Global climate patterns are largely determined by the input of solar energy and Earth’s revolution around the sun
The changing angle of the sun over the year, bodies of water, and mountains exert seasonal, regional, and local effects on climate
Climate effects where plants can live, but these effects run both ways: vegetation can alter local and regional climate
Fine scale differences in abiotic (nonliving factors) such as sunlight and temperature
Increased greenhouse gasses warm the earth and disturb species
The climatic change phenomenon by which atoms of certain gaseous molecules are held together in the Earth’s atmosphere, where they trap heat and release radiations
Causes - industrialization, oil drilling, deforestation, power plants, higher livestock farming, greenhouse effect
Preventions, reducing fossil fuel waste, planting trees
Dome shaped, slow movement downhill, behaving like a liquid
Climate change is rapidly occurring
Areas with frozen ice reflect sunlight
The planet is becoming hotter due to more sunlight absorption by water and dark colored ground
it causes a positive feedback loop and more melting ice due to warming of the environment
Global warming leads to loss of sea ice, more sunlight is absorbed by ocean water, sunlight warms the water and the air above it, contributing to more sea ice loss
Latitudinal diversity is considered a reason behind a greater habitat diversity at the equator. creates specific areas and niches for species to inhabit
Increasingly experimental
field studies
Holistic approach
political and legal issues
H Habitat destruction
I introduced species
P population growth
o over consumption
interactions between organisms and environment determine distribution and abundance
no cicadas in West because barrier, food, no females deposit on deciduous trees
predators, pesticides, tree removal, weather
underground 17 years because climate / predators
Cue to emerge not understood
Temperature, time of day, soil nutrients - biotic and abiotic to reproduction
Semelparity - High number of reproduction
Behavioral ecology - nature versus nurture
Competition exclusion principle
Cannot coexist at constant populations / one more likely to be more successful
Two species can not occupy the same ecological niche
Niche - a place or position that's particularly appropriate for someone or something, especially due to being very specific and different from others
Niche (Fundamental, realized)
Resource partitioning (not competing)
Character displacement
Fighting over a common desire/need
Practice resource partitioning to prevent competition for common needs
Competitive exclusion
Principle tells us that two species cant have exactly the same niche in a habitat and stably coexist
Does not support the coexistence of two species competing for identical resources
Resource partitioning
The division of the niche by species to avoid competition for resources
Helps the species to coexist since it creates less direct competition between them
Allopatric population = geographic isolation
Sympatric population = reproductive isolation (evolved from a single ancestor) “S” Same area
Geographic isolation = different niches -> speciation
Length of food chain limited
Only 10% of energy stored is converted to the next level
Long food chain less stable than short food chain
Possible local extinction of top predator
A species that if were to be removed would cause the entire ecosystem to collapse
Robert Paine Keystone Species Concept
The sea star Piaster ochraceous living in Mukkaw Bay, Washington, feeds on mussels
When Pisaster ochraceus was removed the mussel population increased and the number of other species decreased
With the top predator gone, the next strongest will take over the ecosystem, It can cause an ecosystem to fail.
Definition: the preying of one animal on others
Behavioral defense
Flight, freeze
Morphological defense
Having armor or spines
Daphnia, porcupine, lionfish and breast cancer cell
Cryptic coloration
Camouflage, making prey difficult to see
Eastern screech owl, gumleaf grasshopper, leaf insect
Aposematic Coloration
Warning/aposematic coloration (advertise that an organism is dangerous or unpalatable)
examples: poison dart frog, Nudibranchs, Blue-ringed Octopus (only shows rings when threatened)
Cryptic coloration
Examples: Canyon tree frog
Batesian mimicry: A harmless species mimics a harmful one
What’s the difference between mimicry and camouflage?
Mimicry, an organism copies another organism or part of an organism, while camouflage involves the copying of some part of the environment.
Müllerian mimicry – two or more unpalatable species resemble each other.
examples: cuckoo bee and yellow jacket
Batesian mimicry – a palatable species or harmless species mimics an unpalatable or harmful species (not closely related)
example: hawkmoth larva resembling venomous snake
Adaptations for herbivore (teeth, digestive system) grazers-browsers
Plant defenses
Mechanical (thorns)
Chemical (toxins)
Caterpillars ingest milkweed
Mutualism (+,+)
Definition: symbiosis that is beneficial to both organisms involved.
