1. Atomic Radius
• Trend Across a Period (Left to Right): Decreases because increasing nuclear
charge pulls electrons closer.
• Trend Down a Group (Top to Bottom): Increases due to the addition of
electron shells.
2. Ionization Energy (IE)
• Definition: Energy required to remove an electron from an atom.
• Trend Across a Period: Increases due to stronger nuclear attraction.
• Trend Down a Group: Decreases because outer electrons are farther from
the nucleus and easier to remove.
3. Electronegativity
• Definition: Ability of an atom to attract electrons in a bond.
• Trend Across a Period: Increases (except noble gases) as atoms want to
gain electrons to fill their outer shells.
• Trend Down a Group: Decreases because larger atoms have a weaker pull on
bonding electrons.
• Most Electronegative Element: Fluorine (F).
4. Electron Affinity
• Definition: Energy change when an atom gains an electron.
• Trend Across a Period: Generally increases (becomes more negative)
because atoms want to gain electrons to complete their octet.
• Trend Down a Group: Decreases because larger atoms have a weaker
attraction for additional electrons.
5. Metallic Character
• Definition: How easily an element loses electrons.
• Trend Across a Period: Decreases as elements become more nonmetallic.
• Trend Down a Group: Increases because atoms lose electrons more easily.
6. Reactivity
• Metals: Increase down a group (easier to lose electrons) and decrease
across a period.
• Nonmetals: Decrease down a group and increase across a period (except
noble gases).
7 . Shielding Effect
• Definition: Core electrons block valence electrons from nuclear pull.
• Trend Across a Period: Stays relatively constant.
• Trend Down a Group: Increases due to more electron shells.
8. Effective Nuclear Charge (Z_eff)
• Definition: Net positive charge experienced by valence electrons.
• Trend Across a Period: Increases as protons increase.
• Trend Down a Group: Decreases due to more shielding.
Key Mnemonics to Remember:
• “Bigger as you go down, smaller as you go across” (Atomic Radius).
• “E.N. is FON (Fluorine, Oxygen, Nitrogen)” (Electronegativity).
• “IE follows E.N.” (Higher electronegativity = higher ionization energy).