The Bottom Line!!!
Price does NOT shift the curve left or right just changes the point where we are ON the demand curve.
• Price & Quantity
Demanded allows us to create the curve.
Law of Demand
As price goes up, the quantity demanded goes down.
The amount that people want to buy changes when the price goes up or down.
• Price and Quantity Demanded are inversely related. (that means opposite)
The Determinants of Demand
When forces OUTSIDE of price are involved in changing demand, (called Demand Determinants) they are so POWERFUL, they will cause the curve to MOVE.
The Job of
The Demand Determinants
• cause the entire curve to SHIFT to the
. This is called a Change in OVERALL demand
• If demand goes UP, the curve will move
• If demand goes DOWN the curve WILL
The 5 Determinants of. Demand
These Determinants are Shifters of the Demand Curve
Change in Consumer
Taste/ Attitude
This happens when consumers' attitude about a product changes.
• There are many examples: fashion, tachnology, media, etc.
Change in Consumer Income
Income. The moncy you make at your job or from investments and other sources
When consumers income changes, their demand for goods/services change.
• This is known as the income effect.
What happens when people make more money?
Consumers purchase normal goods.
• Definition Normal
Goods: A good you buy MORE of when you have MORE money
• Non-necessities
• Example: Luxury
What happens when you make
LESS money?
When consumers have more income LESS money the buy MORE of other goods.
• These goods are called
Top Ramen
inferior goods.
• Definition Inferior
Goods: A good you buy
MORE of when you have LESS money
Change in the Price of a
Complementary Good
Complementary Goods are 2 goods that you would buy together
• If the price of one goes up, the demand for the other goes.down.
• Exansple: if the price of hotdogs went UP, the demand for the buns would go DOWN
Change in the Price of a
Substitute Good
• Substitute goods are goods that can replace each other.
• When the price of one goes up, the demand for the other goes UP.
Change in # Buyers
• If the population goes up, the demand for goods gocs up.
• If people moved out of an area, demand for goods and services would decrease.
Diminishing Marginal Utility
• Marginal: additional
• Utility: satisfaction
• Diminishing. decreasing
• As you consume more and more of any good in a period of time, you become less and less satisfied