Scenario with a manager observing a conflict
Importance of managing conflict in workplace environments
Discussion about relationships and conflicts with coworkers
Conflict is a natural part of human interaction
Importance of understanding factors that influence conflict outcomes
Encouragement to reflect on past conflicts for learning
Establishing effective communication in conflict situations
Importance of having clear goals when addressing conflicts
Understanding that some goals may motivate avoidance while others motivate approach
Effective communication must align with personal goals
Importance of assessing whether communication aids in achieving those goals
Goal characteristics directly affect conflict resolution strategies
Number of Goals
The complexity of situations increases with more goals involved
The importance of prioritizing which goals to address first
Hierarchy of Goals
Some goals take precedence over others in conflict episodes
Understanding which goals are primary and which are secondary
Importance of Goals
Importance can shift based on context and relationship dynamics
Immediate vs. long-term goals affect decision-making
Compatibility of Goals
Some goals may conflict with each other
Need to evaluate which goals can coexist and which cannot
Internal vs. External Motivation
Goals can drive internal actions or external compliance
Examples of individual commitment to personal and professional aspirations
Achievement Difficulty
Some goals are easy to achieve while others are challenging
Recognition that personal perceptions of difficulty can vary
Positive and Negative Outcomes
Goals can lead to mixed emotional responses
Understanding the emotional trade-offs involved in conflict situations
Pursuit vs. Avoidance Goals
Motivation can stem from wanting to achieve a goal or avoiding a negative outcome
Contextual examples illustrate balancing urgency and avoidance strategies
Individual and Community Goals
Goals can focus on personal achievements or collective responsibilities
Importance of recognizing how individual goals impact group dynamics
Understanding how actions and behaviors of one person impact another
Importance of considering both parties' perspectives in a conflict situation
Connection to communication skills and effectiveness
Summary of the parameters of effective communication in conflict
Preview of the next session focused on appropriateness in communication
Emphasis on understanding implicit and explicit rules in social interactions