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Eric Birling


Full name: Mr Eric Birling

Age: ‘early twenties’

Role: Birling’s son

Ideology: Capitalist → Socialist


  • Irresponsible

‘You’re squiffy’ - Sheila to Eric

‘I didn’t even remember - that’s the hellish thing’

Other Quotes:

‘not quite at ease’

‘half shy’ ‘half assertive’


  • The way he goes for a drink shows ‘his familiarity with quick heavy drinking’

  • He shows up the the party ‘squiffy’

  • He often gets a drink even before the Inspector arrives


Eric represents all “respectable” upper middle class men in Edwardian times

  • Most men were like Eric, just in secret

  • He lacks self control

  • He took advantage of Eva

  • He is an alcoholic


‘the fact is I did what I did’

  • Eric accepts responsibility and shows his guilt


  • The audience feel sorry for him as he yells at Sybil saying ‘You don’t understand anything’

  • ‘my child - you’re grandchild - you killed them both’


Alternative Interpretations

  • Takes no responsibility for his own actions - forces himself on Eva and says he has forgotten ‘it seems’ he behaved badly. ‘a state where a chap turns nasty’ - distances himself from the action and generalises all men like this

  • Denies that it isn’t theft - ‘not really’ - as he intended to pay it back

  • Symbol of the future of capitalism - capitalism = theft

  • Personifies capitalism as theft

  • Clearly kept most of the stolen money for himself as Eva couldn’t have possibly spent all that money in the short period of time

  • Agreement with the Inspector may be because of his drunkenness


Eric Birling


Full name: Mr Eric Birling

Age: ‘early twenties’

Role: Birling’s son

Ideology: Capitalist → Socialist


  • Irresponsible

‘You’re squiffy’ - Sheila to Eric

‘I didn’t even remember - that’s the hellish thing’

Other Quotes:

‘not quite at ease’

‘half shy’ ‘half assertive’


  • The way he goes for a drink shows ‘his familiarity with quick heavy drinking’

  • He shows up the the party ‘squiffy’

  • He often gets a drink even before the Inspector arrives


Eric represents all “respectable” upper middle class men in Edwardian times

  • Most men were like Eric, just in secret

  • He lacks self control

  • He took advantage of Eva

  • He is an alcoholic


‘the fact is I did what I did’

  • Eric accepts responsibility and shows his guilt


  • The audience feel sorry for him as he yells at Sybil saying ‘You don’t understand anything’

  • ‘my child - you’re grandchild - you killed them both’


Alternative Interpretations

  • Takes no responsibility for his own actions - forces himself on Eva and says he has forgotten ‘it seems’ he behaved badly. ‘a state where a chap turns nasty’ - distances himself from the action and generalises all men like this

  • Denies that it isn’t theft - ‘not really’ - as he intended to pay it back

  • Symbol of the future of capitalism - capitalism = theft

  • Personifies capitalism as theft

  • Clearly kept most of the stolen money for himself as Eva couldn’t have possibly spent all that money in the short period of time

  • Agreement with the Inspector may be because of his drunkenness