Drainage basins = total area drained by stream and tributary. are separated by divides
Dendritic = develops on uniform rock, pattern resembling branches of trees. Most common pattern
Rectangular = regularly jointed rock. at 90 degree angles-ish.
Radial Pattern = forms on conical mountains
Trellis pattern = indicates erosion of folded sedimentary rocks. Parallel main streams w/short tributaries
What is the key factor in controlling sediment erosion, transportation and deposition? stream velocity
What factors affect stream velocity? Gradient, Channel shape and roughness, Discharge
Gradient = Slope of stream.
How does channel shape and roughness affect stream velocity? By increasing or lessening friction
Discharge = volume of water that flows past point in a unit of time
Streams erode by? Hydraulic action, abrasion, and solution
Hydraulic action = ability of flowing water to pick up and move sediments
Solution = dissolves rock and is absorped by water
Abrasion = grinding away of stream bed and its sediments
Stream transport sediments by? Bed load, suspended load, dissolved load
Bed load = large or heavy sediment particles travel on streambed
Traction = movement by rolling, sliding, dragging
Saltation = short leaps or bounces
Suspended load = sediment light enough to remain lifted above streambed
Dissolved load = soluble products of chemical weathering
potholes form by = abrasion of hard rock on streambed
Bars = from in middle of streams
Meanders are created when? a laterally eroding stream shifts across flood plain
River velocity are higher on the? Outside of curve
Natural levees are built by? beside streams by flood deposition
Delta forms when? stream flows into standing water
Alluvial fans forms? especially in dry climates, at the base of mountains as stream’s channel widens and velocity decreases
Downcutting = process of deepening valley by erosion of streambed
Graded stream = one with delicate balance between tis transproting capacity and its available load
Lateral erosion = the erosion and undercutting of stream’s banks
What widens a valley? lateral erosion
Headwater erosion = slow uphill growth of valley above its original source through gullying, sheet erosion
Stream terraces = form by erosion of rock or uplift. Cuts into old floodplain.
Incised meanders form as? 1.) river meanders are cut vertically downward following uplift 2.) Lateral erosion and downcutting