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Rotational Motion


Circular Motion:

  • Linear speed → distance travelled per unit time

  • Tangential speed → linear speed of an object moving along a circular path

    • Called so because the direction of motion is tangential to the circumference of the circle

  • Consider a rotating object:

    • Points further away from the center travel a longer distance than points closer to the center during one full rotation.

  • Units of linear/tangential speed → m/s or km/h

Linear speed and tangential speed are interchangeable terms in circular motion.

  • Rotational speed → number of rotations or revolutions per time.

    • In a rotating object, all points on the object turn about the axis of rotation in the same amount of time.

    • All parts have the same rate of rotation.

      • Meaning → same number of rotations or revolutions per unit of time.

  • Rotational rates are expressed in RPM.

    • RPM → Revolutions Per Minute

  • Eg: Phonograph turntables:

    • They rotate at 33.33 RPM.

    • A bug sitting anywhere on the surface of the table rotates at 33.33 RPM.

  • Tangential and rotational speed are related.

  • Tangential speed is directly proportional to rotational speed at any fixed distance from the axis of rotation.

    • more RPMs → more speed in meters per second

  • Tangential speed depends on radial distance.

    • Radial distance → distance from the axis.

  • Rotational speed does not.

  • Consider a rotating platform:

    • At the center, tangential speed = 0 m/s

    • Moving towards the edge, tangential speed increases

  • Tangential speed is directly proportional to distance from the axis for any rotational speed.

  • Tangential speed ~ radial distance x rotational speed

~ → approximately equal to

  • Symbolic form: v ~ rω

ω → greek letter omega, symbolizes rotational speed

  • Tangential speed increases with an increase in radial distance, rotational speed, or both.

  • Tangential acceleration → when tangential speed undergoes change

  • Change in tangential speed means there is an acceleration parallel to tangential motion.

  • Eg: person on a rotating platform

    • When it speeds up or slows down, the person undergoes tangential acceleration

  • Centripetal acceleration → any object moving in a curved path undergoes this type of acceleration.

    • This is directed towards the center of curvature

Wheels on Railroad Trains:

  • Think of rolling a tapered cup across a surface.

    • It makes a curved path.

    • The wider part of the cup has a larger radius and rolls a greater distance.

      • It thus has a greater tangential speed than the narrower part.

  • If you consider a pair of cups fastened together at their wider ends and made to roll on a pair of parallel tracks, the cups stay on the track.

    • When they stray off center, the re-center themselves.

  • Reason → if the pair shifts towards the left, the wider part of the left cup rides on the left, and the narrower part of the right cup rides on the right.

    • Vice versa for the cup shifting towards the right.

  • This is how the pair of cups stays towards the center.

  • This is how a moving railroad train stays on the tracks.

  • A tapered shape like this is needed on the curves of railroad tracks.

    • On any curve, distance along the other part > distance along the inner part.

  • Opposite wheels have the same RPM, but the tangential speed differs slightly based on whether the part of the wheel is wider or narrower.

    • Wider part → higher tangential speed

  • When the train rounds a curve, the wheels on the outer track ride on the wider part.

  • If the wheels aren’t tapered, scrapings happens and the wheels screech when the train rounds a curve.


Rotational Inertia:

  • An object at rest stays at rest.

  • An object moving in a straight line remains in that state of motion.

  • An object rotating about an axis remains rotating about the same axis unless affected by some sort of external influence.

    • This is rotational inertia.

Rotating bodies stay rotating. Non-rotating bodies stay non-rotating. (in the absence of any external influence)

  • Rotational inertia depends on mass.

  • More specifically, it depends on the distribution of mass about the axis of rotation.

    • Greater the distance between the concentration of mass of the object and the axis of rotation, greater the rotational inertia.

  • Consider industrial flywheels.

    • Most of their mass is concentrated at the rim.

    • It’s difficult to make them start rotating.

    • Once they do, they have a higher chance of staying that way.

  • They are used to store energy in electric power plants.

    • The unwanted energy that is generated is diverted to the flywheels.

    • The wheels are connected to generators that release the power when needed.

  • The flywheels are combined in banks of ten or more and connected to power grids.

    • This offsets fluctuations between supply and demand and keeps things running smoothly.

Flywheels are the counterpart of electric batteries, but without the toxic metals and hazardous waste.

  • Greater the rotational inertia of an object, the more difficult it is to change its rotational state.

