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Linear Motion


Motion is Relative:

  • All motion is relative.

  • If unstated, the motion mentioned is relative to the surface of the Earth.

  • Even things that are at rest are moving.

  • You’re moving at 170,000 km/h right now.



  • Before Galileo, people described things as either slow or fast.

  • Galileo was the first to measure speed.

  • Speed = Distance/Time

  • Galileo measured distance easily. He struggled with measuring time.

    • Sometimes he used his own pulse, or dripping water drops.

  • Eg: Cyclist covering 16 meters in 2 seconds has a speed of 8 meters per second (m/s).

Instantaneous Speed:

  • Instantaneous speed is the speed of an object at any instant.

    • If a car travelled at 50 km/h for an hour, it would cover 50 km. If it travelled for half an hour, it would cover 25 km.

Average Speed:

  • Average speed = total distance covered/time interval

  • Eg: if you travel 320 km in 4 hrs, the average speed is 80 km/h.

  • Average speed doesn’t tell you the different speeds at smaller time intervals.

  • Average speed is different from instantaneous speed.

  • Total distance covered = average speed x time interval



  • The speed and direction of motion for an object gives us its velocity.

    • Speed → car travelling at 60 km/h.

    • Velocity → car moving at 60 km/h towards north.

  • Speed is how fast an object moves.

  • Velocity is how fast an object moves and in what direction it moves.

  • Vector quantity: Quantity that specifies magnitude and direction.

  • Scalar quantity: Quantity that specifies only magnitude.

Constant Velocity:

  • Constant speed is steady speed.

  • Constant velocity is constant speed and constant direction.

  • Constant direction means the object moves in a straight line. The path doesn’t curve.

  • Constant velocity Motion in a straight line at a constant speed.

Changing Velocity:

  • Velocity changes if speed or direction or both change.



  • Velocity of an object changes with a change in speed, change in direction, or change in both.

  • Acceleration → How quickly the velocity changes and in what direction.

  • Formula → Acceleration = change of velocity/time interval

  • Acceleration is defined by change.

    • Eg: increasing velocity from 30 km/h to 35 km/h in one second, to 40 km/h in the next, 45 km/h in the next, and so on.

    • Here, the acceleration is 5 km/h.s

  • Acceleration is the change per second in the velocity.

  • Acceleration is the increase or decrease in the velocity.

  • Deceleration → When there is a large decrease per second in the velocity.

  • When we move in a curved path, our direction is constantly changing, so we are accelerating, even if we are moving at a constant speed.

    • Eg: Standing in a moving bus. When a bus moves at a constant velocity, you can stand with no extra effort. When the bus accelerates, you experience difficulty standing.

Acceleration on Galileo’s Inclined Planes:

  • Galileo demonstrated acceleration using experiments on inclined planes.

  • A ball rolling down an inclined plane picks up the same speed with each successive second. This is constant acceleration.

    • Eg: For a ball rolling down a plane inclined at an angle, let’s say it picks up a speed of 2 m/s with each second.

    • The instantaneous velocity at 1s intervals at this acceleration is 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 m/s, and so on.

    • Velocity acquired = acceleration x time

    • At the end of 1s, the ball travels 2 m/s, at the end of 2s, it is travelling 4 m/s, at the end of 10s, it’s 20 m/s.

  • Acceleration down an incline is constant for each incline.

  • Steeper inclines have greater accelerations.

    • When the incline is tipped vertically, the ball accelerates to its highest extent. It falls with the acceleration of a falling object.

  • When air resistance can be ignored, all objects fall with the same acceleration.


Free Fall:

How Fast:

  • When an object falls under the influence of only gravity, it is in a state of free fall.

    • There’s no other restraints like friction with the air acting on the object.

  • Instantaneous velocity of a free falling object at 1 second intervals:

Time of Fall (s)

Velocity Acquired (m/s)















  • During each second, the object gains a speed of 10 m/s.

  • Gain per second is the acceleration.

  • Free fall acceleration = 10 m/s^2.

  • For free falling objects, g represents acceleration.

    • Acceleration is due to gravity.

  • g is slightly different on the surface of the Moon and the surfaces of other planets.

  • Average value of g = 9.8 m/s2

  • Instantaneous velocity, v = gt

  • Speedometers can be used to measure free fall acceleration.

  • For an object thrown upwards:

    • It slows down as it moves upwards.

    • At its highest point, it changes direction.

    • At its highest point, its instantaneous speed becomes 0.

    • When it starts moving downwards, it acts like its been dropped from rest at that height.

    • Upward deceleration = Downward acceleration

    • The velocities act the opposite ways, because they’re acting in opposite directions.

      • Downward velocity has a negative sign, indicating downward direction.

How Far:

  • Inclined planes showed Galileo that the distance of a uniformly accelerating object is proportional to the square of time taken.

