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22: Community Ecology: Species in the landscape


  • Local and regional diversity

    • Local diversity: The number of species in a relatively small area of homogeneous habitat, such as a stream. Also known as alpha diversity.

    • Regional diversity: The number of species in all the habitats that comprise a large geographic area. Also known as gamma diversity.

    • Beta diversity: The number of species that differ in occurrence between two habitats.

    • Regional species pool: The collection of species that occurs within a region.


  • Alpha

    • local diversity. the number of species in a relatively small area of homogeneous habitat, such as a stream

  • Beta

    • species turnover. the number of species that differ in occurrence between two habitats

  • Gamma

    • regional diversity. the number of species in all the habitats that comprise a large geographic area

Landscape ecology: Diversity

  • Local and regional diversity

  • Measuring biodiversity

    • What do we measure?

Taxonomic Diversity

  • Taxonomic diversity: the richness and abundance of species. Quantification of the number of species.

Functional Diversity

  • Functional diversity: the variety of growth forms or resource use strategies present in the community.

Phylogenetic Diversity

  • Phylogenetic Diversity: a biodiversity index that measures the length of evolutionary pathways that connect a given set of taxa

Parrot diversity


22: Community Ecology: Species in the landscape


  • Local and regional diversity

    • Local diversity: The number of species in a relatively small area of homogeneous habitat, such as a stream. Also known as alpha diversity.

    • Regional diversity: The number of species in all the habitats that comprise a large geographic area. Also known as gamma diversity.

    • Beta diversity: The number of species that differ in occurrence between two habitats.

    • Regional species pool: The collection of species that occurs within a region.


  • Alpha

    • local diversity. the number of species in a relatively small area of homogeneous habitat, such as a stream

  • Beta

    • species turnover. the number of species that differ in occurrence between two habitats

  • Gamma

    • regional diversity. the number of species in all the habitats that comprise a large geographic area

Landscape ecology: Diversity

  • Local and regional diversity

  • Measuring biodiversity

    • What do we measure?

Taxonomic Diversity

  • Taxonomic diversity: the richness and abundance of species. Quantification of the number of species.

Functional Diversity

  • Functional diversity: the variety of growth forms or resource use strategies present in the community.

Phylogenetic Diversity

  • Phylogenetic Diversity: a biodiversity index that measures the length of evolutionary pathways that connect a given set of taxa

Parrot diversity