  • Consider a tightrope walker:

    • They carry long poles to aid balance.

    • Most of the mass of the pole is away from the axis of rotation.

      • This increases the rotational inertia of the pole.

    • The tightrope walker’s grip on the pole helps them maintain balance. In case they topple, the rotational inertia resists.

    • Longer the pole, better the balance.

    • Stretching arms out along the sides of the body also increases rotational inertia.

  • Rotational inertia depends on axis of rotation.

  • Consider a rotating pencil:

    • Axis 1 → about central core, parallel to length of pencil.

      • It’s easy to rotate the pencil between your fingertips between the mass is very close to the axis.

    • Axis 2 → about the perpendicular midpoint axis

      • Rotational inertia is greater.

    • Axis 3 → perpendicular to one end

      • Rotational inertia is even greater, the pencil swings like a pendulum when rotated from here.

  • A long baseball bat held near the narrow end has more rotational inertia than a short bat.

    • When the long bat is swinging, it is more likely to keep swinging.

  • When you run with your legs bent, rotational inertia reduces, and it is easier to rotate them back and forth faster.

    • Longer legs → slower movement

  • A solid cylinder will roll down an incline faster than a hoop.

    • Reason → rotational inertia

    • Mass of hoop is further away from the axis of rotation, so the rotational inertia is greater.

      • Meaning → It is harder for the hoop to start moving. It is harder for the hoop to stop moving.

    • Any cylinder would out-roll any hoop on the same incline.

  • A rotating object with the greater rotational inertia relative to its own mass has the greater resistance to motion.



  • If you held a meterstick horizontally with your hand and dangling a weight from it, the stick would twist.

    • If you slid the weight further away, the stick would twist more.

    • The weight and the force acting on your hand would never change.

    • The torque is what changes.

  • Torque → rotational counterpart of force

    • Forces change motion

    • Torque changes rotational motion

  • Torque = lever arm x force

    • lever arm → shortest distance between applied force and axis of rotation

    • force → the magnitude of the force that is producing the rotation

  • Consider a girl and a boy sitting on a seesaw.

    • The girl is 3m away from the fulcrum. The boy is 1.5m away from the fulcrum.

    • If the torque procuded

Rotational Motion


Circular Motion:

  • Linear speed → distance travelled per unit time

  • Tangential speed → linear speed of an object moving along a circular path

    • Called so because the direction of motion is tangential to the circumference of the circle

  • Consider a rotating object:

    • Points further away from the center travel a longer distance than points closer to the center during one full rotation.

  • Units of linear/tangential speed → m/s or km/h

Linear speed and tangential speed are interchangeable terms in circular motion.

  • Rotational speed → number of rotations or revolutions per time.

    • In a rotating object, all points on the object turn about the axis of rotation in the same amount of time.

    • All parts have the same rate of rotation.

      • Meaning → same number of rotations or revolutions per unit of time.

  • Rotational rates are expressed in RPM.

    • RPM → Revolutions Per Minute

  • Eg: Phonograph turntables:

    • They rotate at 33.33 RPM.

    • A bug sitting anywhere on the surface of the table rotates at 33.33 RPM.

  • Tangential and rotational speed are related.

  • Tangential speed is directly proportional to rotational speed at any fixed distance from the axis of rotation.

    • more RPMs → more speed in meters per second

  • Tangential speed depends on radial distance.

    • Radial distance → distance from the axis.

  • Rotational speed does not.

  • Consider a rotating platform:

    • At the center, tangential speed = 0 m/s

    • Moving towards the edge, tangential speed increases

  • Tangential speed is directly proportional to distance from the axis for any rotational speed.

  • Tangential speed ~ radial distance x rotational speed

~ → approximately equal to

  • Symbolic form: v ~ rω

ω → greek letter omega, symbolizes rotational speed

  • Tangential speed increases with an increase in radial distance, rotational speed, or both.

  • Tangential acceleration → when tangential speed undergoes change

  • Change in tangential speed means there is an acceleration parallel to tangential motion.

  • Eg: person on a rotating platform

    • When it speeds up or slows down, the person undergoes tangential acceleration

  • Centripetal acceleration → any object moving in a curved path undergoes this type of acceleration.

    • This is directed towards the center of curvature

Wheels on Railroad Trains:

  • Think of rolling a tapered cup across a surface.

    • It makes a curved path.

