Misguided/Blinded Society in Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience

Misguided/blinded society

Blake is clear on his opinions surrounding society; he believes them to be misled by the institution, but their own willing ignorance only allows this cycle to repeat, over and over again in a cyclical hell. He shows understanding for those suffering, especially children, but criticises people for being blind to what Blake sees as obvious manipulation and corruption.

SOI: Holy Thursday

Then cherish pity, lest you drive an angel from your door.

  • social attitudes to poverty

    • Pity, shows priorities. Pities the poor rather than helping or changing things for them.

    • Blake saying that these false actions will push you further from religion.

SOI: The Chimney-Sweeper

Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy and warm So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm.

  • perception is altered through message from angel

    • Inevitability of heaven used as propaganda by the institutions to condone suffering and hard labour in life, you can rest when you are dead.

SOI: The Lamb

Little Lamb who made thee?

  • poem suggests separation from God, the creator

    • Doesn’t shame the listener, simply suggests that society has been misled away from religion.

SOE: Introduction

Turn away no more.

  • addressing ignorance

    • Either of the people, turning away from issues and choosing to be ignorant

    • Could be of the earth, suggesting nature allows suffering and injustice to happen? Further suggests society is misguided, doesn’t take accountability for their actions.

SOE: The Tyger

What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

  • shame in the tyger’s creation

    • Humanity has decided that the Tyger is bad, a mistake on God’s part because it is a predatory animal. They assume something evil made such a creature compared to gentle creatures like the lamb.

      • Naivety of innocence?

SOE: Holy Thursday

Is this a holy thing to see, In a rich and fruitful land

  • overly questions how people see and perform religion

    • Economic comment on Britain links directly to context of celebration of holiday.

SOE: London

Mind-forged manacles

  • not literal manacles

    • Made in the mind of society they have trapped themselves in this situation, a product of collective societal failure.

SOE: The Chimney-Sweeper

And because I am happy and dance and sing, They think they have done me no injury, And are gone to praise God and his priest and king

  • confusion of society

    • Natural state of innocence in childhood is misinterpreted as a moral justification

    • Confused hierarchy - power of priests above king? Misguided by influence of the church

SOE: A Little Girl Lost

Parents were afar; Strangers came not near; And the maiden soon forgot her fear.

  • in nature she forgets societal expectations

    • Conditioned that sex is bad, sexual oppression of all using religion as a symbol of shame despite the naturalness of the act.

      • Blake believed in free love.
