1: Organisms to Ecosystems
The Zika Pandemic
Spread from equatorial band
Part of larger virus group called Flaviviruses
Linked to microcephaly in child development
Planet is influenced by species on global scale
Can be transmitted vertically (mom to child) and from males to offspring
Spread across Africa in series of jumps (pandemic)- including a host shift (from one species of mosquito to another)
Other relatives of Zika can cause similar problems
Evolutionary potential, genetic basis, and ecological context MUST be understood to see the threat to different communities from different diseases
The Flu (Influenza)
Types A (more virulent and dangerous), B (more stables and mild syndrome), C
Monitored and classified by two proteins
Evolutionary change can be micro (antigenic drift caused by small mutations) or macro (antigenic shift caused by recombination between strains)
Flu spreads in the cold- many hypotheses for this
The Spanish Flu
Called H1N1
Had massive impact, took out a percent of the world's population
Still exists today
Change in mix of influenza
Has shifts in nucleotide sequence that create diversity, allowing virus to evade immune systems
Influenza disappeared during COVID-19 Pandemic (social distancing, etc)
People are going back and forth between hemispheres, adding to the complexity of the global disease scene
Can see evolution of flue using phylogenetic methods
Vaccine for flu
Quest for vaccine needs to confront fact that flu virus changes at light speed
We are large organisms, and cannot respond as rapidly to infection
Immune systems are microevolution that happens within us
Search is on for antibody that can get to stable part of flu virus
Stable parts of influenza are hard to bind to for an antibody (stem of spike)
2: Evolution in Action
Masked palm clever and sunda pangolin are suggested to give coronavirus
Why Study Evolution
Explain who we are, where we came from, and where we are going
Understand and protect existing biotic diversity (need to understand where species are and are from- genetic analysis)
Recognize significance of variation between species and within populations
Engineer new products and tools
Combat diseases and pests
Evidence for Evolution
Historic, experimental, and contemporary observations
Fossils (organisms changed gradually or dramatically over time, and give evidence of inherited qualities of the phenotype that enhances fitness)
Homologies, analogies, and vestiges
Biogeography (geographic distribution of species)
Evolution in Action: direct observations (disease virulence and drug resistance, artificial selection and experimental evolution, adaptation to anthropogenic change and biological invasions)
Artificial Selection Examples
Brassica oleracea: changes composition of gene pool, changing frequency of particular alleles that make bright flowers, then made populations homogeneous for bright coloured flowers (artificially selecting traits and creating new populations- micro evolutionary change)
Broccoli, cauliflower, kale are same species but changed
Sometimes strong directional selection is limited by the range of variation present in the ancestor population, but sometimes artificial selection leads to phenotypes outside the ancestral range
Many characters are quantitative: under the control of many genes
Soapberry bugs in Florida
Host-shift to introduced fpgrt by the bugs was accompanied by a reduction in feeding apparatus that appeared to be an adaptation
Difference persisted in the lab
Has rivers that cascade down on both sides
Guppies living upstream have small predators that only prey on baby guppies
Guppies living downstream encounter larger fishes like pike
Males are larger and more colourful where predation is weak
Females are always cryptic
Many streams around north and south side of Trinidad, which is repeated topography, separate populations, replication in short geographical space
3: Forces of Evolution
Collected guppies and brought back to California to perform lab manipulations, leaves them for six months, and notices increase in spots on males
Brightly coloured males got eaten at higher rate
Variety of twists now used in repetition of Endler’s experiments:
Bilateral movement of fish between predation regimes, communities of predators differing in different river systems, understanding how life history strategies change
Lyell’s Gradualism, Malthusian Realism
Hutton and Lyell were geologists who posited that geological processes actually meant that the Earth was ancient
Uniformitarianism: idea there was no magical change in planet causing life
Malthus said that populations grow exponentially, and resources are finite, meaning you get resource limitation
Because environment is finite, there will be competition
Saw earth shift
Galapagos Islands influenced him to look at diversity
Variation in groups: variation of reproductive success and survival related traits
Theory that heredity is related to germ pools in the bloodstream
Tree with lineages
Races: variety of species
Rock Dove
Gives rise through breeding in different forms
