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- is characterized by the contemporary styles of visual art and the result of various social factors that saw the advancement of science and technology. It includes all movements, theories, and attitudes that reject traditional, historical or academic forms, and conventions to create art in advance way with the use of modern technology.

The Impressionism

- a French 19th century art movement that portrays the affects of experiences upon the consciousness of the artist and his audience. It is characterized by short brisk strokes of bright colors to recreate the impression of light on objects.


A. Color and Light

- Short broken strokes

- Pure unmixed colors paced side by side

- Freely brushed colors (convey visual effect)

B. Everyday subjects

- Scene of life

- Household objects

- Landscapes and seascapes

- Houses, Cafes, buildings

C. Painted outdoors

- Previously, still life, portraits, and landscapes were painted inside the studio. The impressionists found that they could best capture the ever changing effects of light on color by painting outdoors in natural light

D. Open Compositions

- Moved away from the formal, structured approach to placing positioning their subjects

Impressionist Painters

Claude Oscar Monet (1840-1926)

- one of the founders of the Impressionist movement best known for his landscape paintings, particularly those depicts his beloved flower gardens and water lily ponds at his home in Giverny. His style in painting used the variation of colors, light, and seasonal changes.

- famous paintings are: Sunrise, Red Boats at Argentine, La Promenade, Bridge over a pond of Water Lilies, Irises in Moneth's Garden

Edouard Manet (1832-1883)

- one of the first 19th century artists to depict modern-life subjects. He was the key figure in the transition from realism to impressionism with a number of his works considered as marking the birth of modern art.

- fond of using the light colors with only a hint of black.

- famous paintings are: The garden of Manet, Landscape with a Village Church

Auguste Renoir (1841-1919)

- one of the central figures of impressionist movement. His works are full of sparkling color and vibrant light.

- used a more disciplined and formal technique to paint portraits of actual people figure paintings.

- famous paintings are: Luncheon of boating party (1881), A Gift with Watering Can (1881-1886), Dancer

Post Impressionist Painters

Paul Cézanne (1839-1906)

- a French post-impressionist painter whose works created the bridge between impressionism and cubism.

- famous paintings are: La mansion du pendu (1873) The hanged man’s house, Still life (1878), A painter of work (1875)

Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)

- a post impressionist painter FROM NETHERLANDS. whose work were remarkable for their strong, heavy brush strokes, intense emotions, and colors that pulsate with energy.

- famous paintings are: Starry Night (1889), Paysage sous un ciel mouvemente (Landscape under a Stormy Sky), Sous-bois (undergrowth)

*In his “starry night” painting, there is a shadow cast on the veranda steps by a strong indoor light. The shadow contributes to the painting’s evocation of loneliness in the face of death.

*The modern art is characterized by the contemporary styles of visual art and the result of various social factors that saw the advancement of science and technology. It includes all movements, theories, and attitudes that reject traditional, historical or academic forms, and conventions to create art in advance way with the use of modern technology.

*In the early 1900s, there are arose in the Western art world a movement that came to be known as expressionism.

*Expressionist artists created works with more emotional force, rather than with realistic or natural images. To achieve this, they distorted outlines, applied strong colors, and exaggerated forms to give visual form of emotion.

*They work more with their imagination and feelings rather than with what their eyes saw in the physical world.

Expressionist Painters

Edvard Munch (1863-1944)

- the Norwegian painter and printmaker who is recognized as the “Father of Expressionism” . Munch developed a bolder and more simplified style in painting like lithography,etching,and woodcut art.

- His painting “The Scream” depicts a man in a moment of anguishd despair and anxiety while the other people seem blissfully unaware of his situation.

- his famous paintings are: Night in Nice (1891), The girl on the Bridge (1918), The scream (1893)

Abstractionism in Art

Abstract art is an art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead uses shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks to achieve its effect. It is often seem as carrying a moral dimension to represent virtues such as order, purity, simplicity, and spirituality.

A. Cubism

-the first abstract art style of modern art. Cubist painters abandoned the traditional perspective drawing and displayed many views of a subject at one time. Typical cubist paintings show letter, musical instruments, bottles, pitchers, glasses, newspaper, still lives, and human face and figure.

Pablo Picasso was one of the most versatile artists of early 20th century. His experiments with different styles and media resulted in some of the most celebrated and innovative works of all time.

Famous Paintings:

Guernica (1937)

- This painting refers to the city bombed by Nazi planes during the Spanish Civil War. It became the anti-war symbol to remind us of the tragedies of war.

Mediterranean Landscape (1953)

- The shape in this painting is like collage or synthetic cubism. Synthetic cubism is the use of cut paper fragments, wallpaper, or newspaper pasted into one composition.

B. Abstract Realism

Is an art movement that is not easily defined because it is marriage of two contradictory terms – Abstract art and Realistic art.

