Instructor: Prof. Marc Facciotti, UC Davis
Course: BIS2A
Focus Topic: Photosynthesis and energy transfer in biological pathways.
Date: Friday, February 21st
Format: Regular exam plus two Extra Credit (EC) questions; total of 18 EC points.
Reference Materials: Key figures on metabolic pathways will be provided.
Preparation Resources: Practice exam available at (optional).
Context: Understanding effective strategies for decision-making in biochemical contexts.
Key Considerations:
When/where to make decisions?
What information is most relevant?
Mechanisms for making decisions (allosteric binding via pathways).
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase: Enzyme crucial for converting phosphoenolpyruvate into pyruvate while producing ATP:
Reaction: Phosphoenolpyruvate + ADP + H+ → Pyruvate + ATP
Free energy change: -31.7 to -23.0
NAD+/NADH, ATP: Central molecules in energy transfer and regulatory roles in metabolism.
Allosteric Regulation: Feedback mechanisms on enzyme activity through acetyl-CoA levels.
Similarities in regulation among metabolic cycles.
Importance of fixed carbon, electron donors, and energy sources derived from carbohydrates, lipids, nucleotides, and amino acids.
Carbon and Energy Sources: Including trace elements and vitamins essential for biosynthesis of new molecules.
Byproducts: Carbon dioxide and waste products generated during the consumption of various macromolecules.
ATP Generation: Coupling processes that utilize energy gradients for ATP synthesis, emphasizing electron flow and proton gradients.
Role of Light: Utilization of absorbed light energy to drive upward electron flow to create reduced cytochrome carriers (e.g., NADPH).
Pigments and Electrons: Photosystem I (P700) and Photosystem II (P680) harness light to excite electrons:
Photosystem I: Higher redox potential than many substrates, mediating energy capture.
Photosystem II: Generates oxygen as a byproduct of water splitting.
Order of standard reduction potentials of different pigments and electron carriers crucial for efficiency.
Photosynthetic Pathway: Integrates ATP/NADPH production and Calvin cycle.
Calvin Cycle: Consumes NADPH and ATP to produce sugars from CO2.
NADPH Production: Essential for biosynthetic reactions even in non-photosynthetic organisms.
Key Intermediates: Glucose-6-P, Ribulose-5-P; branched pathways generating various building blocks.
Main Substrates: Identified as critical for synthesizing biomolecules:
Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
Acetyl-CoA, among others.
Integration with Processes: Linkages between glycolysis, TCA, and PPP to provide comprehensive metabolic framework.