Local Area, Holiday and Travel

General Vocabulary (Vocabulario General)

  • país (country): Used to describe a nation or territory. For example, “España es un país en Europa” (“Spain is a country in Europe”).

  • día (day): Refers to 24 hours, commonly used in greetings like “¡Buen día!” (“Good day!”).

  • familia (family): A group of people related by blood or marriage. “La familia viaja junta durante las vacaciones” (“The family travels together during the holidays”).

  • fiesta (holiday) refers to a public holiday or a party. For instance, “La fiesta nacional es un día festivo” (“The national holiday is a day off”).

  • casa (house): A building for human habitation, e.g., “La casa está en la calle principal” (“The house is on the main street”).

  • llave (key): A tool used to open locks. Example: “No encuentro la llave de la habitación” (“I can’t find the key to the room”).

  • mapa (map): A visual representation of an area. Example: “Necesitamos un mapa para no perdernos en la ciudad” (“We need a map to not get lost in the city”).

  • pasaporte (passport): An official document required for international travel. Example: “No olvides llevar tu pasaporte al aeropuerto” (“Don’t forget to take your passport to the airport”).

  • policía (police): The civil force responsible for maintaining law and order. Example: “La policía nos ayudó a encontrar el hotel” (“The police helped us find the hotel”).

  • semana (week): Seven days. Example: “Pasaremos una semana en la playa” (“We will spend a week at the beach”).

  • año (year): Twelve months. Example: “El año pasado fuimos a Italia de vacaciones” (“Last year we went to Italy for vacation”).

Travel and Accommodation (Viaje Y Alojamiento)

  • alquilar (to rent/hire): To temporarily use something in exchange for payment. Example: “Vamos a alquilar un coche durante nuestra estancia” (“We are going to rent a car during our stay”).

  • alojamiento (accommodation): A place where someone stays, like a hotel or hostel. Example: “El alojamiento es muy cómodo y cerca del centro” (“The accommodation is very comfortable and close to the center”).

  • aeropuerto (airport): A location where planes land and take off. Example: “Llegaremos al aeropuerto dos horas antes del vuelo” (“We will arrive at the airport two hours before the flight”).

  • llegada (arrival): The action of coming to a destination. Example: “La llegada está prevista para las 10 de la mañana” (“The arrival is scheduled for 10 AM”).

  • autobús (bus): A large motor vehicle that carries passengers. Example: “El autobús nos llevará directamente al hotel” (“The bus will take us directly to the hotel”).

  • coche (car): A vehicle with four wheels used for transportation. Example: “Vamos a alquilar un coche para explorar la región” (“We are going to rent a car to explore the region”).

  • salida (departure): The action of leaving, especially to start a journey. Example: “La salida del vuelo está programada para las 3 PM” (“The flight departure is scheduled for 3 PM”).

  • conductor (driver): A person who drives a vehicle. Example: “El conductor nos llevó al hotel en 20 minutos” (“The driver took us to the hotel in 20 minutes”).

  • hotel (hotel): An establishment providing lodging, meals, and other services. Example: “El hotel donde nos hospedamos tiene una vista increíble al mar” (“The hotel we stayed at has an amazing view of the sea”).

  • viaje (journey): The act of traveling from one place to another. Example: “El viaje en tren fue muy relajante” (“The train journey was very relaxing”).

  • equipaje (luggage): The bags and suitcases a traveler takes with them. Example: “Mi equipaje es muy pesado porque llevé muchas cosas” (“My luggage is very heavy because I took many things”).

  • mapa (map): Used to navigate unfamiliar places. Example: “El mapa muestra todas las atracciones turísticas” (“The map shows all the tourist attractions”).

  • avión (plane): An aircraft that flies. Example: “El avión aterrizó a tiempo a pesar del mal tiempo” (“The plane landed on time despite the bad weather”).

  • estación de trenes (railway station): A place where trains stop to pick up and drop off passengers. Example: “La estación de trenes está en el centro de la ciudad” (“The railway station is in the city center”).