  • Distance travelled = 1/2 x acceleration x time x time

  • Shorthand notation: d = 1/2gt^2

  • d → distance object falls

  • t → time taken for the fall


→ For an object falling 5m during the first second of a 10m/s fall, it’d be expected to cover 10m. This can only actually happen if the average speed of the object is 10m/s for that entire second.

→ The average speed in this second is actually the sum of the starting and final speeds, divided by 2.

→ (0+10)/2, which is 5m/s.

  • Objects fall with unequal accelerations.

    • Eg: a leaf, a feather, and a sheet of paper fall at different speeds due to different air resistances.

    • This can be demonstrated with a closed glass tube containing these objects.

    • If the air in the tube is replaced with a vacuum, the objects will fall at the same speed.

  • Heavier objects aren’t appreciably affected by air resistance.

  • v = gt and d = 1/2 gt^2 tell us about objects falling in the air from an initial state of rest.

How Quickly ‘How Fast’ Changes:

  • For an object falling, we are talking about speed or velocity.

    • v = gt

  • For how far an object falls, we are talking about distance.

    • d = 1/2 gt^2

  • Velocity is a rate (rate of change of position).

  • Acceleration is a rate of a rate (rate of change of velocity).

Hang Time:

  • Athletes and dancers appear to “hang in the air” for 2 to 3 seconds when they jump.

  • This is actually one 1 second.

  • People can easily cross over a 0.5 m gate, but they wouldn’t be able to jump 0.5 m high.

  • It’s easier for people to leap over a fence than to shift their center of gravity entirely.

  • When you jump upwards, you only apply force when your feet are in contact with the ground. As soon as you’re in the air, your upward speed decreases at a rate of 10m/s^2. At the topmost point, your speed is 0.

  • When you start to fall, your speed increases at the same rate.

  • Hang rate is the sum of the rising time and the falling time.

  • Relationship between up or down and vertical height:

    • d = 1/2gt^2 , or,

    • t = square root of (2*d/g)


Velocity Vectors:

  • Speed → how fast

  • Velocity → how fast + in what direction

  • Speed is a scalar quantity. Velocity is a vector quantity.

    • Eg: Consider an airplane flying 80 km/h due north getting caught in a 60 km/h crosswind and getting thrown off course by it.

      A crosswind is a wind blowing at a 90˚angle to the object being mentioned. Here, the plane.

    • If the 80 km/h vector is 4 cm long, and the 60 km/h vector is 3 cm, the resultant of the two vectors is a 100km/h vector measuring 5 cm long, at an angle of 37˚ from the 60 km/h vector.

    • By the parallelogram law.

    • The plane is due eastward.

Linear Motion


Motion is Relative:

  • All motion is relative.

  • If unstated, the motion mentioned is relative to the surface of the Earth.

  • Even things that are at rest are moving.

  • You’re moving at 170,000 km/h right now.



  • Before Galileo, people described things as either slow or fast.

  • Galileo was the first to measure speed.

  • Speed = Distance/Time

  • Galileo measured distance easily. He struggled with measuring time.

    • Sometimes he used his own pulse, or dripping water drops.

  • Eg: Cyclist covering 16 meters in 2 seconds has a speed of 8 meters per second (m/s).

Instantaneous Speed:

  • Instantaneous speed is the speed of an object at any instant.

    • If a car travelled at 50 km/h for an hour, it would cover 50 km. If it travelled for half an hour, it would cover 25 km.

Average Speed:

  • Average speed = total distance covered/time interval

  • Eg: if you travel 320 km in 4 hrs, the average speed is 80 km/h.

  • Average speed doesn’t tell you the different speeds at smaller time intervals.

  • Average speed is different from instantaneous speed.

  • Total distance covered = average speed x time interval



  • The speed and direction of motion for an object gives us its velocity.

    • Speed → car travelling at 60 km/h.

    • Velocity → car moving at 60 km/h towards north.

  • Speed is how fast an object moves.

  • Velocity is how fast an object moves and in what direction it moves.

  • Vector quantity: Quantity that specifies magnitude and direction.

  • Scalar quantity: Quantity that specifies only magnitude.

Constant Velocity:

  • Constant speed is steady speed.

  • Constant velocity is constant speed and constant direction.

  • Constant direction means the object moves in a straight line. The path doesn’t curve.

  • Constant velocity Motion in a straight line at a constant speed.

Changing Velocity:

  • Velocity changes if speed or direction or both change.



  • Velocity of an object changes with a change in speed, change in direction, or change in both.

  • Acceleration → How quickly the velocity changes and in what direction.

  • Formula → Acceleration = change of velocity/time interval

  • Acceleration is defined by change.

    • Eg: increasing velocity from 30 km/h to 35 km/h in one second, to 40 km/h in the next, 45 km/h in the next, and so on.

    • Here, the acceleration is 5 km/h.s

  • Acceleration is the change per second in the velocity.

  • Acceleration is the increase or decrease in the velocity.

  • Deceleration → When there is a large decrease per second in the velocity.

  • When we move in a curved path, our direction is constantly changing, so we are accelerating, even if we are moving at a constant speed.

