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rise of the monarchies


capetian kings — family of kings

hugh capet — was the start of the capetian kings

louis vi (louis the fat) — first to increase the power of monarchy by removing disloyal nobles & putting loyal peasants in their place

→ won the loyalty of the townspeople

king philip ii — made paris the center of government

→ increased the size of the french kingdom

  • recaptured lands from the english

louis ix (st. louis) — grandson of king philip ii

→ helped unite the french people

  • forbade duals which were formally used to settle disputes

philip iv — grandson of louis ix

→ made sure taxes were regularly collected

  • marked the beginning of a national government in france


edward the confessor — constructed a new cathedral where all english monarchs were crowned

harold godwinson — named edward’s successor when he was on his deathbed instead of edgar the ætheling

  • edgar the ætheling — the legitimate heir of edward the confessor

witenagemot — assembly of the elite who advised the king

→ recognized harold as king

willam the conqueror — fought and defeated harold with his norman army

battle of hastings — battle between william the conqueror and harold godwinson

henry ii — developed a legal system

→ helped establish english common law

→ all important cases in england were decided by juries by 1250

  • lived in france during most of his reign

two sons of henry ii

  1. richardthe lionhearted“— spent his time fighting saladin & the muslims in the 3rd crusade or fighting philip ii of france

    • after he died, philip ii continued to fight his brother

  2. king john of england — tried to raise money to fight philip ii by unfairly taxing his citizens

    • citizens forced him to write the magna carta

magna carta — stated that all men shall be tried by a jury of their peers

→ returned power to the people

the 100 years war — royal families from england & france were both vying for the french throne

jeanne d’arc (joan of arc) — posed as a man to help free the city of orleans


otto i — maintained his power through close ties with the church

→ thought of himself as the successor to charlemagne

  • lost power when henry iv & pope gregory had a falling out

frederick i (frederick barbarossa) — called his empire the holy roman empire

→ his territory eventually divided because he set out on the 3rd crusade with richard the lionheart of england & philip ii

  • he drowned in the saleph river on the march to the holy land

habsburg dynasty — the holy roman empire gained control of flanders

→ brought other countries their control through marriage


moors — conquered spain in 711

→ prince ferdinand of aragon & princess isabella of castille were the most powerful

prince ferdinand of aragon — married princess isabella of castille

→ basis for the unification of spain

  • corregidores — royal officials who governed towns

→ believed the spaniards must be catholic & killed thousands of jews unless the converted

→ forced moors to convert / flee to africa

spanish inquisition — ferdinand & isabella tortured thousands charged with heresy & with other beliefs

united catholic monarchy — this weakened spain because many moors & jews were important

  • paid for christopher columbus’ voyage


rise of the monarchies


capetian kings — family of kings

hugh capet — was the start of the capetian kings

louis vi (louis the fat) — first to increase the power of monarchy by removing disloyal nobles & putting loyal peasants in their place

→ won the loyalty of the townspeople

king philip ii — made paris the center of government

→ increased the size of the french kingdom

  • recaptured lands from the english

louis ix (st. louis) — grandson of king philip ii

→ helped unite the french people

  • forbade duals which were formally used to settle disputes

philip iv — grandson of louis ix

→ made sure taxes were regularly collected

  • marked the beginning of a national government in france


edward the confessor — constructed a new cathedral where all english monarchs were crowned

harold godwinson — named edward’s successor when he was on his deathbed instead of edgar the ætheling

  • edgar the ætheling — the legitimate heir of edward the confessor

witenagemot — assembly of the elite who advised the king

→ recognized harold as king

willam the conqueror — fought and defeated harold with his norman army

battle of hastings — battle between william the conqueror and harold godwinson

henry ii — developed a legal system

→ helped establish english common law

→ all important cases in england were decided by juries by 1250

  • lived in france during most of his reign

two sons of henry ii

  1. richardthe lionhearted“— spent his time fighting saladin & the muslims in the 3rd crusade or fighting philip ii of france

    • after he died, philip ii continued to fight his brother

  2. king john of england — tried to raise money to fight philip ii by unfairly taxing his citizens

    • citizens forced him to write the magna carta

magna carta — stated that all men shall be tried by a jury of their peers

→ returned power to the people

the 100 years war — royal families from england & france were both vying for the french throne

jeanne d’arc (joan of arc) — posed as a man to help free the city of orleans


otto i — maintained his power through close ties with the church

→ thought of himself as the successor to charlemagne

  • lost power when henry iv & pope gregory had a falling out

frederick i (frederick barbarossa) — called his empire the holy roman empire

→ his territory eventually divided because he set out on the 3rd crusade with richard the lionheart of england & philip ii

  • he drowned in the saleph river on the march to the holy land

habsburg dynasty — the holy roman empire gained control of flanders

→ brought other countries their control through marriage


moors — conquered spain in 711

→ prince ferdinand of aragon & princess isabella of castille were the most powerful

prince ferdinand of aragon — married princess isabella of castille

→ basis for the unification of spain

  • corregidores — royal officials who governed towns

→ believed the spaniards must be catholic & killed thousands of jews unless the converted

→ forced moors to convert / flee to africa

spanish inquisition — ferdinand & isabella tortured thousands charged with heresy & with other beliefs

united catholic monarchy — this weakened spain because many moors & jews were important

  • paid for christopher columbus’ voyage