Lewis and Clark Expedition flash cards 2

Section 1: Lewis and Clark Expedition

Key People:

  • Meriwether Lewis: Leader of the expedition, former military officer, knowledgeable about Native American languages and customs.

  • William Clark: Second-in-command, had frontier experience.

  • Sacagawea: Native American guide and interpreter, assisted with navigation and helped establish relationships with Native tribes.

  • Thomas Jefferson: U.S. President who initiated the expedition after the Louisiana Purchase.

Reasons for the Exploration:

  • Find a route to the Pacific Ocean.

  • Establish contact with Native Americans.

  • Document new species of plants, animals, and minerals.

  • Expand fur trade opportunities.

Hardships Encountered:

  • Harsh wilderness and weather conditions.

  • Dangerous wildlife and terrain.

  • Navigational challenges due to limited resources.

  • Struggles with hunger and reliance on hunting and foraging.

Interactions with Native Americans:

  • Mostly positive, with Native tribes helping by providing supplies, guiding, and translating.

  • Some conflict with the Blackfeet Indians on the return trip, which led to casualties.

Impact on the U.S.:

  • No clear Northwest Passage, but overland travel to the Pacific was proven possible.

  • Discovered vast natural resources, including new species.

  • Created opportunities for territorial expansion and settlement in the West.

  • Strengthened U.S. claim to the Oregon Territory.

  • Set the stage for future territorial disputes.