    • Eg: Standing in a moving bus. When a bus moves at a constant velocity, you can stand with no extra effort. When the bus accelerates, you experience difficulty standing.

Acceleration on Galileo’s Inclined Planes:

  • Galileo demonstrated acceleration using experiments on inclined planes.

  • A ball rolling down an inclined plane picks up the same speed with each successive second. This is constant acceleration.

    • Eg: For a ball rolling down a plane inclined at an angle, let’s say it picks up a speed of 2 m/s with each second.

    • The instantaneous velocity at 1s intervals at this acceleration is 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 m/s, and so on.

    • Velocity acquired = acceleration x time

    • At the end of 1s, the ball travels 2 m/s, at the end of 2s, it is travelling 4 m/s, at the end of 10s, it’s 20 m/s.

  • Acceleration down an incline is constant for each incline.

  • Steeper inclines have greater accelerations.

    • When the incline is tipped vertically, the ball accelerates to its highest extent. It falls with the acceleration of a falling object.

  • When air resistance can be ignored, all objects fall with the same acceleration.


Free Fall:

How Fast:

  • When an object falls under the influence of only gravity, it is in a state of free fall.

    • There’s no other restraints like friction with the air acting on the object.

  • Instantaneous velocity of a free falling object at 1 second intervals:

Time of Fall (s)

Velocity Acquired (m/s)















  • During each second, the object gains a speed of 10 m/s.

  • Gain per second is the acceleration.

  • Free fall acceleration = 10 m/s^2.

  • For free falling objects, g represents acceleration.

    • Acceleration is due to gravity.

  • g is slightly different on the surface of the Moon and the surfaces of other planets.

  • Average value of g = 9.8 m/s2

  • Instantaneous velocity, v = gt

  • Speedometers can be used to measure free fall acceleration.

  • For an object thrown upwards:

    • It slows down as it moves upwards.

    • At its highest point, it changes direction.

    • At its highest point, its instantaneous speed becomes 0.

    • When it starts moving downwards, it acts like its been dropped from rest at that height.

    • Upward deceleration = Downward acceleration

    • The velocities act the opposite ways, because they’re acting in opposite directions.

      • Downward velocity has a negative sign, indicating downward direction.

How Far:

  • Inclined planes showed Galileo that the distance of a uniformly accelerating object is proportional to the square of time taken.

  • Distance travelled = 1/2 x acceleration x time x time

  • Shorthand notation: d = 1/2gt^2

  • d → distance object falls

  • t → time taken for the fall


→ For an object falling 5m during the first second of a 10m/s fall, it’d be expected to cover 10m. This can only actually happen if the average speed of the object is 10m/s for that entire second.

→ The average speed in this second is actually the sum of the starting and final speeds, divided by 2.

→ (0+10)/2, which is 5m/s.

  • Objects fall with unequal accelerations.

    • Eg: a leaf, a feather, and a sheet of paper fall at different speeds due to different air resistances.

    • This can be demonstrated with a closed glass tube containing these objects.

    • If the air in the tube is replaced with a vacuum, the objects will fall at the same speed.

  • Heavier objects aren’t appreciably affected by air resistance.

  • v = gt and d = 1/2 gt^2 tell us about objects falling in the air from an initial state of rest.

How Quickly ‘How Fast’ Changes:

  • For an object falling, we are talking about speed or velocity.

    • v = gt

  • For how far an object falls, we are talking about distance.

    • d = 1/2 gt^2

  • Velocity is a rate (rate of change of position).

  • Acceleration is a rate of a rate (rate of change of velocity).

Hang Time:

  • Athletes and dancers appear to “hang in the air” for 2 to 3 seconds when they jump.

  • This is actually one 1 second.

  • People can easily cross over a 0.5 m gate, but they wouldn’t be able to jump 0.5 m high.

  • It’s easier for people to leap over a fence than to shift their center of gravity entirely.

  • When you jump upwards, you only apply force when your feet are in contact with the ground. As soon as you’re in the air, your upward speed decreases at a rate of 10m/s^2. At the topmost point, your speed is 0.

  • When you start to fall, your speed increases at the same rate.

  • Hang rate is the sum of the rising time and the falling time.

  • Relationship between up or down and vertical height:

    • d = 1/2gt^2 , or,

    • t = square root of (2*d/g)


Velocity Vectors:

  • Speed → how fast

  • Velocity → how fast + in what direction

  • Speed is a scalar quantity. Velocity is a vector quantity.

    • Eg: Consider an airplane flying 80 km/h due north getting caught in a 60 km/h crosswind and getting thrown off course by it.

      A crosswind is a wind blowing at a 90˚angle to the object being mentioned. Here, the plane.

    • If the 80 km/h vector is 4 cm long, and the 60 km/h vector is 3 cm, the resultant of the two vectors is a 100km/h vector measuring 5 cm long, at an angle of 37˚ from the 60 km/h vector.

    • By the parallelogram law.

    • The plane is due eastward.