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psych 19/25

Introduction to Parenting Styles

  • Life is about balance in all areas, including parenting.

  • The discussion focuses on various parenting styles and their impacts on children.

Negligent Parenting

  • Negligent parents: Uninvolved, neither demanding nor responsive.

    • Lack close relationships with children.

    • Example of neglect: Children seen at odd hours, like late-night bike rides, often indicate neglect.

  • Children in these scenarios may be recognized by police due to repeated incidents.

    • Typical response: Police return children home to inattentive parents.

  • Key point: Being a parent requires responsibility; just having children does not equate to effective parenting.

Authoritative Parenting

  • Authoritative parents: Not pushovers but set clear standards.

    • They are demanding yet responsive.

    • Control exerted through rules while encouraging open dialogue.

  • Personal experience: Parents had high expectations but engaged in discussions.

    • Importance of communication: Understanding why rules are set enriches child development.

    • Example: Flexibility in rules when valid reasons are provided for not meeting expectations.

Authoritarian Parenting

  • Authoritarian parents: Demand obedience with less responsiveness.

    • Example: Punitive response to a child's unexpected lateness due to a flat tire.

    • Contrast with authoritative parenting: Authoritarian style lacks reasoning and adaptability.

Complexity in Parenting Styles

  • Parents often have different styles (authoritative vs. authoritarian, etc.).

  • Each parent's individual approach may vary per child, complicating relationships and dynamics.

    • This can directly affect children's behavior and development.


  • Reflecting on parenting styles is crucial for personal growth and understanding.

  • Encouragement to consider these lessons in future discussions on parenting.

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