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  • The SDGs were developed through a collaborative process by all United Nations member states, non-gov orgs and people all around the world

  • include ambitious targets and plans to tackle global challenges and aim to meet the needs of people in all countries

  • SDGs aim to build on the success of the Millennium Development goals

    • aim to go further to end all forms of poverty.


  • end extreme poverty

    • hundreds of people still live in extreme poverty

    • they struggle to afford basic resources

    • high number of preventable deaths

  • fight inequalities and injustice

    • millions of people around the world face persecution due to extraneous factors

    • important to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies

  • tackle climate change

    • one of the most significant issues



  • A new set of goals and targets were needed when the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) finished in 2015.

    • did help lift people out of poverty, supported education, improved H+W and HD

    • further improvement was needed

  • Progress in all areas was uneven across regions and countries

    • Disadvantaged groups were left behind

    • for example, sex, age, disability, ethnicity, geographical location

  • New global challenges had emerged that needed to be considered.

    • the impact of increasing conflict and extremism

    • widespread migration

    • economic and financial instability

    • large-scale environmental changes


Aim: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages



Reduce Maternal Mortality

  • most maternal deaths occur due to:

    • heamorrage

    • obstracted labour

    • sepsis

    • unsafe abortion

    • pre eclampsia

  • can be avoided with:

    • access to healthcare

    • delaying pregnancy untill girls are older

    • spacing births

End Preventable Child deaths

  • many deaths occur in the neotatal period

  • including:

    • being born prematurely

    • asphyxia

    • birth trauma

    • infections

  • deaths can be prevented by:

    • access to healthcare (including during birth)

    • vaccination

    • medications

    • adequate food (including breastmilk)

    • safe water and sanitation

End Epidemics of Communicable Diseases

  • all are prevenatble with access to:

    • vaccination

    • medication

    • education

    • safe food

    • safe water and sanitation

  • AIDS/HIV is spread through:

    • unsafe sex

    • sharing needles

    • childbirth

    • breastfeeding

  • Malaria is spread through bites from infected mosquitos

    • vaccines in development - can prevent deaths

    • mosquito nets and bug spray can stop spread

  • Tuberculosis is a respiratory infection

    • can be prevented by vaccinations

    • medical treatment can reduce impact

    • most sevre cases in children and people with HIV/AIDS

  • Neglected tropical diseases

    • 18 diseases that occur in tropical and subtropical climates

    • can be prevented and treated with medication

    • spread by insects and worms

    • often neglected in relation to government funding and awareness raising

  • Hepatitis

    • vaccines for some types

    • treatable

    • spread by contaminated food, water and blood

    • hygeinic environments help reduce spread

Reduce non-communicable diseases

  • main types cause over 70% of global deaths:

    • cardiovascular disease

    • diabetes

    • respiratory diseases

  • number of deaths increasing in most countries

  • onset and severity can be reduced with:

    • medication

    • weight loss

    • excersing

    • nutritious diet

    • stopping smoking

  • clog up health systems

  • mental health problems affect billions of people

    • reduce social and economic development

  • most types can be treated with medications and therapy

Reduce Road Traffic Accidents

  • over 1 million people die on roads each year

  • many more experience injuries and lifelong disabilities

  • many road deaths can be avoided with:

    • access to healthcare

    • reducing substance abuse

    • driver education

    • imporved road and related infrastructure

    • safer vehicles

    • road laws and policies

Reduce the impact of chemical, air, water and soil pollution 

  • 1 in 4 global deaths are due to environmental hazards, such as:

    • air pollution

    • water pollution

    • soil pollution

  • Around 3 billion people cook and heat their homes using solid fuels such as:

    • wood

    • charcoal

    • coal

    • dung

  • open fires or poorly functioning stoves increase air pollution

    • respiratory conditions

    • cancers

  • Contamination of drinking water and soil

    • leads to many deaths

  • can be imporved by:

    • less reliance on fossil fuels and cars

    • reduced tobacco use

    • providing adequate housing

    • change in legislation

    • better sanitation


Universal Health Coverage

  • relates to all people being able to access health services and health promotion regardless of where they live or their ability to pay. 

