

  • Title: Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti untuk SMP Kelas VIII

  • Authors: Nasikin, Syaekudin, Mushonef I Parjono

  • Publisher: Erlangga

BAB 5: Peradaban Islam pada Masa Abbasiyah (750-1258 M)

Masa Keemasan Islam Daulah Bani Abbasiyah

  • Establishment: Founded by Abdullah bin Saffah in 750 M.

  • Name Origin: Named after the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad, Abbas.

  • Duration and Growth: Flourished for five centuries, marking a high point in Islamic civilization.

  • Key Figures:

    • Khalifah Harun Al-Rasyid - pivotal in achieving the peak of Abbasid glory.

    • Successor: Khalifah Al-Ma’mun who continued the advancements.

Keindahan Seni di Masa Daulah Bani Abbasiyah

Seni Arsitektur

  • Notable Structures:

    • Masjid Jami’ Al-Mansur

    • Masjid Raya Samarra

    • Istana Ukhaidir

  • Baghdad: Called “Kota Alfu Lailah wa Lailah” (City of One Thousand and One Nights).

  • Development of satellite cities for the Abbasid empire.

Seni Sastra dan Musik

  • Baghdad became a cultural hub for poets and writers.

  • Music and arts flourished:

    • Emergence of famous musicians.

    • Development of musical texts, music education, and instrument making.

    • Growth of dance and carving arts.

Bait Al-Hikmah: Pusat Pengetahuan

  • Foundation: Created during Harun Al-Rasyid’s reign and expanded by Al-Ma’mun.

  • Purpose: Translated foreign knowledge into Arabic, enhancing Islamic scholarship.

  • Impact: Helped advance knowledge and civilization in Islam.

Peran Bait Al-Hikmah

  • Functions:

    • Large library and educational center, allowing community access to books.

    • Center for religious studies and general knowledge.

    • Promoter of cultural integration.

    • Educational institution for various disciplines.

Islam untuk Mencari Ilmu

Ajaran Agama

  • Q.S. Al-Mā’idah/5:3: "...Pada hari ini telah Aku sempurnakan agamamu..." - Signifies completeness of Islam.

Literasi dan Produktivitas

  • Q.S. Tāhā/20:99: Lessons from past civilizations to inspire current benefit.

Konsep Mengaji

  • Q.S. Al-‘Alaq/96:1-5: Emphasizes the command to read and the importance of literacy in Islam.

  • Education is a fundamental duty for Muslims.

Penerapan Sikap Meneladani Kemajuan Bani Abbasiyah

Praktik Sehari-hari

  • Reading Habits:

    • Set aside at least 10 minutes daily for reading.

    • Discuss readings to enhance understanding.

    • Establish small libraries at home or in classrooms.

    • Stay updated with the latest books for information.

  • Community Engagement:

    • Encourage visits to the library with friends.

    • Participate in school literacy activities.

    • Write about new learnings and experiment with peers under guidance.

    • Engage in extracurricular activities aligned with personal interests.

  • Digital Literacy:

    • Practice careful selection of information sources on the internet.
