stages prevents cell damage.
Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA)
Respiratory Electron Transport Chain
Reaction Efficiency: ΔGo’ = -2880 kJ/mol; efficient energy conversion from food substrates.
Digestion Stage: Outside cell; conversion of large molecules.
Glycolysis & Pyruvate Oxidation: Starts in the cytosol and ends in the mitochondrial matrix; production of ATP and NADH.
Citric Acid Cycle & Oxidative Phosphorylation: Occurs in mitochondria; significant ATP production from NADH in the electron transport chain.
Energy Investment Phase: First steps include phosphorylation of glucose, isomerization, and further phosphorylation controlled by phosphofructokinase.
Energy Generation Phase: Conversion of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate leading to ATP generation and NADH production.
Irreversible Steps Identified: Steps 1, 3, and 10 are irreversible in glycolysis.
Dependence on Oxygen: Pyruvate enters respiration or fermentation based on oxygen levels.
Fermentation Types:
Alcoholic: Yeast produces ethanol and CO2.
Lactic Acid: Muscle cells produce lactate.
Function: Both fermentation types regenerate NAD+ for glycolysis continuity.
Sources: Formed from pyruvate in aerobic metabolism and fatty acid breakdown via β-oxidation.
Enzyme Complex: Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex facilitates conversion to acetyl-CoA.
Functionality: Acetyl-CoA oxidation to CO2; generates NADH and FADH2, crucial for energy production.
Localization: Most enzymes reside in the mitochondrial matrix except for succinate dehydrogenase, which interacts with the electron transport chain.
Energy Yield from One Hexose Molecule: Breakdown through glycolysis, TCA, and ATP production.
Mechanism: Activated carriers (NADH & FADH2) donate electrons to the electron transport chain, establishing a proton gradient that drives ATP synthesis. True or False: Oxidative phosphorylation requires a proton gradient.
Caloric Pathways: Catabolic pathways deliver substrates to glycolysis and TCA for energy, while anabolic pathways utilize the products for biosynthesis.
Feedback Regulation Mechanisms: Involve glucose levels impacting glycolytic and gluconeogenesis pathways.
Glycogen and Starch: Animal cells utilize glycogen while plant cells utilize starch for glucose storage.
Fat Storage: Stored as triacylglycerols in adipocytes for animals and in seeds for plants.
Importance: Stored carbohydrates and fats are primary nutrient sources for animals, including humans.