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Mary as a Model of the Church - Notes

  • She is sometimes called the first disciple - she had faith in Jesus from the moment of conception

  • She sacrificed a lot for Jesus

  • She is the mother of the Church as she is mother of the head of the body of Christ (Jesus)

  • She accepted the risk of bearing Jesus

  • Seen as charitable as she encouraged Jesus to turn water into wine at the wedding in Cana


  • Some Churches have statues of Mary or Lady Chapels

  • She has many titles e.g: Madonna

  • Hymns and prayers are dedicated to her

  • The Rosary includes the saying of hail mary

  • There are religious orders dedicated to Mary


Mary as a Model of the Church - Notes

  • She is sometimes called the first disciple - she had faith in Jesus from the moment of conception

  • She sacrificed a lot for Jesus

  • She is the mother of the Church as she is mother of the head of the body of Christ (Jesus)

  • She accepted the risk of bearing Jesus

  • Seen as charitable as she encouraged Jesus to turn water into wine at the wedding in Cana


  • Some Churches have statues of Mary or Lady Chapels

  • She has many titles e.g: Madonna

  • Hymns and prayers are dedicated to her

  • The Rosary includes the saying of hail mary

  • There are religious orders dedicated to Mary