Blending: breeding two animals together to get intermediate
Dominance: one trait overshadows another
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
If populations are big and conditions are stable, then the frequency of genes in the populations shouldn’t be expected to change
Frequency of genotypes shouldnt change if mating is random among individuals
Modern Synthesis
Fusion of mendelian genetics with darwinian evolutionary concept
Natural selection is main engine of evolutionary change and causes adaptation
Works quantitatively
If a subset of a population is able to breed and others are not
Changes that occur depend on how much variation and how much variation is underlain by inheritable genetic variants
Response to selection is described by breeders equation: Response= heritability (relationship between parent and offspring) x strength of selection (how many lived and died)l
If heritability is low, get weak response
If 100%, get perfect response (almost never happens)
Directional selection: move population for environmental factors (more dark mice because they don't stand out from soil)- mean changes, variance doesn't
Disruptive selection: don’t want to be in middle (some parts of environment with light sand and some with dark, so there are both light and dark mice)- variance increases, mean doesn’t
Stabilizing selection: intermediacy is favoured, want to be in middle (wanting to be middle height)- variance decreases, mean doesn’t
Plasmodium sp. causes malaria (they are parasites)
Females bite (draw blood), males wait to mate with females
How to estimate: through comparisons amongst generations
Take two parents and find average (mid-parent value) and ask how much of kids is average of parents
Weak heritability has to do with amount of environmental noise (can be exact same population measured but different environmental factor)
Strong heritability is when mid-parent value strongly predicts the size of offspring
When reduced environmental variation, we get stronger heritability, and vise versa
Nothing exists without sexual reproduction (goes hand in hand with multicellularity)
Less than 1% of animals are asexual
Eukaryotes came into existence through an archaean that went through the process of endosymbiosis with a bacterium
Sexual Cascade
Blending genes between individuals
Why do we need males?
Isogamy: zygotes produced from equal contributions of + and - (mating types share cost of making a bigger zygote)
Unstable equilibrium
Variation in population (some need more energy some need less)- opens the door to process evolving two different strategies: make lots and try to fertilize as many of other gametes as possible, or make them good quality, which is an egg
Parasitic male: evolution of microgamete producers piggybacking becoming parasitic to gamete produces making larger, more well-provision gametes
Anisogamy: arises from isogamy, unequal contributions
Oogamy: “true” egg
Trade Offs
Relationship between gamete size and gamete number: larger number of gametes, you cannot make as many (lower number=larger size=higher chance of survival)
Mitotic reproduction
Double and split, everything stays the same
Host-host competition and clonal reproduction: favours helpful mitochondria/plastids
Sexual process: share cytoplasm between gametes that fuse together, opening door for parasitism and disease
Consequences of Anisogamy
Differential gamete sizes drive wide range of changes related to sex-specialization
Factors that drive sex differences: offspring energy and care requirements (egg size, shelter, post-hatching care) and mating system (frequency of sexual reproduction, probability of fertilization, competition for mates, sperm competition)
Sexual Selection
Intraseuxal: male-male combat
Intersexual: choice of mates based upon charms
AJ Bateman
Combined males with multiple, different dominant markers with virgin females in mating chambers
Measure female fertility and count all offspring, scoring each brood for frequency of each marker
Bateman’s Principles for males: males are more strongly sexually selected sex (more intrasexual competition, greater expression of secondary sexual characters, bigger winners, bigger losers)
6: The Cost of Sex
Cost of males
If one sex depends on the other, each generation these genomes only contribute 50% of their genome to each offspring
Those kids find mates and have kids, then each grandchild is ¼ related to original genomes (if reproducing at same rate)
Just female
A female reproducing without a male, produces only daughters
Grandkids will be 100% related to original female (she has just copies of herself)
Exponential advantage to asexuality
Costs of mating
Mates have to find one another
Fertilization is often inefficient
Direct conflict and injury mating
Missed opportunity costs
Increased predation risk
Competition for mates
Females and males share the same gene pool
Sex scrambles gene combinations
Natural selection builds up favorable combinations of alleles at different loci, but recombination breaks apart these combinations and reassorts them