Universal Reproductive and Sexual Healthare

  •  assist with family planning, such as the spacing of births and contraception if required.

    • Spacing of births increases the chance of survival for both mother and baby

  • The birthing process is particularly dangerous. 

    • Having qualified health workers reduces the risk of maternal and infant mortality.

Reduce Substance Abuse

  • decreases a person’s risk of developing over 200 diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver, several forms of cancer, HIV and hepatitis C and B

  • Reducing substance use also reduces the risk of death from violence, drowning and road accidents

WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

  • works to assist governments in reducing the supply and demand for tobacco products through implementing initiatives such as:

    • increasing the price of tobacco

    • providing protection from exposure to tobacco smoke

    • regulating of the contents of tobacco products

Investment in Health Services and Trained Medical Workers

  • required as many diseases can be prevented or treated with access to health care

  • Many people in low and middle income countries cannot afford these services, so more investment is needed

Research and Development of Vaccines and Medications

  • needed to develop new vaccines to prevent diseases such as malaria, HIV and many tropical diseases, which are responsible for the deaths of many people, especially children

Early Warning, Prevention and Management of Health Risks

  • can prevent deaths from events such as extreme weather and the outbreak of communicable diseases



Aim: to end extreme poverty in all its forms, everywhere


  • eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere

  • implement social protection systems and measures for all


SDG 1 aims to eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere. This will, in turn, result in lower unemployment rates and increased opportunities for individuals to earn an income.An income enables individuals to access basic healthcare services, for example, essential medications. Access to essential medications is critical in managing chronic non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular disease. This will in turn, reduce the burden of disease associated with non-communicable diseases, assisting in the achievement of SDG 3, as reducing non-communicable diseases is a key target of this goal

SDG 1 aims to ensure all countries, particularly low-income countries, are able to implement social protection systems. an example of this is the Medicare system which works to enable access to healthcare for all. Enabling access to such resources, in this case healthcare, has a widespread impact on the health and wellbeing of citizens. Such social protection programmes not only allow individuals to access services such as sexual and reproductive healthcare, but also contribute to the achievement of universal health cover, both key targets of SDG 3.


Aim: to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture


  • end hunger and ensure all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, such as infants, have access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food all year round.

  • ensure sustainable food production systems and resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, maintain ecosystems, and adapt to climate change and extreme weather are implemented.



SDG 2 aims to end hunger and ensure all people have access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food. When sufficiently nourished and when consuming adequate nutritious food, pregnant women are less likely to suffer from pregnancy related illnesses such as anemia. Additionally, babies that are breastfed are more likely to survive their first year if their mother is well nourished.As a result, pregnant women are less likely to die during pregnancy from preventable illnesses and are better able to feed their babies nourishing food.This contributes to the reduction in maternal mortality rates as well as the reduction in preventable deaths of newborns, contributing to the achievement of SDG 3.



AIM: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all


  • ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education.

  • increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills for employment.


SDG 4 aims to ensure that all children complete primary and secondary education. Education improves health literacy, such as learning about the importance of using condoms during sexual intercourse. Such health education is often supported by government resources or campaigns provided to schools. Learning about ways to reduce the spread of communicable diseases, such as malaria and HIV is a key target of SDG 3.

SDG 4 aims to increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills for employment. An increase in skilled citizens strengthens the productivity of a community's or country’s workforce whilst increasing individual’s incomes as a result of employment. A stronger workforce of higher earners allows for increased tax revenue for govern- ments, enabling them to afford the implementation of certain health promoting services. With an educated workforce and increased tax revenue, governments can increase their investment in healthcare services and qualified healthcare staff, especially in low-income countrieS, a key target of SDG 3.


AIM: to end discrimination and violence against women and girls, and focuses on the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.


  • end all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere.

  • eliminate harmful practices, such as child, early, and forced marriage and female genital mutilation.


