Definition: Root words used in combination with prefixes/suffixes to create medical terminology.
Key combining forms include:
carp/o: wrist bones
cib/o: meals
cis/o: to cut
cost/o: rib
cutane/o: skin
dactyl/o: fingers, toes
duct/o: to lead, carry
flex/o: to bend
furc/o: forking, branching
gloss/o: tongue
glyc/o: sugar
immun/o: protection
morph/o: shape, form
mort/o: death
nat/i: birth
nect/o: to bind, tie, connect
norm/o: rule, order
ox/o: oxygen
pub/o: pubis; anterior portion of pelvic or hipbone
seps/o: infection
somn/o: sleep
son/o: sound
the/o: to put, place
thel/o, theli/o: nipple
thyr/o: thyroid gland; shield
top/o: place, position, location
tox/o: poison
trache/o: windpipe, trachea
urethr/o: urethra
Definition: Word endings that convey specific meanings in medical terms.
Examples include:
-blast: embryonic, immature
-crine: to secrete
-drome: to run
-fusion: coming together; to pour
-gea: substance that produces
-lapse: to slide, fall, sag
-lysis: breakdown, destruction, separation
-meter: to measure
-mission: to send
-or: one who
-oxia: oxygen
-partum: birth, labor
-phoria: to bear, carry; feeling
-physis: to grow
-plasia: development, formation, growth
-plasm: structure or formation
-pnea: breathing
-ptosis: falling, dropping, prolapse
-rrhea: flow, discharge
-stasis: stopping, controlling
-trophy: development, nourishment
a-, an-: no, not, without
ab-: away from
ad-: toward
ana-: up, apart
ante-: before, forward
anti-: against
auto-: self, own
bi-: two
brady-: slow
cata-: down
con-: with, together
contra-: against, opposite
de-: down, lack of
dia-: through, complete
dys-: bad, painful, difficult, abnormal
ec-, ecto-: out, outside
endo-: in, within
epi-: upon, on, above
eu-: good, normal
ex-: out, outside, away from
hemi-: half
hyper-: excessive, above
hypo-: deficient, under
in-: not
infra-: beneath, under
inter-: between
intra-: in, within, into
macro-: large
mal-: bad
meta-: beyond, change
micro-: small
neo-: new
pan-: all
para-: abnormal, beside, near
per-: through
peri-: surrounding
poly-: many, much
post-: after, behind
pre-: before, in front of
pro-: before, forward
pros-: before, forward
re-: back, again
retro-: behind, backward
sub-: under
supra-: above, upper
syn-, sym-: together, with
tachy-: fast
trans-: across, through
ultra-: beyond, excess
uni-: one
Adductor Muscle: Refers to a muscle that draws a limb towards the body.
Correct Term: C: Adductor
Painful Breathing: The term that means painful breathing.
Correct Term: A: Dyspnea
Antigen: A substance (often foreign) that stimulates antibody production.
Examples: poison, flu virus, bacterium
Antibodies: Proteins produced by white blood cells in response to antigens.
Immune Reaction: Interaction between antigen and antibody.
Occurs when there is an Rh factor difference between mother (Rh negative) and fetus (Rh positive).
First Pregnancy: Rh+ baby usually fine but mother becomes sensitized.
Second Pregnancy: Risks hemolytic disease of newborn (HDN) due to maternal antibodies attacking fetus's red blood cells.
Preventative Measure: Rh immune globulin injection within 72 hours of delivery/miscarriage.
Definition: Irregular structures or organs present at birth.
Examples: syndactyly (webbed fingers/toes), heart defects, clubbed feet.
Origin: Can be hereditary or caused by external factors during pregnancy (e.g., alcohol consumption).
Definition: Technique of inserting a gene from one organism into another's DNA.
Used in drug manufacturing (e.g., insulin).
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): Method for producing multiple gene copies.
Definition: Collection of signs/symptoms indicating a specific disease/condition.
Example: Reye syndrome, which follows a viral infection treated with aspirin and includes vomiting and liver dysfunction.
Definition: Procedure for removing part of the prostate gland through the urethra.
Indication: Enlarged prostatic tissue that obstructs urination.
Definition: Diagnostic technique using ultrasound waves to create images of organs/tissues.
Examples include echocardiograms and sonograms.