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geography gold environments 

cold environments are regions that experience below freezing temperatures, resulting in a short growing season and highly adapted wildlife.

cold environments are located at high latitudes that experience less intense sunlight.

polar - areas surrounding the poles (90 degrees N and S), such as Antarctica and Greenland.

tundra - areas at high latitudes with low temperatures and short growing seasons. Tundra has consistently frozen ground (permafrost) which can thaw seasonally in areas such as Canada and Russiae

characteristics of a cold environment

polar enviroment


temperatures are below freezing for most of the year. very little precipitation


soils lack nutrients as they are constantly frozen and covered in thich ice sheets. Mosses and lichens are the most prevalent plants in polar environments as the harsh climate and poor soils make it difficult for plants to grow


animals must be highly adapted to live in polar regions.

tundra environment


tundra climate is less extreme than polar environments. temperatures are usually well below freezing in the winter but may reach above freezing temperatires in the summer months. the growing season is short.

precipitation may be high - mainly snow but can fall as rain also


soils have poor nutrients and are permanently frozen. in summer warmer temoeratures can thaw the surface of the permafrist, making them waterlogged.


there is a greater biodiversity in tundra enviroments with more diverse wildlife living on land.


plants are mainly low-groing flowering plants. plant life is not nutrient rich which results in soils also lacking nutrients


polar bears have thich insulating fur and layers of fat to keep them warn. their fur is hollow to increase insulation

trans-alaska pipeline

the trans alasken pipeline system is an 800 mile long pipe tat transports oil across alaska. the pipeline was built to allow oil to be transported across alaska rather than using ships wich are obstructed by arctic sea ice in the winter.

  • half the pipeline is built on stilts to ensure the permafrost below doesnt melt because of the hot oil. this redices the risk of the pipe freezing and crazhing as it is away from the ground and insulated

  • migrating animals such as the caribou can pass underneath the pipeline so migration patterns are not interupted

  • the oil flow can be blocked at multiple points in the pipeline incase their is a leak

international agreements

the antarctic treaty system is a colection of intenational agreements that work to protect the antarctic from damage by humans

the antarctic treaty 1959

  • 53 countires signed the treaty

  • treaty states antactica should only be used for peaceful means

  • can be used for scientific reseach but all research has the right to be shared and coopertaed on

  • all stations and operations can be inspected at any time

  • nuclear activity is banned

  • antarctica is not any countrys territory

geography gold environments 

cold environments are regions that experience below freezing temperatures, resulting in a short growing season and highly adapted wildlife.

cold environments are located at high latitudes that experience less intense sunlight.

polar - areas surrounding the poles (90 degrees N and S), such as Antarctica and Greenland.

tundra - areas at high latitudes with low temperatures and short growing seasons. Tundra has consistently frozen ground (permafrost) which can thaw seasonally in areas such as Canada and Russiae

characteristics of a cold environment

polar enviroment


temperatures are below freezing for most of the year. very little precipitation


soils lack nutrients as they are constantly frozen and covered in thich ice sheets. Mosses and lichens are the most prevalent plants in polar environments as the harsh climate and poor soils make it difficult for plants to grow


animals must be highly adapted to live in polar regions.

tundra environment


tundra climate is less extreme than polar environments. temperatures are usually well below freezing in the winter but may reach above freezing temperatires in the summer months. the growing season is short.

precipitation may be high - mainly snow but can fall as rain also


soils have poor nutrients and are permanently frozen. in summer warmer temoeratures can thaw the surface of the permafrist, making them waterlogged.


there is a greater biodiversity in tundra enviroments with more diverse wildlife living on land.


plants are mainly low-groing flowering plants. plant life is not nutrient rich which results in soils also lacking nutrients


polar bears have thich insulating fur and layers of fat to keep them warn. their fur is hollow to increase insulation

trans-alaska pipeline

the trans alasken pipeline system is an 800 mile long pipe tat transports oil across alaska. the pipeline was built to allow oil to be transported across alaska rather than using ships wich are obstructed by arctic sea ice in the winter.

  • half the pipeline is built on stilts to ensure the permafrost below doesnt melt because of the hot oil. this redices the risk of the pipe freezing and crazhing as it is away from the ground and insulated

  • migrating animals such as the caribou can pass underneath the pipeline so migration patterns are not interupted

  • the oil flow can be blocked at multiple points in the pipeline incase their is a leak

international agreements

the antarctic treaty system is a colection of intenational agreements that work to protect the antarctic from damage by humans

the antarctic treaty 1959

  • 53 countires signed the treaty

  • treaty states antactica should only be used for peaceful means

  • can be used for scientific reseach but all research has the right to be shared and coopertaed on

  • all stations and operations can be inspected at any time

  • nuclear activity is banned

  • antarctica is not any countrys territory