SDG 5 involves adopting policies and legislations that support gender equality and empowerment of all women. This involves, at a governmental level, recognising the equal value of women in society, introducing laws to mandate gender equality, and promoting equal participation within the community.As a result of this support in the form of policies and services, as well as by reducing all forms of discrimination against women and girls, and by ending all forms of violence against women, women's sense of self-worth within society will inevitably increase all across the globe. An increase in sense of self-worth promotes improvements in mental health and wellbeing.

Eliminating child marriage will ensure that more girls have the access to a quality primary and secondary education gain access to knowledge about spacing child birth. This can help reduce global maternal mortality as the mother has fully recovered from the previous pregnancy


AIM: to ensure that all people across the globe have access to safe, clean water and adequate sanitation.




MISSION: promote health, keep the world safe, serve the vulnerable



  • service access and quality

  • Health workforce

  • Access to medicines, vaccines and health products

  • Governance and finance

  • Health information systems

  • Advocacy

  • Country support.


  • building and sustaining resilient national, regional and global capacities required to keep the world safe from epidemics and other health emergencies

  • ensuring that populations affected by acute and protracted emergencies have rapid access to essential life saving health services including health promotion and disease prevention


  • improving human capital across the life span

  • accelerating action on preventing non communicable diseases and promoting mental health

  • accelerationg elimination and eradication of high impact communicable diseases

  • tackling antibiotic resistance

  • addressing health effects of climate change in small island developing states and other vulnerable states


  • Leadership and partnership

    • provides leadership and partnership between the world’s leading scientists to accelerate research and development

    • provided to all countries


  • Technical support

    • to assist countries to implement the universal health coverage


  • Conduct research

    • accelerate research and development and is working to develop new norms and standards to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic


  • Setting new norms and standards

    • working to develop new norms and standards to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic


  • Developing policies

    • will work

      closely with countries to obtain the data required for policy recommendations


  • Monitoring trends

    • monitoring the spread of COVID




  • The SDGs were developed through a collaborative process by all United Nations member states, non-gov orgs and people all around the world

  • include ambitious targets and plans to tackle global challenges and aim to meet the needs of people in all countries

  • SDGs aim to build on the success of the Millennium Development goals

    • aim to go further to end all forms of poverty.


  • end extreme poverty

    • hundreds of people still live in extreme poverty

    • they struggle to afford basic resources

    • high number of preventable deaths

  • fight inequalities and injustice

    • millions of people around the world face persecution due to extraneous factors

    • important to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies

  • tackle climate change

    • one of the most significant issues



  • A new set of goals and targets were needed when the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) finished in 2015.

    • did help lift people out of poverty, supported education, improved H+W and HD

    • further improvement was needed

  • Progress in all areas was uneven across regions and countries

    • Disadvantaged groups were left behind

    • for example, sex, age, disability, ethnicity, geographical location

  • New global challenges had emerged that needed to be considered.

    • the impact of increasing conflict and extremism

    • widespread migration

    • economic and financial instability

    • large-scale environmental changes


Aim: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages



Reduce Maternal Mortality

  • most maternal deaths occur due to:

    • heamorrage

    • obstracted labour

    • sepsis

    • unsafe abortion

    • pre eclampsia

  • can be avoided with:

    • access to healthcare

    • delaying pregnancy untill girls are older

    • spacing births

End Preventable Child deaths

  • many deaths occur in the neotatal period

  • including:

    • being born prematurely

    • asphyxia

    • birth trauma

    • infections

  • deaths can be prevented by:

    • access to healthcare (including during birth)

    • vaccination

    • medications

    • adequate food (including breastmilk)

    • safe water and sanitation

End Epidemics of Communicable Diseases

  • all are prevenatble with access to:

    • vaccination

    • medication

    • education

    • safe food

    • safe water and sanitation

  • AIDS/HIV is spread through:

