Ethnology Exam Questions 🐄
1. Which of the following statements about the stomach and eating habits of a pig is correct?
A) Pigs have a monogastric stomach and are omnivorous animals.
B) Pigs have a ruminant stomach and primarily feed on grass and hay.
C) Pigs have a single-chambered stomach and can digest a wide variety of foods.
D) Pigs have a polygastric stomach and very picky eating habits.
2. Which of the following best describes hybridization in breeding?
a) A hybrid is the result of crossbreeding two or more breeds or bloodlines to leverage the best traits and hybrid vigor (heterosis).
b) Selectively breeding individuals within the same species to improve overall reproductive success.
c) Selectively breeding two Yorkshire pigs to improve meat quality in subsequent generations.
d) Using artificial insemination techniques to facilitate breeding in a specific pig breed without mixing with other breeds.
3. Which breed is NOT produced by Pig hybrid females
Belgian Landrace
Large white
4. Which biotype does NOT correspond to a Dairy Goat
Sharp shape and scarce muscle development
Very developed, symmetrical and globular udder
Rectangular parellelepipedal body
Strong and straight legs
5. Which statement does not correspond to an intensive farming system ?
Precocious or semi-precocious weaning
Highly qualified labor and installations
Really intense reproduction
Strict sanitary hygiene programs
6. Which cow breed has a Myostatin gene mutation?
Blonde d´Aquitaine
Belgian Blue
(Also Piedmontese)
7. Which horse breed has the characteristic of curved inwards ears?
French/Norman Trotter
Spanish Purebred
8. Which of this breed has a Lupoid morphology ?
a) Rottweiler
b) Beauce Sheepdog
c) Griffon
d) Bloodhound
(Lupoid dogs: Wolf-like appearance, head in the shape of horizontal pyramid, wedge-shaped muzzle, etc. Ex: German Shepherd)
9. The gestation period of a cow is about :
a) 9 months
b) 12 months
c) 7 months
d) none of the above
10. Choose the correct statement regarding meat biotype of goats :
a) Very developed, symmetrical and globular udder
b) Long-lined
c) High muscular development
d) Deep thorax and wide abdomen
11. Regarding the milk quality we want it to be?
A: High in fat and protein
B: Low in protein but high in fat
C: High in protein and low in fat
D: Low in protein and fat
12. Which of the following sheep breeds is used mainly for dairy production?
A) Romney(Marsh)
B) Fleischschaf
C) Lacaune
D) Dorper
13. What is the origin of the Cashmere goat breed?
A) Switzerland
B) Australia and New Zealand
C) Spain
D) Syria and other Near East countries
14. Which of the following best describes a pony?
A) A pony is a young horse.
B) A pony is a type of horse that measures less than 1.48 meters.
C) A pony is a breed of horse used for racing.
D) A pony is a type of horse with a specific coat color pattern.
15. What color would a horse with the color genetics of (E_, A_, Cr) be?
16. Which sexual activity cycle type do does (goats) have?
Seasonally polyestrus (early fall to winter)
Seasonally polyestrus (spring to early fall)
Polyestrus (non-seasonal)
17. Which of the following parameters does the breed standards measure?
A) Ideal characteristics and temperament
B) Coat length and grooming requirements such as correct color and appearance
C) Size and weight range
D) All of the above
18. "Appearance of a pointer, prism-shaped head, falling ears, long lips" describes the morphological classification for...?
A) Lupoid dogs
B) Braccoid dogs
C) Molossoid dogs
D) Graioid dogs
19. Which one, between these breeds is characterized by: “blue and almond shaped eyes, triangular head shape, pointed large at the base and silver/ smoke varieties but short coat”?
Maine Coon
Turkish Angora
20. What is correct regarding ponies?
A: They are only produced for racing
B: They are all below 148cm
C: An A-pony is less than 1,07m high
D: B and C
21. Why do some meat production cows have double muscling?
a) They are fed more because of their aptitude
b) They have a mutation in the myostatin gene sequence
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above
22. Which of the following sheep breeds is mainly used for dairy production?
A) Romney(Marsh)
B) Fleischschaf
C) Lacaune
D) Dorper
23.What pig breeds have great mothering abilities?
A: Landrace
B: Hampshire
C: Large white
D: A and C
24) What aptitude is the most important in a breed to produce hybrid females ?
A) Pork meat production
B) Polyvalence
C) Optimal reproductive characteristics
D) Good carcass quality
25) Which production system is typically suitable for breeds with high milk production potential and high nutritional needs ?
A) Free stabling
B) Intensive production system
C) Semi-intensive production system
D) Extensive production system
26) Select the correct option regarding the Iberian branch:
a) They have fine wool
b) They have high-quality meat
c) They produce both milk and meat
d) They don't adapt well to different climates
27) Which cattle breed has the best conformation for meat production?
A. Blonde d’Aquitaine
B. Dexter
C. Holstein
D. Charolais
28) Which of the following statements accurately describes a warmblood (Eumetric) horse?
