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Why and how did the Israelites celebrate each Feast of YHVH.

  1. Pesach (Passover):

    • Purpose: Commemorates the Exodus from Egypt.

    • Celebration: Families select a lamb, observe it for defects, and sacrifice it. They apply its blood to doorposts and eat unleavened bread.

  2. Feast of Unleavened Bread:

    • Purpose: Reminds of the haste in leaving Egypt.

    • Celebration: For seven days, no leavened bread is consumed. Homes are cleaned of yeast.

  3. Feast of First Fruits:

    • Purpose: Acknowledges the harvest.

    • Celebration: The first sheaf of the harvest is brought to the priest, who waves it before YHVH.

  4. Shavuot (Pentecost):

    • Purpose: Celebrates the giving of the Torah.

    • Celebration: Two loaves of bread are offered, along with animal sacrifices.

  5. Feast of Trumpets (Yom Te’Ruah):

    • Purpose: Marks the new year and calls for repentance.

    • Celebration: Shofars are blown, and a day of rest is observed.

  6. Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur):

    • Purpose: Day of repentance and atonement for sins.

    • Celebration: Fasting and prayer, with the High Priest entering the Holy of Holies.

  7. Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot):

    • Purpose: Commemorates the Israelites' wilderness journey.

    • Celebration: Living in temporary shelters (sukkot) for seven days, offering sacrifices, and rejoicing.



Why and how did the Israelites celebrate each Feast of YHVH.

  1. Pesach (Passover):

    • Purpose: Commemorates the Exodus from Egypt.

    • Celebration: Families select a lamb, observe it for defects, and sacrifice it. They apply its blood to doorposts and eat unleavened bread.

  2. Feast of Unleavened Bread:

    • Purpose: Reminds of the haste in leaving Egypt.

    • Celebration: For seven days, no leavened bread is consumed. Homes are cleaned of yeast.

  3. Feast of First Fruits:

    • Purpose: Acknowledges the harvest.

    • Celebration: The first sheaf of the harvest is brought to the priest, who waves it before YHVH.

  4. Shavuot (Pentecost):

    • Purpose: Celebrates the giving of the Torah.

    • Celebration: Two loaves of bread are offered, along with animal sacrifices.

  5. Feast of Trumpets (Yom Te’Ruah):

    • Purpose: Marks the new year and calls for repentance.

    • Celebration: Shofars are blown, and a day of rest is observed.

  6. Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur):

    • Purpose: Day of repentance and atonement for sins.

    • Celebration: Fasting and prayer, with the High Priest entering the Holy of Holies.

  7. Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot):

    • Purpose: Commemorates the Israelites' wilderness journey.

    • Celebration: Living in temporary shelters (sukkot) for seven days, offering sacrifices, and rejoicing.