    • unsafe sex

    • sharing needles

    • childbirth

    • breastfeeding

  • Malaria is spread through bites from infected mosquitos

    • vaccines in development - can prevent deaths

    • mosquito nets and bug spray can stop spread

  • Tuberculosis is a respiratory infection

    • can be prevented by vaccinations

    • medical treatment can reduce impact

    • most sevre cases in children and people with HIV/AIDS

  • Neglected tropical diseases

    • 18 diseases that occur in tropical and subtropical climates

    • can be prevented and treated with medication

    • spread by insects and worms

    • often neglected in relation to government funding and awareness raising

  • Hepatitis

    • vaccines for some types

    • treatable

    • spread by contaminated food, water and blood

    • hygeinic environments help reduce spread

Reduce non-communicable diseases

  • main types cause over 70% of global deaths:

    • cardiovascular disease

    • diabetes

    • respiratory diseases

  • number of deaths increasing in most countries

  • onset and severity can be reduced with:

    • medication

    • weight loss

    • excersing

    • nutritious diet

    • stopping smoking

  • clog up health systems

  • mental health problems affect billions of people

    • reduce social and economic development

  • most types can be treated with medications and therapy

Reduce Road Traffic Accidents

  • over 1 million people die on roads each year

  • many more experience injuries and lifelong disabilities

  • many road deaths can be avoided with:

    • access to healthcare

    • reducing substance abuse

    • driver education

    • imporved road and related infrastructure

    • safer vehicles

    • road laws and policies

Reduce the impact of chemical, air, water and soil pollution 

  • 1 in 4 global deaths are due to environmental hazards, such as:

    • air pollution

    • water pollution

    • soil pollution

  • Around 3 billion people cook and heat their homes using solid fuels such as:

    • wood

    • charcoal

    • coal

    • dung

  • open fires or poorly functioning stoves increase air pollution

    • respiratory conditions

    • cancers

  • Contamination of drinking water and soil

    • leads to many deaths

  • can be imporved by:

    • less reliance on fossil fuels and cars

    • reduced tobacco use

    • providing adequate housing

    • change in legislation

    • better sanitation


Universal Health Coverage

  • relates to all people being able to access health services and health promotion regardless of where they live or their ability to pay. 

Universal Reproductive and Sexual Healthare

  •  assist with family planning, such as the spacing of births and contraception if required.

    • Spacing of births increases the chance of survival for both mother and baby

  • The birthing process is particularly dangerous. 

    • Having qualified health workers reduces the risk of maternal and infant mortality.

Reduce Substance Abuse

  • decreases a person’s risk of developing over 200 diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver, several forms of cancer, HIV and hepatitis C and B

  • Reducing substance use also reduces the risk of death from violence, drowning and road accidents

WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

  • works to assist governments in reducing the supply and demand for tobacco products through implementing initiatives such as:

    • increasing the price of tobacco

    • providing protection from exposure to tobacco smoke

    • regulating of the contents of tobacco products

Investment in Health Services and Trained Medical Workers

  • required as many diseases can be prevented or treated with access to health care

  • Many people in low and middle income countries cannot afford these services, so more investment is needed

Research and Development of Vaccines and Medications

  • needed to develop new vaccines to prevent diseases such as malaria, HIV and many tropical diseases, which are responsible for the deaths of many people, especially children

Early Warning, Prevention and Management of Health Risks

  • can prevent deaths from events such as extreme weather and the outbreak of communicable diseases



Aim: to end extreme poverty in all its forms, everywhere


  • eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere

  • implement social protection systems and measures for all


SDG 1 aims to eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere. This will, in turn, result in lower unemployment rates and increased opportunities for individuals to earn an income.An income enables individuals to access basic healthcare services, for example, essential medications. Access to essential medications is critical in managing chronic non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular disease. This will in turn, reduce the burden of disease associated with non-communicable diseases, assisting in the achievement of SDG 3, as reducing non-communicable diseases is a key target of this goal

SDG 1 aims to ensure all countries, particularly low-income countries, are able to implement social protection systems. an example of this is the Medicare system which works to enable access to healthcare for all. Enabling access to such resources, in this case healthcare, has a widespread impact on the health and wellbeing of citizens. Such social protection programmes not only allow individuals to access services such as sexual and reproductive healthcare, but also contribute to the achievement of universal health cover, both key targets of SDG 3.


