Meiosis - occurs during the process of sexual reproduction.
A cell destined to undergo meiosis goes through the cell cycle, synthesizing a second copy of DNA.
But after G2, the cell instead enters meiosis, which consists of two cell divisions, not one.
The second cell division exists because the gametes to be formed from meiosis must be haploid.
This is because they are going to join with another haploid gamete at conception to produce the diploid zygote. Two parts - meiosis I and meiosis II.
Four steps, similar to mitosis: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
Homologous chromosomes - resemble one another in shape, size, function, and the genetic information they contain.
In humans, the 46 chromosomes are divided into 23 homologous pairs.
One member of each pair comes from an individual’s mother, and the other member comes from the father.
Meiosis I - the separation of the homologous pairs into two separate cells.
Meiosis II - the separation of the duplicated sister chromatids into chromosomes.
As a result, a single meiotic cycle produces four cells from a single cell. The cells produced during meiosis in the human life cycle - gametes.
Prophase I - Each chromosome pairs with its homolog. Crossover (synapsis) occurs in this phase. The nuclear envelope breaks apart, and a spindle apparatus begins to form.
Metaphase I - Chromosomes align along the metaphase plate matched with their homologous partner. This stage ends with the separation of the homologous pairs.
Anaphase I - Separated homologous pairs move to opposite poles of the cell.
Telophase I - Nuclear membrane reforms; the process of cytoplasmic division begins.
Cytokinesis - After the daughter cells split, the two newly formed cells are haploid (n).
Meiosis consists of a single synthesis period during which the DNA is replicated, followed by two acts of cell division.
With the completion of the first cell division, meiosis I, the cells are haploid because they no longer consist of two full sets of chromosomes.
The cell then enters meiosis II.
Prophase II - The nuclear envelope breaks apart, and spindle apparatus begins to form.
Metaphase II - Sister chromatids line up along the equator of the cell.
Anaphase II - Sister chromatids split apart and are called chromosomes as they are pulled to the poles.
Telophase II - The nuclei and the nucleoli for the newly split cells return.
Cytokinesis - **Newly formed daughter cells physically divide
Process of gamete formation:
In men, spermatogenesis leads to the production of four haploid sperm during each meiotic cycle.
In women- called oogenesis. Trickier process than spermatogenesis - each complete meiotic cycle leads to the production of a single ovum, or egg.
After meiosis I in females, one cell receives half the genetic information and the majority of the cytoplasm of the parent cell.
The other cell, the polar body, receives half of the genetic information and is cast away.
During meiosis II, the remaining cell divides a second time, and forms a polar body that is cast away, and a single haploid ovum that contains half the genetic information and nearly all the cytoplasm of the original parent cell.
The excess cytoplasm is required for proper growth of the embryo after fertilization.
**crossover/**crossing over - when the homologous pairs match up during prophase I of meiosis, complementary pieces from the two homologous chromosomes wrap around each other and are exchanged between the chromosomes.
intermediate inheritance - an individual heterozygous for a trait (Yy) shows characteristics not exactly like either parent.
The phenotype is a “mixture” of both of the parents’ genetic input.
Two major types of intermediate inheritance: incomplete dominance/blending inheritance, codominance.
The heterozygous genotype produces an “intermediate” phenotype rather than the dominant phenotype; neither allele dominates the other.
Genetic condition in humans that exhibits incomplete dominance - hyper-cholesterolemia—a recessive disorder (hh) that causes cholesterol levels to be many times higher than normal and can lead to heart attacks in children as young as 2 years old.
The environment plays a major role in how genetic conditions express themselves.
Both alleles express themselves fully in a heterozygous organism.
Example - human blood groups: M, N, and MN.
Individuals with group M blood have the M glycoprotein on the surface of the blood cell; individuals with group N blood have N glycoproteins on the blood cell; and those with group MN blood have both.
This is not incomplete dominance because both alleles are fully expressed in the phenotype—they are codominant.
Traits that are affected by more than one gene.
Example - eye color.
The tone (color), amount (blue eyes have less than brown eyes), and position (how evenly distributed the pigment is) all **play a role in determining eye color.
Another example - skin color.
Many monogenic traits (traits expressed via a single gene) correspond to two alleles, one dominant and one recessive.
Other traits, however, involve more than two alleles.
Example - the human blood type.
The expression of one gene affects the expression of another gene.
Example - the coat color of mice.
A single gene has multiple effects on an organism.
Example - the mutation that causes sickle cell anemia.
This single gene mutation “sickles” the blood cells, leading to systemic symptoms such as heart, lung, and kidney damage; muscle pain; weakness; and generalized fatigue.
Thomas Morgan made key discoveries regarding sex linkage and linked genes.
Sex chromosomes - X and Y.
Women have two structurally identical X chromosomes. Men have one X and one Y.
Morgan experimented with a quick-breeding fruit fly species.
The fruit flies had four pairs of chromosomes: three autosomal pairs and one sex chromosome pair.
Autosomal chromosome - not directly involved in determining gender.
Wild-type phenotype - the more common phenotype for a trait.
Mutant phenotype - traits that are different from the normal.
Morgan crossed a white-eyed male with a red-eyed female, and all the F1 offspring had red eyes.
When he bred the F1 together, he obtained Mendel’s 3:1 ratio.
Slight difference - the white trait was restricted to the males.
Morgan’s conclusion - the gene for eye color is on the X chromosome.
Male–female sex chromosomes difference - allows for sex-linked conditions.
If a gene for a recessive disease is present on the X chromosome, then a female must have two defective versions of the gene to show the disease while a male needs only one.
Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy Caused by the absence of an essential muscle protein. Symptoms - progressive loss of muscle strength and coordination.
Hemophilia caused by the absence of a protein vital to the clotting process. Individuals with this condition have difficulty clotting blood **after even the smallest of wounds. Those most severely affected by the disease can bleed to death after the tiniest of injuries.
Red-green colorblindness individuals with this are unable to distinguish between red and green colors; found primarily in males.
Females undergo a process called X inactivation.
During the development of a female embryo, one of the two X chromosomes in each cell remains coiled as a Barr body whose genes are not expressed.
A cell expresses the alleles only of the active X chromosome.
X inactivation occurs separately in each cell and involves random inactivation of one of a female’s X chromosomes. But not all cells inactivate the same X. As a result, different cells will have different active X chromosomes.
One last sex-related inheritance pattern that needs to be mentioned is holandric traits, which are traits inherited via the Y chromosome. Example - ear hair distribution.
Linked genes - genes that tend to be inherited together because the chromosome is passed along as a unit.
Lie on the same chromosome; do not follow Mendel’s law of independent assortment.
Morgan performed an experiment in which he looked at body color and wing size on fruit flies.
The dominant alleles were G (gray) and V (normal wings); the recessive alleles were g (black) and v (vestigial wings).
GgVv females were crossed with ggvv males.
Mendel’s law of independent assortment predicts offspring of four different phenotypes in a 1:1:1:1 ratio.
But because the genes are linked, the gray/normal flies produce only GV or gv gametes.
Thus, Morgan expected the ratio of offspring to be 1:1, half GgVv and half ggvv.
Morgan found that there were more wild-type and double-mutant flies than independent assortment would predict, but some Gv and gV were also produced.
Crossover - a form of genetic recombination that occurs during prophase I of meiosis, led to their production.
Recombination frequency can be used to determine how close two genes are on a chromosome through the creation of linkage maps.
Genetic map put together using crossover frequencies.
Another unit of measurement, the map unit (also known as centigram), is used to geographically relate the genes on the basis of these frequencies.
One map unit - equal to a 1 percent crossover frequency.
Does not provide the exact location of genes; it gives only the relative location.
Law of multiplication states that to determine the probability that two random events will occur in succession, you simply multiply the probability of the first event by the probability of the second event.
Mendel’s law of segregation - If you are Aa for a trait, your chance of passing on the A—1⁄2. If you are AaBb, the chance you pass on both A and B- multiply 1⁄2 × 1⁄2 to get 1⁄4.
Pedigrees family trees used to describe the genetic relationships within a family.
Squares - represent males; circles - females.
A horizontal line from male to female represents mates that have produced offspring.
Usage of pedigrees: determine the risk of parents passing certain conditions to their offspring.