Key concepts:
Structural consensus theory
Society is shaped by social institutions that socialise its members into norms and values of society
Society is harmonious because of a value consensus and a collectable conscience
Society fulfils the functional pre-requisites of its individual members
Key functionalist thinkers:
Emile Durkheim:
Education, crime, religion, methods
Talcott Parsons:
Education, family, health, global development, stratification
Robert K Merton:
Emile Durkheim:
Advanced study of sociology as a scientific discipline through positivist methodology
Social order is maintained through similarity in society- social cohesion
Social institutions such as religion and education maintain society
Social norms and values evolve to move society forwards
Talcott Parsons:
Society is a system that has 4 functional pre-requisites
Goal attainment
Latent functions
Pattern maintenance
Tension management
Social changes occur in one part of the system and facilitate changes elsewhere in society
Robert K Merton:
Criticised concept of universal functionalism- for some society is dysfunctional
Suggested functional autonomy- sections of society are independent of each other and do not change when others do
Suggested that social institutions can be replaced- argued against the indispensable nature of institutions such as family, education and religion
Evaluations of functionalism:
Explain the effects of functionalism in order to justify the causes- this is referred to as teleology
Overly deterministic- assumes human behaviour is stable and controlled by external forces- is this the case in the 21st century?
Ignores the conflicts in society- norms and values are explained as serving the needs of society, but whose needs? Marxists and feminists would criticise this
Contributions of functionalism:
First grand narrative- attempt to understand and observe social behaviours
Concepts such as boundary maintenance are still relevant to contemporary society
Advanced the study of society by introducing positivist methodologies to observe ‘social facts’
May be outdated, but continues to influence New Right ideologies