Lichen (algae and fungus) Housing + nutrients
Commensalism (+,0)
Definition: an association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm.
Cattle egret benefits from water buffalo when they walk through the plains
Parasitism (+, - )
Definition: the practice of living as a parasite in or on another organism.
Parasitic wasp eggs on a caterpillar
At low disturbance, competitive exclusion reduces diversity
At high disturbance levels, diversity declines as mortality rises
At intermediate disturbance levels, a balance between disruption or competition and morality leads to high diversity
Foster greater species diversity
Types of disturbances and their frequency and severity very among communities
storms, oceans, fire, streams
a high level of disturbance is generally the result of frequent and intense disturbance, while low disturbance levels can result from either a low frequency or low intensity of disturbance
The intermediate disturbance hypothesis states that moderate levels of disturbance Foster greater species diversity then do high or low levels of disturbance.
high levels of disturbance reduce diversity by creating environmental stresses that exceed the tolerances of many species or by disturbing the community so often that slow growing or slow colonizing species are excluded
low levels of disturbance can reduce species diversity by allowing competitively dominant species to exclude less competitive ones
intermediate levels of disturbance can foster greater species diversity by opening up habitats for occupation by less competitive species
Supported by many terrestrials and Aquatic studies
ecologists in New England compared to the richness of invertebrates living in the beds of streams exposed to different frequencies and intensities of flooding
when floods occurred either very frequently or rarely, and vertebrate richness was low
frequent floods made it difficult for some species to become established in the Steam bed, while rare floods resulted in species being displaced by Superior competitors
small and large disturbances also can have important effects on community structure
small-scale disturbances can create patches of different habitats across the landscape, which help maintain diversity in a community
much of Yellowstone National Park is dominated by logical pine, a species that requires the rejuvenating influence of periodic fires
The fire releases the seeds and pine cones to reproduce
Energy flow
Production (GPP/NPP)
Nutrient cycles
Human impact
Primary-herbivore, secondary-carnivore
Detritivores - feed on detritus-heterotrophic
Food chains-only 3-4 links (why?)
We lose energy as it is consumed
Amount of light energy -> chemical energy (organic compounds)
Measured in joules (200J = 47 calories)
Gpp - Ra = NPP
Gross primary productivity - Autotrophic respiration = On average about half of GPP
Energy stored during photosynthesis - Energy for cellular work = Energy stored as biomass
Net Primary Production is increased with excess moisture and high temperature
Think of the equator and the NPP in regions in the equator
Aquatic ecosystems
Light, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus taken up very fast)
Algae blooms/hypoxia
Availability of iron can limit pp
Eutrophication (excess)
Terrestrial ecosystems
Temperature, moisture
Human impact - farming
Consumed and made into new biomass (the mass or weight of living tissue)
Energy flows (materials cycle)
Loss of energy with each transfer
Mammals productivity low (1-3) why?
Use energy to maintain high body temps
Coprophagy - Obtain bacteria for digestion, absorption of vitamins and minerals
How toxins enter the food chain
Long-lived (long .5 life)
Fattest tissue in the human body?
Brain (breasts in women)
Toxins are more concentrated in successive trophic levels
DDT (Shell Thinning-raptors)
Mercury poisoning (fish)
PCBs in fish
Polychlorinated biphenyls
Carbon cycle
CO2 in atmosphere used for photosynthesis
Organic molecules must have carbon
Nitrogen cycle
Symbiotic relationships
Nitrates - most usable
Importance of
We need nitrogen for life, important for amino acids and proteins
Phosphorus cycle
Cell membrane (phospholipid)
Water cycle
Precipitation, evaporation, transpiration
High nitrate contamination in groundwater (food used with water)
Leaching of nitrate from fertilizer (agricultural lands and waste dumps)
Bacteria (infants gut) produce nitrites
Nitrite reacts with hemoglobin -> methemoglobin
Level of O2 decreases
The baby suffocates
3 months - increase in HCL kills most of the bacteria that convert nitrate to nitrite
6 months - none of the nitrate-converting bacteria remain