3 reasons why lawyers are needed in a criminal case
Reason 1
preps and runs cases on behalf of clients. Aperson reping themselves lacks the skills & experience to navigate the criminal justice system such as explanation of witnesses
Reason 2
have a duty to act honestly and not to decieve or mislead the court, this takes priority over their duty to their client
A self represented accused does not generally have objectively and maybe overal invested or emotional
Reason 3
judge/magistrate can assist self represented accused people to an extent in understanding the provcesses, they cannot advocate on their behalf
S & W of the use of legal practitioners
are excepts who can help the accused person navigate the criminal justice system
have objectively in being able to make decisions in the criminal case
helps avoid delays that arise w self reping
trail may slow due to limited knowledge of self repping
not al legal pracs are equal or have the same level of experience & skills
not everyone can afford legal rep, so some ppl may be left to rep themselves
legal rep may not assist the accused for ppl who have language barriers or sufferingf from trauma