Title: Arabidopsis: Insights into Gene Function
Presented by: Professor Gareth I. Jenkins
Affiliation: School of Molecular Biosciences, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences
Contact: Gareth.Jenkins@Glasgow.ac.uk
Key Objectives:
Determine the sequences and functions of all different genes.
Assess how gene expression is controlled.
Types of Genes:
Wild-type gene: Normal phenotype and protein.
Mutant gene: Altered phenotype and protein.
Role of Mutants: Provide critical insights into gene function.
Steps to Identifying Genes:
Identify the mutated gene.
Employ the ‘forward’ genetic approach.
Isolate the mutant in a selected process.
Draw conclusions regarding gene function.
Best Plant for Research: Arabidopsis thaliana.
Notable feature: Extensive worldwide research effort dedicated to this plant.
Small and easy to grow.
Rapid generation time: Approximately 6 weeks from seed to seed.
High Seed Yield: Hundreds of seeds produced per plant.
Self-fertile: Can self-pollinate and can also be crossed with other plants.
Ease of Mutant Production: Mutants are easily produced for study.
Seeds treated with a mutagen (e.g., chemical agents).
M1 Generation Plants:
Arabidopsis is diploid with 5 homologous chromosome pairs.
High probability for mutations to occur in only one chromosome leading to heterozygous M1 plants.
Presence of any mutant gene results in different allele combinations (A and a).
Self-Fertilization Outcomes: Possible homozygous mutants (AA, aa).
M1 generation remains heterozygous for mutations.
M2 Generation allows for self-fertilization and screening for mutants from seeds.
Genome Size:
Small genome (135,000 kbp) allows for full genome sequencing.
40% of genome dedicated to protein-coding genes—much higher than larger genomes.
Comparative Genome Sizes:
Examples from other organisms (E. coli, Rice, Yeast, Mouse, etc.) provided.
Minimal Repetitive DNA:
Contains less repetitive and non-coding DNA, facilitating gene identification.
Proportion of Protein-Encoding Genes:
Roughly 40% are protein-encoding—significant for research.
Project Significance:
First plant genome project initiated with genome sequence published in 2000 and updated in 2016.
Contains 27,655 protein-encoding genes.
Supports functional genomics and whole genome expression studies.
Transformation Method:
Very easy to genetically transform Arabidopsis using Agrobacterium via the 'floral dip' method.
Isolation Process:
Identification of genes corresponding to mutant phenotypes.
Requires relating the position of the mutant gene in the genome to its DNA sequence.
The combination of exceptional genetics and molecular biology advantages make Arabidopsis a favored model organism.
Research Benefits:
Insights from Arabidopsis studies may contribute to crop improvement, especially in related Brassica species and cereals.
Flower Anatomy Features:
Describes various parts including stigma, style, replum, valve margin, and dehiscence zone.
Investigates cellular commitment in leaf epidermis trichome formation.
Key Question: What genes determine the development of specific epidermal cell types?
Key Mutants:
Identify mutants that exhibit alterations in trichome formation (e.g., glabra 1, distorted 1).
Mutant Characterization:
The glabra1 mutant helped isolate the wild-type GL1 gene.
Gene Function: GL1 encodes a transcription factor necessary for trichome production.
Flower Structure Components:
Includes stamens, carpels, petals, sepals, and pedicels.
Key Inquiry: What genetic factors are involved in the formation of an Arabidopsis flower?
Key Mutants:
Analysis of flower morphogenesis in wild-type and mutants (e.g., apetala3, agamous).
Gene Interaction:
A gene produces sepals, B gene produces petals and stamens, and C gene produces carpels.
Gene Activity Correlation:
Interpretation of mutants lacking specific gene activities indicates the role of A, B, and C genes in floral organ position and identity (e.g., apetala3 and agamous).
Gene Functionality:
All identified genes encode transcription factors that regulate floral organ development.
Visualization of gene expression shows activity of A, B, and C genes in flower formation.
Core Conclusion:
Genes play a fundamental role in the complexity of plant growth and development.
Genetic approaches, particularly in Arabidopsis, allow for the discovery of gene functions.