abstain | avoid taking part in something |
approbation | appreciation toward someone |
cherish | greatly love or protect something |
corroborate | lend support to; bolster |
disparate | different or contrasting |
emulate | imitate someone or something |
enervate | sap the energy out of someone; fatigue |
ephemeral | extremely short lasting |
fervid | excessively energetic or eager |
garrulous | tending to talk too much; wordy |
incendiary | provocative; causing conflict |
inimical intimate invigorate mitigate | damaging; hostile in manner or tone subtly suggest or imply provide energy or vitality to diminish negative feelings or situation |
obsolete opaque | no longer useful; outmoded 1. unclear; hard to comprehend 2. not able to be seen through |
paradigmatic | representing the standard example |
pedantic | overly concerned with (minor) details |
placid | calm; free from activity or irritation |
polemical | giving a strong, controversial opinion |
precipitate | 1. cause to happen 2. done quickly or suddenly |
profundity | great wisdom or intelligence |
prophetic | able to correctly predict the future |
prudent | wise in decision-making |
punctilious | highly concerned with details or manners |
recondite | obscure and difficult to understand |
scrupulous | 1. careful with details 2. possessing moral integrity |
tranquil | peaceful; free from activity |
vacillate | go back and forth with one's view |