The onin war, from 1467-1477, devasted kyoto and marked the decline of the Ashikaga Shonguate effective power
poltical decentralized led to more then 250 damiyo ruling indepedent domains
engaged in terrotiral expansion and conflict
damiyo — feudal lords
samurai and religious insutitons gained autonomy
Oda Noobunga
from 1534-1582
initiated military campaigns to reunify japan
famously attacked buddhist strongholds
Toyotomi Hideyoshi
from 1537-1582
consolidated Nobunaga’s gains
sought to calm the country
tokugawa leyasu
from 1543-1616
established the Edo period
existed from 1603-1868
brought an end to Sengoku warfare
ikkō - refers to true pure land sect; empahszied faith in amida buddha
ikki - means a league of confederation; used for peasant and warrior uprising
the true pure land sect
HQ was in Honganji
played a key role in moblizng peasants, warriors, and monks against in samuari
Honganjis patricarchs expanded the influence of sect
integrates military and adminstrative power
ikkō-Ikki forces
compased of peasants, jizamurai (which is local samurai), monks
overthrew the daimyō in kaga province
Oda Nobunga launched a 10 year campaign agaisnt Honganji and Ikkō-Ikki reistance
Nobungas forces
utlized matchlock firearms
besieged the fortied ishiyama Honganji temple
patriarch Kennyo surrendered
marked the end of the Ikkō-Ikki as a major military force
internal conflict with true pure land buddism
rival Honganji parties and local warlords fought for dominance in kaga
Guriella warfare and peasant militas effectively resisted the samurai armies
defensive temple fortress used to withsand seiges
jinaimachi - defensive temple fortress
psycholgical warefare: Namu Amida Butsu (Hail Amida Butsu) battle chants to reinforce relgious zeal
zeal: great energy or enthusiam
Ikkō controlled territories abolished heavy taxes and land rent and attracted peasant support
communal governance emphasized buddhist egalitarian ideas
egalitarian — relating to or believing in the idea that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunties
stemming from Mahayanna Buddhism
pure land doctorine
emphasized salvation through faith in amida buddha
from 1133-1212
rejected self powered enlightment
advocated for exclusive nembetsu chanting
the exclusive chant is Namu Amida Buddha
developed Jodo Shinshu empahsized comlete reliace on amidas other power known as tariki
different from other buddhist sectors
premitted clergy marriage
discoruages ascetism
asceticism — severe self discipline and avoidance of all forms of indulgence; normally for religious reason
rennyos leadership transfoemed true pure land buddhism into a big movement
his writings (Gobusho) simpified doctorine; making it accesbile to commoners
established Honganjis vast network temples
solidified relgious polical power
rival tendai monks from mount hiei viewed Ikko-ikke as heritcal waged conflicts
samuari lords feared the sects growing autonomy and military strength