Polygyny and Fitness
A male that secures many breeding partners can have very high relative fitness
If a few males gain all the copulations, there will be many unsuccessful males
Bateman gradient
Statistical relationship between mating success and reproductive success
Module 1: Evolution
Ch 22: Evolutionary mechanisms | Evolution
Pattern: revealed by data from biology, geology, physics, and chemistry (observations about natural world) Process: mechanisms that produce the observed pattern of change Classification of Species Scala naturae: ladder or scale that life-forms can be arranged on Carolus Linnaeus: developed two-part format for naming species and nested classification system (grouping similar species into increasingly general categories)
Change over Time
Strata: new layers of sediment covers old ones and compresses into superimposed layers of rock
Lamarck’s Hypothesis of Evolution
Use and disuse: parts of the body used extensively become larger and stronger, while those not used deteriorate
Darwin’s Research
Darwin’s Focus on Adaptation Adaptations: inherited characteristics of organisms that enhance their survival and reproduction in specific environments
Natural selection: process in which individuals that have certain inherited traits tend to survive and reproduce at higher rates than other individuals because of those traits Descent with Modification
Artificial Selection, Natural Selection, and Adaptation
Artificial selection: humans have modified other species over generations by selecting and breeding individuals that possess desired traits
Darwin argues that a similar process occurs in nature off of two observations:
Homology Homology: similarity resulting from common ancestry Homologous structures: represent variations on a structural theme that was present in common ancestor
Vestigial structure: feature of an organism that is a historical remnant of a structure that served a function in the organism’s ancestors
Homologies and “Tree Thinking” Tetrapods: vertebrate group that consists of amphibians, mammals, and reptiles Evolutionary trees: hypotheses that summarize our current understanding of patterns of descent Convergent Evolution
Analogous: share similar function, but not common ancestry The Fossil Record
Plate tectonics: slow movement of Earth’s continents over time
Endemic: found nowhere else in the world |
Ch 23: Evolution of populations | The Smallest Unit of Evolution Microevolution: evolution on its smallest scale (change in allele frequencies in a population over generations)
Genetic variation
Formation of New Alleles
Altering Gene Number or Position
Rapid reproduction
Sexual reproduction
Gene pools and allele frequencies
Gene pool: consists of all copies of every type of allele at every locus in all members of the population
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Applying the Hardy-Weinberg Equation p^2+2pq+q^2=1 (P^2= dominant homozygous frequency, 2pq= heterozygous frequency, q^2= recessive homozygous frequency)
Natural Selection
Adaptive evolution: process in which traits that enhance survival or reproduction tend to increase in frequency over time Genetic Drift
Effects: significant in small populations, can cause allele frequencies to change at random, can lead to a loss of genetic variation within populations, can cause harmful alleles to become fixed The Founder Effect: few individuals become isolated from a larger population, and smaller group may establish a new population whose gene pool differs from the source population The Bottleneck Effect: genetic drift that occurs when the size of a population is reduced by natural disaster or human actions Gene Flow
Relative Fitness
Directional, Disruptive, and Stabilizing Selection
Directional selection: occurs when conditions favour individuals exhibiting one extreme of a phenotypic range (shifts populations frequency curve for the phenotypic character in one direction or the other)
Disruptive selection: occurs when conditions favors individuals at both extremes of a phenotypic range over individuals with intermediate phenotypes Stabilizing selection: acts against both extreme phenotypes and favours intermediate variants
Adaptive Evolution
Sexual Selection
Intrasexual selection: selection within same sex (individuals of one sex compete directly for mates of the opposite sex) Intersexual selection: individuals of one sec are choosy in selecting their mates of the other sex (in many cases, females choice depends on showiness of male)
Balancing Selection
Frequency-Dependent Selection: fitness of phenotype depends on how common it is in the population Heterozygote Advantage: individuals who are heterozygous at a particular locus have greater fitness than do both kinds of homozygotes
Why Natural Selection Cannot Fashion Perfect Organisms
Ch 24: Origin of species | The Biological Species Concept Species: A species is a group of populations whose members:
Key Characteristics: Members are reproductively compatible, at least potentially.