  • taxi (taxi): A car available for hire by the public, typically metered. Example: “Tomamos un taxi desde el aeropuerto hasta el hotel” (“We took a taxi from the airport to the hotel”).

  • billete (ticket): A piece of paper or card giving the holder a right to enter a place or travel by public transport. Example: “Compré los billetes para el tren online” (“I bought the train tickets online”).

  • perder (to miss): To fail to catch or attend something. Example: “No queremos perder el vuelo, así que lleguemos temprano” (“We don’t want to miss the flight, so let’s arrive early”).

  • despegar (to take off): The moment when an aircraft leaves the ground. Example: “El avión despegó con 10 minutos de retraso” (“The plane took off 10 minutes late”).

  • turista (tourist): A person who travels for pleasure. Example: “La ciudad estaba llena de turistas durante el verano” (“The city was full of tourists during the summer”).

  • tren (train): A series of connected vehicles that run on railways. Example: “El tren a Madrid sale cada hora” (“The train to Madrid leaves every hour”).

Important Places and Buildings (Lugares Y Edificios Importantes)

  • galería de arte (art gallery): A place where art is displayed and sometimes sold. Example: “Visitamos una galería de arte con pinturas de artistas locales” (“We visited an art gallery with paintings by local artists”).

  • banco (bank): A financial institution where people can save or borrow money. Example: “Necesito ir al banco para cambiar dinero” (“I need to go to the bank to exchange money”).

  • playa (beach): A sandy or pebbly shore by the ocean or a lake. Example: “La playa estaba llena de gente disfrutando del sol” (“The beach was full of people enjoying the sun”).

  • farmacia (chemist’s): A shop where medicinal drugs are dispensed. Example: “Compré medicinas en la farmacia cerca del hotel” (“I bought medicines at the chemist’s near the hotel”).

  • iglesia (church): A building used for public Christian worship. Example: “La iglesia en la plaza es muy antigua y hermosa” (“The church in the square is very old and beautiful”).

  • cine (cinema): A place where films are shown. Example: “Fuimos al cine a ver una película nueva” (“We went to the cinema to see a new movie”).

  • ciudad (city): A large town, often a major population center. Example: “Barcelona es una ciudad llena de historia y cultura” (“Barcelona is a city full of history and culture”).

  • hospital (hospital): An institution providing medical and surgical treatment. Example: “El hospital está equipado con tecnología avanzada” (“The hospital is equipped with advanced technology”).

  • mercado (market): A place where people buy and sell goods, especially food. Example: “El mercado local es famoso por sus frutas frescas” (“The local market is famous for its fresh fruits”).

  • museo (museum): A building where objects of historical, artistic, or scientific interest are exhibited. Example: “El museo tiene una colección impresionante de arte antiguo” (“The museum has an impressive collection of ancient art”).

  • parque (park): A large public green area in a town, used for recreation. Example: “El parque es perfecto para pasear y relajarse” (“The park is perfect for walking and relaxing”).

  • correos (post office): A public department or corporation responsible for postal services. Example: “Envió una postal desde correos a su familia” (“He sent a postcard from the post office to his family”).

  • tienda (shop): A place where goods are sold to the public. Example: “La tienda tiene una gran variedad de recuerdos” (“The shop has a great variety of souvenirs”).

  • teatro (theatre): A building where theatrical performances are given. Example: “Asistimos a una obra de teatro en el teatro municipal” (“We attended a play at the municipal theatre”).

  • ayuntamiento (town hall): The administrative building of a local government, often used for public meetings and offices. Example: “El ayuntamiento está en el centro de la ciudad” (“The town hall is in the city center”).

Directions and Transportation (Direcciones Y Transporte)

  • dirección (direction): The path or course along which something or someone moves. Example: “Sigue la dirección correcta para llegar al museo” (“Follow the right direction to reach the museum”).

  • metro (underground train): A subway or underground railway system used for public transport in cities. Example: “El metro es el medio de transporte más rápido en la ciudad” (“The metro is the fastest means of transportation in the city”).