Aim: to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture


  • end hunger and ensure all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, such as infants, have access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food all year round.

  • ensure sustainable food production systems and resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, maintain ecosystems, and adapt to climate change and extreme weather are implemented.



SDG 2 aims to end hunger and ensure all people have access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food. When sufficiently nourished and when consuming adequate nutritious food, pregnant women are less likely to suffer from pregnancy related illnesses such as anemia. Additionally, babies that are breastfed are more likely to survive their first year if their mother is well nourished.As a result, pregnant women are less likely to die during pregnancy from preventable illnesses and are better able to feed their babies nourishing food.This contributes to the reduction in maternal mortality rates as well as the reduction in preventable deaths of newborns, contributing to the achievement of SDG 3.



AIM: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all


  • ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education.

  • increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills for employment.


SDG 4 aims to ensure that all children complete primary and secondary education. Education improves health literacy, such as learning about the importance of using condoms during sexual intercourse. Such health education is often supported by government resources or campaigns provided to schools. Learning about ways to reduce the spread of communicable diseases, such as malaria and HIV is a key target of SDG 3.

SDG 4 aims to increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills for employment. An increase in skilled citizens strengthens the productivity of a community's or country’s workforce whilst increasing individual’s incomes as a result of employment. A stronger workforce of higher earners allows for increased tax revenue for govern- ments, enabling them to afford the implementation of certain health promoting services. With an educated workforce and increased tax revenue, governments can increase their investment in healthcare services and qualified healthcare staff, especially in low-income countrieS, a key target of SDG 3.


AIM: to end discrimination and violence against women and girls, and focuses on the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.


  • end all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere.

  • eliminate harmful practices, such as child, early, and forced marriage and female genital mutilation.


SDG 5 involves adopting policies and legislations that support gender equality and empowerment of all women. This involves, at a governmental level, recognising the equal value of women in society, introducing laws to mandate gender equality, and promoting equal participation within the community.As a result of this support in the form of policies and services, as well as by reducing all forms of discrimination against women and girls, and by ending all forms of violence against women, women's sense of self-worth within society will inevitably increase all across the globe. An increase in sense of self-worth promotes improvements in mental health and wellbeing.

Eliminating child marriage will ensure that more girls have the access to a quality primary and secondary education gain access to knowledge about spacing child birth. This can help reduce global maternal mortality as the mother has fully recovered from the previous pregnancy


AIM: to ensure that all people across the globe have access to safe, clean water and adequate sanitation.




MISSION: promote health, keep the world safe, serve the vulnerable



  • service access and quality

  • Health workforce

  • Access to medicines, vaccines and health products

  • Governance and finance

  • Health information systems

  • Advocacy

  • Country support.


  • building and sustaining resilient national, regional and global capacities required to keep the world safe from epidemics and other health emergencies

  • ensuring that populations affected by acute and protracted emergencies have rapid access to essential life saving health services including health promotion and disease prevention


  • improving human capital across the life span

  • accelerating action on preventing non communicable diseases and promoting mental health

  • accelerationg elimination and eradication of high impact communicable diseases

  • tackling antibiotic resistance

  • addressing health effects of climate change in small island developing states and other vulnerable states


  • Leadership and partnership

    • provides leadership and partnership between the world’s leading scientists to accelerate research and development

    • provided to all countries


  • Technical support

    • to assist countries to implement the universal health coverage


  • Conduct research

    • accelerate research and development and is working to develop new norms and standards to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic


  • Setting new norms and standards

    • working to develop new norms and standards to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic


  • Developing policies

    • will work

      closely with countries to obtain the data required for policy recommendations


  • Monitoring trends

    • monitoring the spread of COVID