Focus: Based on the potential to interbreed rather than physical similarity.
Reproductive Isolation
Role in Speciation:
Effectiveness of Barriers:
Types of Reproductive Barriers:
Classification of Reproductive Barriers Prezygotic Barriers (“Before the Zygote”):
Postzygotic Barriers (“After the Zygote”):
Limitations of the Biological Species Concept Strength of the Concept: Highlights the role of reproductive isolation in speciation Limitations:
Gene Flow Exceptions:
Natural Selection and Gene Flow:
Other Definitions of Species Contrast with Biological Species Concept: While the biological species concept emphasizes species separateness due to reproductive barriers, other concepts focus on the unity within a species Morphological Species Concept: Characterizes a species by body shape and other structural features
Common Usage: Most species are distinguished using this concept in practice
Ecological Species Concept: Defines a species based on its ecological niche—the sum of how species interact with living and nonliving components of their environment
Emphasizes: The role of disruptive natural selection as species adapt to different environmental conditions Diversity of Species Concepts:
Relevance of the Biological Species Concept:
Allopatric (“Other Country”) Speciation Definition: In allopatric speciation, gene flow is interrupted when a population is divided into geographically isolated subpopulations
Causes of Geographic Isolation:
The Process of Allopatric Speciation Impact of Geographic Barriers:
Genetic Divergence After Isolation:
Sympatric (“Same Country”) Speciation Definition: Speciation occurs in populations that live in the same geographic area
Polyploidy Definition: Condition where an organism has extra sets of chromosomes
Types of Polyploidy: 1. Autopolyploid: More than two chromosome sets derived from a single species
2. Allopolyploid: Results from the hybridization of two species
Habitat Differentiation Definition: Genetic factors enable a subpopulation to exploit a new habitat or resource, reducing gene flow with the parent population
Patterns Within Hybrid Zones Definition: Regions where members of different species meet and mate, producing hybrid offspring
Environmental Shifts: Can cause hybrid zones to move or new zones to form
Climate change (warmer winters) allowed the southern species to expand northward, creating a new hybrid zone Genetic Variation: Hybrid zones can introduce novel genetic variations that improve adaptability
Hybrid Zones Over Time Possible Outcomes: Reinforcement: Strengthening of reproductive barriers
Fusion: Weakening of reproductive barriers
The Time Course of Speciation Sources of Information:
Patterns in the Fossil Record Punctuated Equilibria: Periods of stasis (little change) interrupted by sudden change
Gradual Speciation: Some species change slowly over time without clear breaks
Speciation Rates Key Factors:
From Speciation to Macroevolution Speciation’s Role in Evolution: Small differences (e.g., cichlid color) can accumulate, leading to major evolutionary changes
Speciation and Extinction:
Ch 25: The History of Life |
Formation of Earth: Formed 4.6 billion years ago from a cloud of dust and rocks
Early Atmosphere: Little oxygen, thick with water vapor and volcanic gases:
As Earth cooled:
Miller-Urey Experiment (1953):
Alternative Hypotheses: Volcanic Activity:
Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents:
Abiotic Synthesis of Macromolecules Formation of Macromolecules: Small organic molecules like amino acids and nitrogenous bases are not enough for life
Key Findings:
Protocells Definition: Simple, cell-like structures capable of reproduction and metabolism Formation: Vesicles form spontaneously when lipids are added to water, creating a bilayer like a plasma membrane, Montmorillonite clay speeds up vesicle formation by concentrating organic molecules Key Properties:
Self-Replicating RNA
Ribozymes: RNA molecules that catalyze reactions, including self-replication Molecular Natural Selection:RNA molecules with advantageous shapes replicate faster and more accurately
Modern Experiments:
Formation of Fossils: Fossils mainly found in sedimentary rocks formed from layers of sediment called strata Other fossil types: Amber (fossilized tree sap) and organisms frozen in ice What the Fossil Record Shows:
Notable Discoveries:
Relative Dating: Determining the sequence of fossil layers, like peeling wallpaper to see which layer came first
Radiometric Dating (Absolute Dating): Based on the decay of radioactive isotopes
Key Isotopes:
Dating Older Fossils:
The Origin of New Groups of Organisms Example: The Origin of Mammals
Fossil Evidence:
The First Single-Celled Organisms Earliest Evidence of Life:
Prokaryotic Dominance: Prokaryotes were the only life forms for over 1.5 billion years
Photosynthesis and the Oxygen Revolution Oxygenic Photosynthesis: First evolved in photosynthetic prokaryotes (like cyanobacteria)
Banded Iron Formations: Iron in oceans reacted with O₂ to form iron oxide, creating red sedimentary layers The Oxygen Revolution (~2.7 billion years ago): O₂ levels rose rapidly, reaching 1-10% of current levels by 2.4 billion years ago Impact:
The First Eukaryotes Oldest Eukaryotic Fossils: Date back 1.8 billion years Key Features: Nucleus, mitochondria, endomembrane system, cytoskeleton Endosymbiosis Theory: Eukaryotes evolved from a host cell engulfing prokaryotic cells that became mitochondria and plastids Evidence for Endosymbiosis:
The Origin of Multicellularity Early Multicellular Life: Red algae fossils from 1.2 billion years ago Ediacaran biota (~600 million years ago): Soft-bodied, large multicellular organisms Significance:
The Cambrian Explosion (~535–525 million years ago) Rapid Evolution of Animal Life:
Pre-Cambrian Life:
The Colonization of Land First Land Life:
Adaptations for Land:
Animals on Land:
Human Evolution:
Plate Tectonics Definition: The theory that Earth’s crust is divided into large plates that float on the hot, semi-fluid layer of the mantle Continental Drift: Movement of continents over time due to shifting tectonic plates
Mechanism of Movement: Driven by mantle convection, causing plates to move a few centimeters per year
Earth’s Major Plates: North American, Eurasian, Pacific, African, Indo-Australian, South American, Antarctic Plate Boundaries and Geologic Activity Divergent Boundaries:
Transform Boundaries:
Convergent Boundaries:
Subduction: Denser oceanic plate sinks below a continental plate Mountain formation: When two continental plates collide
Consequences of Continental Drift Habitat Changes:
Climate Change:Continents shifting causes climate shifts
Fossil Distribution: Fossils of the same species found on continents now separated by oceans
Modern Biogeography:
Mass Extinctions Definition: A mass extinction occurs when large numbers of species become extinct worldwide due to disruptive global environmental changes Causes of Extinction:
The “Big Five” Mass Extinction Events
1. Permian Mass Extinction (252 million years ago)
2. Cretaceous Mass Extinction (66 million years ago)
Is a Sixth Mass Extinction Under Way? Current Extinction Crisis: Human activities (e.g., habitat destruction, climate change) are driving many species to extinction
Challenges in Assessment:
Link to Climate Change:
Future Outlook:
Consequences of Mass Extinctions Biodiversity Loss:
Recovery Time:
Ecological Shifts:
Loss of Advantageous Traits: Innovative lineages can be wiped out before they fully diversify Opportunities for Adaptive Radiations: Extinctions create ecological vacancies, allowing new species to evolve and diversify Adaptive Radiations Definition: Periods of rapid evolutionary change where species diversify to fill new or vacant ecological niches Triggers:
Worldwide Adaptive Radiations Mammals:
Major Radiations in History:
Land colonization: Plants, insects, and tetrapods diversified after adapting to terrestrial life Regional Adaptive Radiations Hawaiian Archipelago: Isolated volcanic islands with unique species found nowhere else Geographic isolation + diverse environments = rapid speciation
