Overview: Conducted in under 90 seconds, focusing on identifying obvious abnormalities while ensuring thoroughness in all steps.
Mnemonic: DCAPBTLS for assessing injuries:
Crepitus: Sensation felt when bone ends grind together, often associated with rib fractures.
Scan the head for DCAPBTLS.
Examine the back and front of the head.
Key points to check:
JVD (Jugular Venous Distention)
Trachea position (midline check)
Palpate for any step-offs in the back of the neck.
Lung Sounds: Check for lung sounds by auscultating in various areas:
Over the clavicle
Axilla area
Middle of the chest (sternal area)
Examine Chest Movement: Observe for rise and fall of the chest.
Palpation: Check abdomen for rigidity or softness and tenderness.
Pelvis Examination: Apply pressure to assess for abnormalities.
Scan the legs and arms.
Assess pulse, motor, and sensory functions.
Spinal Check: Feel along the spine for abnormalities.
Lung Sounds: Obtain sounds from the back as they may be clearer.
Purpose: Gather patient history and event details for accurate assessment.
Key Concepts:
Emphasize the importance of pertinent negatives, which indicate what the patient denies related to their condition (e.g., chest pain but denies difficulty breathing).
O: Onset - What caused the symptoms?
P: Provocation - What makes it better or worse?
Q: Quality - How would you describe the pain?
R: Radiates - Does the pain move anywhere else?
S: Severity - Rate the pain from 0 to 10.
T: Time - Duration of the symptoms.
S: Signs and Symptoms - What were they experiencing?
A: Allergies - Any allergies?
M: Medications - Current medications?
P: Past Medical History - Any significant medical events?
L: Last Oral Intake - When did they last eat/take medications?
E: Events - What led up to this condition?
Detailed Examination: More thorough than the primary assessment.
Inspect front and back of the head for DCAPBTLS.
Examine eyes and ears using a penlight for further abnormalities.
Check for JVD, trachea deviation, and step-offs.
Repeat auscultation of lung sounds and observe chest movement again.
Look for patient guarding and palpate again for any rigidity or tenderness.
Check pulse, motor, and sensory functions again.
Reassess the spine and obtain lung sounds from the back.
Unstable patients: every 5 minutes.
Stable patients: every 15 minutes.
Key Point: Continually reassess primary assessments, secondary assessments, vital signs, and chief complaints.