  • calle (street): A public road in a city or town, typically with houses and buildings along it. Example: “La calle principal está llena de tiendas y restaurantes” (“The main street is full of shops and restaurants”).

  • taxi (taxi): A car that can be hired by the public to transport them to their desired location. Example: “Llamamos a un taxi para ir al aeropuerto” (“We called a taxi to go to the airport”).

  • horario (timetable): A schedule that lists the times at which events or transportation services are planned to occur. Example: “El horario del tren indica que sale cada media hora” (“The train timetable indicates it leaves every half hour”).

  • cruzar (to cross): To move from one side of something to the other, especially a street or road. Example: “Cruzamos la calle con cuidado” (“We crossed the street carefully”).

  • seguir (to follow): To move or travel behind someone or something, or to continue on a particular course. Example: “Sigue las señales para llegar a la playa” (“Follow the signs to get to the beach”).

  • tren (train): A form of transportation that runs on tracks and is often used for longer distances. Example: “El tren es un medio de transporte muy cómodo” (“The train is a very comfortable means of transport”).

  • ayuntamiento (town hall): The administrative building of a local government, often used for public meetings and offices. Example: “El ayuntamiento está en el centro de la ciudad” (“The town hall is in the city center”).

Amenities and Facilities (Servicios E Instalaciones)

  • cuarto de baño (bathroom): A room containing a bath or shower, and usually a toilet. Example: “El cuarto de baño del hotel es muy moderno” (“The bathroom in the hotel is very modern”).

  • cama (bed): A piece of furniture for sleep or rest, typically a framework with a mattress. Example: “La cama en la habitación del hotel es muy cómoda” (“The bed in the hotel room is very comfortable”).

  • pensión (bed and breakfast place): A small lodging establishment that offers overnight accommodation and breakfast. Example: “Nos alojamos en una pensión familiar muy acogedora” (“We stayed in a very cozy family-run bed and breakfast”).

  • aparcamiento (car park): An area or building where cars or other vehicles may be parked. Example: “El aparcamiento está lleno durante el día” (“The car park is full during the day”).

  • agua potable (drinking water): Water that is safe to drink. Example: “El hotel proporciona agua potable gratuita para los huéspedes” (“The hotel provides free drinking water for guests”).

  • calefacción (heating): A system for warming a building. Example: “La calefacción del hotel funciona muy bien en invierno” (“The heating in the hotel works very well in winter”).

  • acceso a internet (internet access): The ability to connect to the internet, typically provided as a service. Example: “El acceso a internet está incluido en el precio de la habitación” (“Internet access is included in the room rate”).

  • ascensor (lift): A device used for raising and lowering people or goods between different levels of a building. Example: “El ascensor es rápido y está siempre disponible” (“The lift is fast and always available”).

  • ducha (shower): A device for bathing, in which water is sprayed down on the body. Example: “La ducha tiene agua caliente a cualquier hora del día” (“The shower has hot water at any time of the day”).

  • aseo (toilet): A room or compartment with a toilet. Example: “Los aseos del hotel están siempre limpios” (“The toilets in the hotel are always clean”).

  • Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi): A wireless network technology that allows devices to connect to the internet. Example: “El hotel ofrece Wi-Fi gratuito en todas las habitaciones” (“The hotel offers free Wi-Fi in all rooms”).

Food and Drink (Comida Y Bebida)

  • café (café): A small restaurant selling light meals and drinks, often with outdoor seating. Example: “Nos sentamos en un café para tomar un café con leche” (“We sat at a café to have a coffee with milk”).

  • comida (food/meal): Any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It can also refer to a specific meal during the day. Example: “La comida en el restaurante era deliciosa” (“The food at the restaurant was delicious”).

  • restaurante (restaurant): A place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on the premises. Example: “Cenamos en un restaurante italiano” (“We had dinner at an Italian restaurant”).

  • supermercado (supermarket): A large self-service store selling foods and household goods. Example: “Compré frutas frescas en el supermercado” (“I bought fresh fruits at the supermarket”).