CH100 Introduction to Forensics Exam 1 Review Sheet – F2024
Chapter 1 Crime Scene Services
- Definition
- Two Broad categories of Forensic Analysis
- Locard’s Exchange Principal
- Crime Lab Services:
o Photography
o Toxicology
o Controlled Substances
o Firearms
§ NIBIN-Integrated Ballistics Identification System
o Trace Evidence
o Pathology
o Histology
o DNA Serology
- Role of Forensic Scientist
o Analysis of Physical Evidence
o Testimony
- Admissibility of Evidence – legal challenges
- Expert Witness
Chapter 2 Crime Scene
- Primary
- Secondary
- Physical Evidence – def
o Steps to securing the crime scene
o Steps to Recording the scene
§ Notes
§ Photography
§ Sketching: rough and final
o Search Patterns
o Locating physical evidence
- Evidence Receiving
o Evidence receipt
o Required documentation
o Chain of custody
o Proper packaging
o Type of evidence/proper packaging (table)
- Proper Sealing
- Evidence Handling
- Sources of Evidence
- Legal Considerations – 4th amendment
o Exceptions to the 4th amendment
Chapter 3 Physical Evidence
-common types of physical evidence
- evidence identification versus evidence comparison
-Individual characteristics versus Class characteristics
-Value of combining class characteristics
o Product rule
-Frances Glessner
o Nutshell studies (18 dioramas)
Chapter 5 Crime Scene
- Suspicious Deaths
- Role of Forensic Pathologist
- Coroner versus Medical Examiner
- Documenting the body
o Autopsy-definition/ what is done
§ External examination – what is done
§ Internal examination – what is done
§ Toxicology
§ Primary objective – cause of death
§ Difference between cause of death and manner of death
o Estimating Time of Death
§ Algor Mortis
§ Livor Mortis
§ Rigor Mortis
§ Potassium Eye Levels
§ Stomach Contents
o Decomposition
§ Two processes: autolysis and Putrefaction
o Rigor Mortis – chemical reaction
- Forensic Entomology
o Blowfly – lifecycle and time of death
o Definition of PMI
Chapter 6 Fingerprints
- Anthropometry: Bertillon System
- Sir Edward Richard Henry
- Fundamental Principles of Fingerprints
o A fingerprint is an individual characteristic -meaning
o A fingerprint remains unchanged -meaning
§ Latent fingerprint
§ dermal papillae
o Fingerprints can be systematically classified -meaning
§ 3 general patterns:
1) Loops
2) Whorls
3) Arches
- Ridge Characteristics
o Minutiae
- Loops – description/percentage
o ulnar or radial
- Whorls – description/percentage
o Different types
- Arches – description/percentage
- Henry System – know how to calculate
- Classification versus identification
- Advantages & Considerations of AFIS
- Detection of Fingerprints
- • 3 kinds of fingerprints
- 1) Visible prints – print from contact with blood, paint, grease or ink
- 2) Plastic prints – impression left on soft material like putty, wax, soap or dust
- 3) Latent or Invisible prints – prints from sweat/oil
- Developing Latent Prints
o Fingerprint powders
o Iodine Fuming
o Ninhydrin
Chapter 10 Part I Matter
-Physical versus Chemical properties
o Matter
o Element
o Atom
o Molecule
o Compound
-Prefixes for SI units (milli-, nano-, micro-, etc)
-English to Metric Conversions
o Inch(in) to centimeter (cm)
o Meter (m) to inch (in)
o Meter (m) to yard (yd)
o Pound (lb) to grams (g)
o Kilogram (kg) to pound (lb)
-Definition of Precision
-Definition of Accuracy
-Temperature – Celsius versus Fahrenheit
-Density equation: Mass/Volume or Mass divided by volume
o Volume can be measured by amount of water displaced when you put item in the water