GCSE Physics - Alpha, Beta and Gamma Radiation #33

Isotopes and Radioactivity

  • Isotopes: Different forms of an element with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons.

  • Stability of Isotopes: Only one or two isotopes of an element are stable; the rest are unstable and undergo radioactive decay.

  • Radioactive Material: Consists of unstable isotopes that can decay, emitting particles or energy.

Types of Nuclear Radiation

  • Overview: Four types of nuclear radiation are alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, and neutrons.

  • Focus on how ionizing (ability to remove electrons from atoms) and how penetrating (ability to pass through different materials) each type is.

Alpha Radiation

  • Composition: Made of 2 protons and 2 neutrons (same as helium nucleus).

  • Charge: Overall charge of +2 (due to two protons).

  • Penetration Ability:

    • Travel only a few centimeters in air.

    • Stopped by a single sheet of paper.

  • Ionizing Power: Highly ionizing; can easily knock electrons off atoms due to large size and strong charge.

Beta Radiation

  • Composition: Consists of electrons (charge of -1 and virtually no mass).

  • Emission Process: A neutron in the nucleus decays into a proton and an electron (the proton stays, while the electron is emitted).

  • Penetration Ability:

    • Can travel several meters in air.

    • Require about 5 millimeters of aluminum to be stopped.

  • Ionizing Power: Moderately ionizing, due to smaller size compared to alpha particles.

Gamma Rays

  • Nature: Waves of electromagnetic radiation; not particles.

  • Emission: Typically emitted alongside alpha or beta radiation to release extra energy from the nucleus.

  • Penetration Ability:

    • Can travel long distances through air.

    • Require thick sheets of lead or multiple meters of concrete to stop.

  • Ionizing Power: Weakly ionizing; tend to pass through materials without colliding.

Neutron Emission

  • Concept: If a nucleus has too many neutrons, it can emit a neutron to enhance stability.

  • Significance: Simple process; limited complex behavior compared to other types of radiation.


  • Recap of Radiation Types:

    • Alpha Particles: 2 protons + 2 neutrons; stopped by paper.

    • Beta Particles: Electrons; stopped by thin aluminum.

    • Gamma Rays: Electromagnetic waves; stopped by lead/concrete.
