Weather - Day-to-day changes in atmospheric conditions.
Climate - Averages of weather based on past years according to time of year and location.
Troposphere - The section layer of the atmosphere.
Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) - Where 2 sets of trade winds meet.
Jet Stream: Fast-flowing, meandering air currents in the upper atmosphere.
Caused by wind, tides, water density and gravity
Distribute warmth across the
Surface Currents - move the upper 10% of water
Deep Ocean Currents - move the lower 90% of water
Thermohaline Circulation -
Water on the surface of the ocean is cooled by the wind.
This then sinks, as cold water is denser than warmer water
When it sinks to the bottom of the ocean, it is heated by the Earth’s core
This then causes it to rise
This process continues constantly