- Abstract art has no reference to real objects. The abstract artist uses lines, shapes, colors, texture, and pattern to create rhythm. They look for balanced color values and sizes of shapes and lines focus on the elements of design to give visual sensory impression of feelings, thoughts, or experiences. Realism attempts to capture the real-life moments and the personality of individuals r object who resemble the real life. When the two elements combine to create an abstract impression of real life, you get abstract realism.

- They are print, photo, and mixed media works whose subject is real object that may not be immediately recognizable like extreme close-ups, objects of out of context with their environment, and object that have been distinguished somehow through the use of media and approach.

- The goal of abstract realism involves using abstract painting techniques to slightly distort a real object through impressionist, surrealist, and expressionist technique like blurring, and distorting, otherwise recognizable painting. Realism artist use their art to make social, political, and economic reform or incorporate ideas that were not purely visual once’s.

Contemporary Art and Performance Art

Pop Art

Is an art movement that started in the mid-1950s in Britain and the late 1950s in the United States. It is characterized by the inclusion of images from popular mass culture such as advertisements, comic books, famous people, and ordinary cultural objects.

Famous Artists:

Andy Warhol (1928-1987)

Was American Artist, director, and producer and a leading figure in Pop Art movement of 1960’s. His work explores/d in the relationship between artistic expression, celebrity culture, and advertising and spanned a variety of media that includes painting, silkscreen, photography, film, and sculpture.

-Marilyn Monroe (Famous Face) - Iconic painting of Campbell’s soup can

Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997)

Was an American pop art printer whose works style was derived from comic strips that portray the common people in contemporary American culture. He used bright colors and techniques from printing industry incorporating mass-produced emotions and objects into reference to art history. Primary colors that are heavily outlined in black became his favorite. He also used benday dot, a method by which an image is created density of tone modulated in printing.

Marilyn Diptych (1962) Sandwich and Soda (1964) Cubist still life with pipe (1974)

Op Art

Is a style of art that emerged in 1960s. It uses optical illusions to create an impression of movement, hidden images, and swelling or warping patterns.

Famous Artists:

Victor Vasarely (1906-1997)

Was Hungarian French artist whose work is generally seen as aligned with Op art.

Zebras (1965) Duo (1967)

Bridget Lousise Riley (1913)

Is an English painter known as the “mother of Op art’’. Her Geometric paintings ask the viewers to “reflect on how it physically feels to look’’. She experiments with structural unit like squares, ovals, stripes, and curves in various size and colors.

Kiss (1961)

Performance Art

Is a performance presented to an audience that may either be scripted or unscripted, random or carefully orchestrated, spontaneous or otherwise carefully planned with or without audience participation. It may be otherwise carefully planned with or without audience participation. It may be otherwise carefully planned with or without audience participation. It may be a situation involving four basic elements: Time, space, the performer’s body or presence in a medium, and the relationship between performer and audience.

This art can happen anywhere and for any length of time. It is art that is presented live usually by the artist, alone or sometimes with collaborators or performers. Nore recently, performance has been understood as a way of engaging directly with social reality, the specifics of space, and the politics of identity.

Famous artists:

Marina Abramovic

Explores the relationship between the audience and the performer, the body;s limitation, and the possibilities of the mind.

-The Lovers:The Great Wall Walk

The lovers performed for 90 days along the Great Wall of China (Collaboration work between Abramovic and Ulay

Allan Kaprow

He shifted his practice into intimately scaled pieces for one or several players called “activities’’


Is a form of art that combines the elements of music, dance and theater on stage or live action. They may happen anywhere and eliminates that boundary between the artwork and the viewer. It allowed the other artists to create performances that attract attention to the issue they want to portray. Art and music festivals play a large role in positive and successful happening.


Flash mob is performed by a group of people who assemble suddenly in public place, perform unusual act for a brief time and then quickly disperse, often for purpose of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression.

Principles of Art

The principles of art determine the way artists’ combine and organize art elements line, shape, form, value, space, color, and texture.

1. Rhythm – a principle of design that indicates movement created by the careful placement of repeated elements in work of art to cause a visual tempo.

2. Movement – a principle of design used to create the look and feeling of action to guide the viewer’s eye through the work of art.

3. Balance – way of combining elements to add a feeling of stability to a work of art.

Kinds of Balance

a. Symmetrical balance- the elements used on one side of the side are similar to the other side.

b. Asymmetrical balance – the elements used are different but still look balanced.

c. Radial Balance – the elements used are arranged around a central point and may similar

4. Emphasis – way of combining elements to stress differences contrast between those elements.

5. Harmony – way of combining similar elements in artwork to accent their similarities.

6.Proportion – a principle off design that refers to the relationship of certain elements to the whole and to each other

7. Variety – a principle and design concerned with diversity or contrast. It is achieved using different shapes, sizes, and/ or colors.