A. Warmbloods are small, lightweight horses with a fiery temperament.
B. Warmbloods are the result of breeding a cold blood breed with a hot blood breed, producing a powerful, tall, athletic horse with an even temperament.
C. Warmbloods are known for being temperamental and unsuitable for high-caliber disciplines.
D. Warmbloods include breeds such as Shetland Ponies.
29) Which of the following statements is true about the Ragdoll (RAG) cat breed?
A. Ragdolls have short, coarse fur and come in black color.
B. The Ragdoll's eyes are typically green and almond-shaped.
C. Ragdolls have a long body with hind legs slightly higher than the front legs and originated in the USA.
D. The Ragdoll's ears are small, pointed, and set close together.
30) Which of the following statements correctly describes a scissor bite in dogs?
A. The upper and lower incisors meet edge to edge, causing wear on the teeth.
B. The lower jaw extends beyond the upper jaw, common in bulldogs and pugs.
C. The upper incisors neatly overlap the lower incisors, with canines and molars fitting closely and effectively minimizing wear.
D. The upper jaw extends beyond the lower jaw in a parrot-like fashion.
31. What is milk quality determined by?
Smell and colour
Fat and protein percentages
Calcium and vitamin percentages
Viscosity and weight per L
32. Indicate the INCORRECT statement.
Black hair results from a large amount of eumelanin.
Red hair results from a large amount of pheomelanin and a large amount of eumelanin.
Blond hair results from a low amount of pheomelanin and no eumelanin.
Intermediate colors correspond to a combination of pigments in different proportions.
33. Mark the INCORRECT proposition regarding reproductive traits in pig production:
Females of late maturing breeds are usually served for the first time at around 9-10 months
Sows give birth once a year
Breeders take into account carcass quality in addition to carcass yield
Prolificacy in hyper prolific breeds can reach up to 20 offsprings
34. Which of the following is NOT a typical characteristic of meat biotype goats?
Rectangular parallelepipedal body
High muscular development
Rounded body outlines
35. Which breed of sheep is the oldest?
Iberian branch
Churro branch
Romney branch
Merino branch
36. Which one does not characterize a dairy biotype cattle?
-angular body shape
-bright eyes and lean neck
-double muscling in some breeds
-udder well attached to the abdomen
37. With regards to a horse's size, mark the correct answer...
1) warmbloods are a combination of hot blood breeds and ponies (resulting in a middleweight horse)
2) draught horses (the biggest horses) have a "cold blood" temperament, meaning they can carry heavy loads
3) ponies must measure less than 1.40m
4) Hot blood horses are breed for their endurance and rideability
38. Which coat pattern is the following description in cats: The coat is predominantly white (50%-75%) combined with random coloured markings on the cat's body, including its tail.
A) Van
B) Bicolour
C) Harlequin
D) Cap-and-Saddle
39.With respect to dog ear shapes, which is not a correct ear shape classification:
a) Button ear
b) Folded ear
c) Cupped ear
d) Drop ear
40.Mark the incorrect answer regarding the Cattle production characteristics:
A-Weaning occurs at 5-7 months in suckling cows
B-Dairy farmers usually begin breeding or artificially inseminating heifers around 8 months of age.
C-The gestation period is about 9 months
D-Fattening calves are kept in feedlots and have a specific diet to optimize growth
41.Which of these sheep breeds have characteristic big eyes?
a) Charollais
b) Charmoise
c) Bleu du Maine
d) None
Which of the following is a primary characteristic of the "White pig breeds"?
A. High fat content in the meat
B. Highly prolific and good mothering abilities
C. Adapted to extensive farming systems
D. Characterized by dark skin pigmentation
What is the primary characteristic of the "Beef biotype" in cattle?
A. Angular body shape with slim limbs
B. Rectangular body with double muscling in some breeds
C. Predominance of forequarters
D. Long, forward-facing horns
What is the dental formula of swines :
I3/3, C1/1,PM4/4,M3/3
What is the average daily gain (ADG)?
Daily weight decrease of the animal
Daily mass decrease of the animal
Daily mass increase of the animal
Daily weight increase of the animal
What’s the difference between a dairy biotype and a meat biotype?
meat biotype has a more developed udder
meat biotype has sharp shape with little muscle development
dairy biotype has little udder development
dairy biotype has a sharp shape with a little muscle development
Which one of the following characteristics are typically associated with meat production in sheep?
A. Breeds that are not very rustic
B. Grazing in an intensive system
C. Lambs slaughtered at an early age
D. Large carcasses with a high conformation
Which of these breeds are only use for milk production :
Belgian blue
Which coloring has a large amount of eumelanin?
Red hair
Blond hair
Black hair
White hair
Which of the following is not a common use of donkeys?
A) Packing and carrying of goods
B) Breeding to obtain Hybrids
C) Performing in circus acts
D) Fire prevention and forest Clearance
Which of the following is NOT the name of one of the siamese colourations?
