Project Objective: Design and create a project to be completed by the end of the semester.
Progress Check-ins: Two required plus one optional 1-on-1 in-person or Zoom meeting.
Creative Freedom: Projects should follow an interdisciplinary approach combining both IST (Information Science and Technology) and Humanities.
Pop Culture & Technology Focus:
Should utilize emerging digital technologies (e.g., PCs, apps, AI).
Must demonstrate understanding of both the technology and its cultural context.
Paper Length:
Equivalent to a 4-6 page research paper minimum.
Include at least 3 primary and 4 secondary sources necessary for a thorough analysis of the topic.
Thesis Statement:
A clear, workable thesis that validates its significance through research findings.
Interdisciplinary Inquiry:
Incorporate academic frameworks, theories, and definitions to deepen topic analysis.
Flexibility in Project Types:
Topics can range from ethnographic studies to multimedia projects, ensuring depth of inquiry.
Discussions and combinations of project ideas should occur in detail.
Research Topic Areas:
Utilize Penn State Library Guides to explore various disciplines including:
LGBTQIA+ Studies
Topic Selection:
Define your research question and assess interest areas.
Create advanced questions that guide topic choice and ensure adequate material availability.
Draft a proposal statement encapsulating a general thesis.
1st Check-in - Proposal Submission:
After selecting the topic, present initial research findings and approach.
Develop and articulate a basic thesis statement.
2nd Check-in:
Update the proposal and thesis based on early findings.
Submit an organized bibliography with explanations for selected sources.
3rd Check-in (Optional):
Finalize the project plan, revise thesis, and present a polished introduction.
Ensure bibliography reflects necessary revisions.
Primary Sources: Must include direct documents such as diaries or personal collections.
Secondary Sources: Include scholarly texts and articles that provide context and analysis.
What to Avoid:
Do not include Wikipedia or similar non-scholarly sources.
Avoid self-plagiarism; you cannot reuse previous projects.
Must use in-text citations following the Chicago Style format.
Provide source credits for visuals like images or graphs.
12 pt Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, no extra space between paragraphs.
Title page is required, and each page should have a header with your last name and page number.
Number Writing: Spell out numbers under 100 and avoid contractions.