External Environment: Specialized structures (lungs, gills) facilitate gas exchange.
Circulation: Body tissues require thick-walled vessels for efficient circulation.
Fluid Movement: A pump (heart) drives fluid flow necessary for gas exchange between CO2 and O2.
All organisms require material exchange with their environment.
In directly exposed organisms, materials are exchanged directly with the environment.
In other organisms, diffusion of gases over larger distances is inefficient.
Natural Selection Solutions:
Body Design: Shapes/size keep cells in direct environmental contact.
Transport Systems: Connect organs of exchange with body cells (internal transport systems).
Found in organisms like cnidarians (e.g., jellyfish, flatworms).
They have a two-cell thick body wall containing a gastrovascular cavity aiding digestion, circulation, and gas exchange.
Complex animals utilize either:
Open Circulatory Systems: Found in arthropods and some mollusks.
Hemolymph: Bathes organs directly; allows substance exchange with body cells.
Advantage: Lower energy requirements.
Closed Circulatory Systems: Found in earthworms and vertebrates.
Blood is confined to vessels, separate from body fluids.
Advantage: Higher blood pressure allows more efficient nutrient/O2 delivery.
Known as the cardiovascular system.
Types of Blood Vessels:
Arteries: Carry blood from the heart to organs.
Arterioles: Smaller; direct blood to capillaries.
Capillaries: Microscopic vessels for gas/chemical exchange.
Venules: Collect blood from capillaries.
Veins: Return blood to the heart.
Heart Structure: Comprises muscular chambers; differences across vertebrates in chamber number and separation.
Single Circulation:
Observed in fish with a 2-chambered heart. Blood passes through two capillary beds before returning.
Double Circulation:
Found in amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.
Right heart sends O2-poor blood to lungs (pulmonary circuit) and left heart pumps O2-rich blood to body (systemic circuit).
Mammalian Circulation:
RV pumps blood to lungs.
Blood loads O2, unloads CO2 in lungs.
O2-rich blood returns via pulmonary veins.
Blood flows to LV.
LV pumps it through the aorta to body tissues.
Blood returns to RA via vena cavae.
Cardiac Cycle: Heart beats in cycles. Four valves prevent backflow.
Cardiac Output (CO): Total volume of blood pumped/minute, = Heart Rate (HR) x Stroke Volume (SV).
Heart’s Rhythm: Controlled by the SA node (pacemaker) with signals spread through heart tissue for synchronized contraction.
Thick, elastic walls to withstand high blood pressure.
Thinner walls, lower velocity, one-way valves prevent backflow.
Thin-walled for efficient diffusion of gases/chemicals.
Blood pressure: Hydrostatic pressure against vessel walls.
Systolic/diastolic pressures reflect heart cycle stages.
Vasoconstriction: Smooth muscle contraction in arterioles increases BP.
Vasodilation: Smooth muscle relaxation decreases BP.
Capillaries have 5-10% filled at times; control of blood flow regulated by smooth muscle and precapillary sphincters.
Transports lymph back to circulatory system; includes lymph nodes filtering pathogens.
Plasma (55%):
Contains water, ions (sodium, potassium), plasma proteins (albumin for osmotic balance, fibrinogen for clotting), nutrients, waste products, gases.
Cellular Elements (45%):
Erythrocytes (RBCs): Most abundant, transport O2 via hemoglobin.
Leukocytes (WBCs): Defense/immune response.
Platelets: Assist in blood clotting.
Coagulation: Forms a clot from liquid blood; complex cascade activates fibrinogen turning into fibrin.
Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD): Most prevalent turning out of Chester Avenue; includes atherosclerosis and heart attacks.
Atherosclerosis: Caused by plaque buildup from LDL in arteries reducing blood flow.
Heart Attack: Damage due to blockage of coronary arteries; symptoms include chest pain.
Stroke: Death of brain tissue from lack of O2.
Includes ventilation (movement of respiratory medium over surfaces) and surface adaptations (gills, lungs).
Gills: Aquatic animals; utilize counter-current exchange for efficient O2 absorption.
Lungs: Terrestrial adaptation; facilitate gas exchange within alveoli, facilitated by capillary networks.
Amphibians: Positive pressure breathing, pushing air into lungs.
Mammals: Negative pressure, pulling air into lungs through diaphragm and rib muscle contractions.
Governed by the medulla oblongata responding to CO2 levels detected in the blood.