A. Chocolate
B. Cinnamon
C. lilac
D. Cream
Which of these coat colors is NOT accepted for the breed Bearded Collie?
Slate Grey
reddish fawn
Black (full)
Pig females can have ___ numbers of births per year
B and C are correct
All of these are Goat types except: (mark the one that it's not a type of goat)
Mediterranean (Nubian) Type
American Type
Asian Type
Alpine Type
According to Pierre MEGNIN, what kind of dog is a German Shepherd ?
a) Lupoid dog
b) Braccoid dog
c) Molossoid dog
d) Graioid dog
Which breed has the mitted pattern ?
a) Chartreux
b) Burmese
c) Russian Blue
d) Ragdoll
What is the maximum height for a horse to fit in the pony/elipometric category ?
a) 1.17m
b) 1.48m
c) 1.07m
d) 1.30m
According to the monophyletic theory, who is the ancestor of modern domestic cattle ?
a) Heifers
b) Aurochs
c) Morucha
d) Modern domestic cattle has always existed as it is
What do we call lamb fur ?
a) fine fur
b) intensive
c) astrakhan
d) we do not use lamb fur
What type of classification could we use for dogs?
a) according the height
b) according the feet
c) according the stop
d) a,b,c are correct
How can we often call a sepia coat pattern ?
a) Mink pattern
b) bicolour pattern
c) burmese pattern
d) ticked tabby pattern
Which of these aptitudes is not related with the breed Zamorano Leones ?
A) Agrotourism
B) Work
C) Reproduction
D) Graze
Which statement is WRONG regarding the breed Brown Swiss ?
A) The pigmentation of their eyes helps them to resist extreme solar radiation.
B) They have the best fat-to-protein ratio of any of the dairy breeds for production of most cheeses.
C) The coat is light brown.
D) They have a white nose.
Which species is not used for dairy production ?
A) Assaf
B) East Friesian
C) Bizet
D) Lacaune
An alpine caprine type has the following ethnic characters:
a) concave profile, medium-lined, spiral horns, protruding eye sockets and small/erect/oblique ears.
b) concave profile, short lined, arched horns or hornless, dairy aptitude and brachycephalic
c) convex profile, short-lined, arched horns, protruding eye sockets and brachycephalic
d) convex profile, short-lined, arched horns or hornless, dairy aptitude and dolicomorph
Which breed is not used to make hybrid females?
A)Large White
C)Belgian Landrace
A Bay horse can be the result of the following alleles:
a) EE and aa
b) Ee and aa
c) EE and Aa
d) both b and c are correct
A calf enters its fattening phase with a weight of 50kg and finishes with a weight of 120kg. Its ADG was 950g/day. How long did he stay at the fattening farm?
a)74 days
b)73 days
c)72 days
d)76 days
Which are the biggest and strongest of all the horse breeds?
A: Warm blooded
B: Draught (draft) horses
C: Light horses (hot bloods)
D: Ponies
Which one does not belong to the basic colors of a horse’s coat?
A: Sorrel
B: Liver sorrel
C: Chestnut red
D: Liver chestnut
Which one is not a productive characteristic in the meat production:
Water retention
What are the sow breeds used for optimal reproductive characteristics ?
a) Landrace
b) Yorkshire
c) Large White
d) The 3 of them
Which species have a continuous polyestrous ?
A) Goats and sheep
B) Cattle and pigs
C) Dogs and cats
D) Mares and cows
What is the aptitude of the Alpine breed?
A) Meat
B) Milk
C) Cashmere
D) Polyvalent
In which type of farming system is transhumance practiced ?
a) Extensive farming system
b) Semi- extensive farming system
c) Semi- intensive farming system
d) Intensive farming system
Among the following breeds, which one is used for the production of milk as well as meat?
a- Charolais
b- Belgian Blue
c- Salers
d- Limousin
What is the color of a bay horse with a dun dilution?
A) Chestnut
B) Dun with primitive markings
C) Yellow/golden dun with primitive markings
D) Bay
Among the following breeds of horses and donkeys, which one is used for meat production?
a- Shire
b- Miniature (Mediterranean)
c- Welsh
d- Burguete
Which coat color always has a tabby pattern ?
A: Apricot
B: Chocolate
C: Red
D: answer A and C
Which type of classification according to the feet is false ?
A: Flat foot
B: Snow-White foot
C: Hare foot
D: Splay foot
Pig females can have __ numbers of birth per year?
A 1
B 2-3
C 4
D A and C are correct
All of this are goat types EXCEPT:
A Mediterranean (Nubian)
B American Typ
C Asian Typ
D Alpine Typ
Which of these sheep breeds have characteristics of big eyes?
A Charollais
B Charmoise
C Bleu du Maine
D none
Which of the tabby cats are the hardest Type to identify?
A Mackerel tabby
B Ticked tabby
C Spotted tabby
D none of them
According to barons systematic a dog that weights btw 10-14 kg is:
A Elipometric
B Eumetric
C Subelipometric
D Hypermetric