The word or word-part "convene" MOST NEARLY means: to come together or assemble for some specific purpose. The word or word-part "ven/vene" MOST NEARLY means: come The word or word-part "com/con" MOST NEARLY means: together/with The word or word-part "protract" MOST NEARLY means: to draw forward; to lengthen or extend The word or word-part "tract" MOST NEARLY means: draw, pull The word or word-part "pro" MOST NEARLY means: forward The word or word-part "disclose" MOST NEARLY means: to not close out; reveal The word or word-part "close" MOST NEARLY means: close The word or word-part "dis" MOST NEARLY means: not The word or word-part "corrupt" MOST NEARLY means: completely broken; ruined; spoiled; dishonest; disloyal. The word or word-part "rupt" MOST NEARLY means: break, breaking, broken, burst The word or word-part "cor" MOST NEARLY means: completely The word or word-part "defer" MOST NEARLY means: to carry away; to put off or postpone; to yield respectfully in judgement or opinion The word or word-part "fer" MOST NEARLY means: carry The word or word-part "de" MOST NEARLY means: away (adjective) a bad-tempered person curmudgeon (verb) accept something reluctantly, but without protest acquiesce (adjective) arrogantly superior haughty (verb) publicly ridicule lampoon (verb) restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something abstain The word or word-part "subsequent" MOST NEARLY means: characterized by following nearly after in order or time; succeeding. The word or word-part "al, ate, ent" MOST NEARLY means: characterized by The word or word-part "sequ" MOST NEARLY means: following The word or word-part "asterisk" MOST NEARLY means: pertaining to a little star; a star-shaped character used in writing. The word or word-part "isk" MOST NEARLY means: pertaining to The word or word-part "aster, astro" MOST NEARLY means: star, celestial bodies, outer space The word or word-part "subpoena" MOST NEARLY means: an order requiring a person to appear in court or be under penalty of punishment. The word or word-part "poena" MOST NEARLY means: penalty The word or word-part "sub" MOST NEARLY means: under, below, nearly, secondary The word or word-part "circumscribe" MOST NEARLY means: to write or draw a line around an object or enclose it within a boundary. The word or word-part "scribe, script" MOST NEARLY means: write, record The word or word-part "circum" MOST NEARLY means: around (noun) dissatisfaction or exhaustion caused by boredom ennui (noun) excessive or foolish boldness temerity (noun) a disaster debacle (verb) to verbally rip apart deride (adjective) argumentative and uncooperative cantankerous