Effects of Developmental Genes on Evolution Evo-Devo: Explores how small genetic changes can cause major morphological differences Changes in Rate and Timing (Heterochrony) Definition: Evolutionary change in the rate or timing of developmental events
Paedomorphosis: Retention of juvenile traits in adult form
Changes in Spatial Pattern Homeotic Genes: Control the placement and organization of body parts
Plant Development:
Origins of Developmental Genes Ediacaran Fossils (560 million years old): Suggest that genes for complex animals existed 25 million years before the Cambrian explosion Adaptive Evolution: Driven by natural selection acting on:
Changes in Gene Sequence Gene Duplication: Creates new developmental genes that lead to novel morphological traits Changes in Gene Regulation Gene Regulation vs. Gene Sequence:
Evolutionary Novelties Descent with Modification: Complex structures evolve from simpler ancestral forms
Exaptations: Structures that evolved for one function but were later co-opted for another
Evolutionary Trends Definition: Patterns of change in traits over time, often seen in the fossil record
Species Selection Model:
Ch 26: Phylogeny & the tree of life | Binomial Nomenclature Definition: A two-part scientific naming system for organisms developed by Carolus Linnaeus. Structure:
Hierarchical Classification
Taxon (plural: taxa): A named group at any level (e.g., Mammalia = class).
Linking Classification and Phylogeny Phylogenetic Tree: A diagram representing evolutionary relationships based on common ancestry. Issues:
Modern Approach: Some systematists advocate classification based solely on evolutionary relationships. Visualizing Phylogenetic Relationships Key Terms:
Important Notes:
Morphological and Molecular Homologies Homology: Similarity due to shared ancestry. Morphological Homology: Structural similarities (e.g., forelimb bones in mammals). Molecular Homology: Similar DNA or protein sequences. Analogy: Similarity due to convergent evolution, not common ancestry (e.g., marsupial vs. eutherian moles). Distinguishing Homology vs. Analogy:
Evaluating Molecular Homologies Challenges:
Molecular Homoplasies: Coincidental similarities in distantly related species. Techniques:
Cladistics Definition: A systematics approach classifying organisms into clades based on common ancestry. Key Concepts:
Shared Ancestral vs. Shared Derived Characters Shared Ancestral Character: Originated in an ancestor of the taxon (e.g., backbone in mammals). Shared Derived Character: Unique to a particular clade (e.g., hair in mammals). Character Loss: Loss of features (e.g., limbs in snakes) can also be a derived character. Inferring Phylogenies Using Derived Character Ingroup vs. Outgroup:
Maximum Parsimony Definition: The simplest explanation that requires the fewest evolutionary changes is preferred. Principle: Known as Occam’s Razor—“shave away” unnecessary complexity. Application:
Key Point: Parsimonious trees assume that evolutionary changes are rare events. Maximum Likelihood Definition: Identifies the phylogenetic tree that is most likely to have produced the observed data based on probability models of DNA change. Factors Considered:
Comparison to Parsimony:
Interpreting Phylogenetic Trees Phylogenetic Trees = Hypotheses: They represent the best guess based on current data, which may change with new discoveries.
Tree Modifications: Trees are revised when new data (molecular, morphological) emerge. Types of Phylogenetic Trees 1. Cladograms
2. Phylograms
Applying Phylogenies:
Gene Duplications and Gene Families Gene Duplication: Increases gene copies, creating potential for new functions. Gene Families: Groups of related genes from duplication events. Types of Homologous Genes:
Genome Evolution
Molecular Clocks Definition: A tool for estimating the timing of evolutionary events based on the assumption that genetic mutations accumulate at a constant rate. Key Points:
Limitations of Molecular Clocks
Three-Domain System Domains:
Replaces the Old “Five Kingdom” System: Monera is obsolete due to diversity within prokaryotes. Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) Definition: Genes transferred between unrelated species. Mechanisms:
Impact on Phylogeny: