Here's a transcription of the handwritten notes:
I. Effects of Innovative and Creative Accessories on the Market:
Many products displayed in the malls look the same but differ in the material used - having your product and few constant innovations will give you edge among your fellow suppliers as your product competitors.
The following are the effects of innovative finishing materials on the marketability of the products:
Improve the quality and marketability of the products.
It gives satisfaction to the customers.
It makes product durable and lasting.
It makes products attractive and appealing to buyers.
Products becomes attractive and appealing to buyers.
Entrepreneurs keeps on improving his product - thus business keeps on growing.
Kinds of Finishing Materials commonly used:
1. Fillers - a substance put in a space or container to fill it usually applied in woods to fill up cracks and grooves.
There are 2 kinds of wood fillers:
A. Paste Fillers - compound of silica and drying oil used as a filler for grain wood (as oak)
B. Shellac - purified lac usually prepared.
Here's a transcription of the visible text from the image:
DATE 3-5-28
In thin orange or yellow flakes by heating and after bleached white
2. Stain - a penetrative dye or chemical used in coloring a material or object. Three kinds of stains:
a. Oil stain - easiest to apply
b. Water stain - a wood stain in which water is the solvent or dispersion medium
c. Spirit stain - easiest to apply - it dries easily
3. Paint - Most commonly used and beautify the object.
Here's a transcription of the handwritten notes:
of an object to be built intended for direct use by the workman.
E. Bill of materials - tell the materials this paper contains and the unit quantity for every item needed
F. Tools Needed - tells the different carpentry or industrial tools, machines, or gadgets needed in making the project
G. Procedure: tells the exact steps in the preparation of the project. This will serve as the guide in project making.
Here's a transcription of the visible text from the image:
Policies on sustainable development in constructing pre-project plan
A project plan is a formal document designed to guide in the execution of a project. It serves as the key to a successful project because if serves as the key to a successful project.
Parts of a project plan:
A. Project Proponent - indicates the owner of the project.
B. Project Title - tells what the project is all about.
C. Project Objectives - tells the purpose of the project.
D. Working Drawing - shows the scale drawing.
4. Wipe away excess wood conditioner with clean rag.
(Choose method stating)
Here's a transcription of the handwritten notes:
DATE: 20-28
Staining - is used to color wood to give an illusion of texture. This may come in two varieties:
A. Pigment-based stain will color large pores of the wood.
B. Dye-based stain will color small pores of the wood.
*Painting - the simplest way of decorating wood & since there may also variety of colors that you can choose from, one may also add a texture given finish to make it shiny and glossy.
Check if there are any holes or parts not covered with gold leaf. Cover it with small bits of gold leaf.
1. Choose wood stains and wood conditioner that are compatible or with some base. Example: water-based stain to water-based conditioner.
Sand the wood going in a direction of the grain with 100 grit sandpaper until flaws removed. Repeat with 200 grit sandpaper.
Apply conditioner on the surface and let it set properly for 15 minutes.
6. Staining will protect from damage.
Here's a transcription of the handwritten notes:
1. Gilding of object
A. Preparing of object until it is smooth
B. Cover with masking tape the areas you do not want to cover.
C. Apply primer to the object and let it dry.
D. Apply the gilding or adhesive to make the size become tacky.
E. Wait for 30 minutes to make the point brush become tacky.
Applying of gold leaf
A. Cut the gold into smaller pieces to make it easier to apply.
B. Remove the leaf from the backing paper and lay on the object.
C. Smoothen the gold leaf with dry brush or your fingers.
D. Burnish the leaf by putting tissue paper on top of the leaf to avoid tearing. Use your index finger to burnish the leaf and remove any air pockets.
E. Use pockets brush to make the leaf to stick to the object completely and smoothly.
Gilding - decorative technique in which powder is applied on wood or other materials to give a thin applied coating of gold. Methods of gilding and electroplating /coating, gluing, chemical gilding.