Lecture 9, BME 296
Understand elastic and plastic behavior in materials.
Molecular cause of elasticity involves reversible deformation due to atomic interactions.
Molecular cause of plasticity involves irreversible deformations under stress.
Occurs in non-branched linear structures.
Composed of spherulites with crystalline lamellae and amorphous regions.
Crystalline lamellae radiate from a center.
Amorphous regions act as tie molecules connecting lamellae.
Stages of Deformation
First Stage: Tie chains extend, and lamellae slide.
Second Stage: Lamellae become re-oriented along loading axis; crystal blocks still attached via tie molecules.
Final Stage: Blocks and tie molecules align with tensile force.
Reference: http://www.dynamicscience.com.au/tester/solutions1/chemistry/crystallinestructures.html
After yield point, a neck develops and polymer chains orient along the load direction.
Increase in stress before fracture corresponds to overcoming strong primary bond interactions in aligned chains.
Absence of amorphous regions makes polymers brittle, limiting applications.
Changes that inhibit chain motion increase strength but decrease ductility:
Crystallinity: Higher percent increases mechanical properties.
Molecular Weight: Greater weight strengthens polymers via physical entanglements.
Cross-Linking: Increases strength and brittleness through covalent linkages.
Apply tensile force along the direction of polymer chain orientation for greater resistance.
Resistance in non-aligned direction relies on weaker secondary forces.
As strain rates increase, the stress-strain curve shifts from ductile (3) to brittle (1) due to reduced chain orientation time.
Bending tests determine stress-strain properties under beam-like load applications.
Magnitude and type of stress vary across the sample.
Key parameters include sample thickness, bending moment, and moment of inertia.
Flexural Modulus vs. Tensile Modulus
Flexural Strength: Not the same as modulus of elasticity; indicates stiffness against bending.
Tensile Modulus: Measures flexibility along strain axis, not normalized for thickness.
Properties vary under long loading times; tested via creep.
Definition and Stages
Creep is plastic deformation under constant load, involving three stages:
Primary Creep: Strain increases, creep rate decreases.
Secondary Creep: Equilibrium established; linear relationship between strain and time.
Tertiary Creep: Rapid failure due to defects in the material.
Molecular Causes
Metals: Grain boundary sliding and vacancy migration are key.
Ceramics: More resistant to creep due to rigidity in ion and vacancy diffusion.
Polymers: Creep is influenced by chain movement in amorphous regions; increases with decreasing crystallinity.
Fatigue fractures occur at stresses below yield strength, with crack initiation through repeated loading cycles.
Three Stages of Fatigue Failure:
Crack Initiation: Small cracks form at high stress areas.
Crack Propagation: The cracks grow with cycles.
Final Failure: Rapid failure after reaching critical crack size.
Mechanical Properties: Type of metal, crystallinity, molecular weight.
Pores and Porosity: Decrease elastic modulus and strength by acting as stress concentrators.
Degradation Rate: Biodegradable materials lose strength over time, affecting performance (e.g., poly(glycolic acid)).