    • The wider part of the cup has a larger radius and rolls a greater distance.

      • It thus has a greater tangential speed than the narrower part.

  • If you consider a pair of cups fastened together at their wider ends and made to roll on a pair of parallel tracks, the cups stay on the track.

    • When they stray off center, the re-center themselves.

  • Reason → if the pair shifts towards the left, the wider part of the left cup rides on the left, and the narrower part of the right cup rides on the right.

    • Vice versa for the cup shifting towards the right.

  • This is how the pair of cups stays towards the center.

  • This is how a moving railroad train stays on the tracks.

  • A tapered shape like this is needed on the curves of railroad tracks.

    • On any curve, distance along the other part > distance along the inner part.

  • Opposite wheels have the same RPM, but the tangential speed differs slightly based on whether the part of the wheel is wider or narrower.

    • Wider part → higher tangential speed

  • When the train rounds a curve, the wheels on the outer track ride on the wider part.

  • If the wheels aren’t tapered, scrapings happens and the wheels screech when the train rounds a curve.


Rotational Inertia:

  • An object at rest stays at rest.

  • An object moving in a straight line remains in that state of motion.

  • An object rotating about an axis remains rotating about the same axis unless affected by some sort of external influence.

    • This is rotational inertia.

Rotating bodies stay rotating. Non-rotating bodies stay non-rotating. (in the absence of any external influence)

  • Rotational inertia depends on mass.

  • More specifically, it depends on the distribution of mass about the axis of rotation.

    • Greater the distance between the concentration of mass of the object and the axis of rotation, greater the rotational inertia.

  • Consider industrial flywheels.

    • Most of their mass is concentrated at the rim.

    • It’s difficult to make them start rotating.

    • Once they do, they have a higher chance of staying that way.

  • They are used to store energy in electric power plants.

    • The unwanted energy that is generated is diverted to the flywheels.

    • The wheels are connected to generators that release the power when needed.

  • The flywheels are combined in banks of ten or more and connected to power grids.

    • This offsets fluctuations between supply and demand and keeps things running smoothly.

Flywheels are the counterpart of electric batteries, but without the toxic metals and hazardous waste.

  • Greater the rotational inertia of an object, the more difficult it is to change its rotational state.

  • Consider a tightrope walker:

    • They carry long poles to aid balance.

    • Most of the mass of the pole is away from the axis of rotation.

      • This increases the rotational inertia of the pole.

    • The tightrope walker’s grip on the pole helps them maintain balance. In case they topple, the rotational inertia resists.

    • Longer the pole, better the balance.

    • Stretching arms out along the sides of the body also increases rotational inertia.

  • Rotational inertia depends on axis of rotation.

  • Consider a rotating pencil:

    • Axis 1 → about central core, parallel to length of pencil.

      • It’s easy to rotate the pencil between your fingertips between the mass is very close to the axis.

    • Axis 2 → about the perpendicular midpoint axis

      • Rotational inertia is greater.

    • Axis 3 → perpendicular to one end

      • Rotational inertia is even greater, the pencil swings like a pendulum when rotated from here.

  • A long baseball bat held near the narrow end has more rotational inertia than a short bat.

    • When the long bat is swinging, it is more likely to keep swinging.

  • When you run with your legs bent, rotational inertia reduces, and it is easier to rotate them back and forth faster.

    • Longer legs → slower movement

  • A solid cylinder will roll down an incline faster than a hoop.

    • Reason → rotational inertia

    • Mass of hoop is further away from the axis of rotation, so the rotational inertia is greater.

      • Meaning → It is harder for the hoop to start moving. It is harder for the hoop to stop moving.

    • Any cylinder would out-roll any hoop on the same incline.

  • A rotating object with the greater rotational inertia relative to its own mass has the greater resistance to motion.



  • If you held a meterstick horizontally with your hand and dangling a weight from it, the stick would twist.

    • If you slid the weight further away, the stick would twist more.

    • The weight and the force acting on your hand would never change.

    • The torque is what changes.

  • Torque → rotational counterpart of force

    • Forces change motion

    • Torque changes rotational motion

  • Torque = lever arm x force

    • lever arm → shortest distance between applied force and axis of rotation

    • force → the magnitude of the force that is producing the rotation

  • Consider a girl and a boy sitting on a seesaw.

    • The girl is 3m away from the fulcrum. The boy is 1.5m away from the fulcrum.

    • If the torque procuded