Which parts of the brain are important for implicit memory processing, and which parts play a key role in explicit memory processing?
Your friend has experienced brain damage in an accident. He can remember how to tie his shoes but has a hard time remembering anything you tell him during a conversation. How can implicit versus explicit information processing explain what’s going on here?
Which brain area responds to stress hormones by helping to create stronger memories?
Increased efficiency at the synapses is evidence of the neural basis of learning and memory. This is called ______
Retaining information in the brain:
Explicit memory system:
Explicit, conscious memories are either semantic (facts and general knowledge), or episodic (experienced events).
Prefrontal cortex: working memory
Remembering a password is a job of the left frontal lobe
Remembering a visual party scene in your brain activates the right frontal lobe
Hippocampus remembers names, images, and events (hard drive basically)
Damage to the hippocampus can result in forgetting where you left things
Automatic processing allows you to remember something new on approach even if you forget it consciously
Cerebellum: forming and storing implicit memories
Damaged cerebellum: certain reflexes are limited
Basal ganglia: motor movement, procedural memories
Amygdala, emotions, and memory
Synaptic changes