Chapter 5

In 1798 the Federalist passed the Alien and Sedition Acts which were designed to prevent politically activity from pro franch immigrants, due to war tension. They also tried to pass laws preventing non natural citizens from running for governmnet and lengthening the naturalization process which they were able to do.

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Due to a failed revolution in Germany, 1848 many political refugees came to America. They mainly went to settle in Eastern and Midwestern cities. German Americans were criticized for banding together and wanting to preserve their culture. A result of this was violent events like the Bloody Monday where 22 men were killled and 16 houses burnt down which were simliar tragedys that happened to Irish Communites due to the Know Nothing violence.

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French Americans experienced many different immigration patterns due to different groups of Frech coming in a settling in areas like Louisiana and New England which was popular for French Canadian migrants. Due to the French Revolution happening in France Fecnh Americans we subject to maltreatment based on judgement of France like the XYZ affair where French Officials were demanding bribes for US officials to have confresneces and form agreements. These factors caused the US see france negativiely and turn on the france american migrants fearing them for cooperation with the French Army to harm America. 

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The greatest period of Dutch immigration was 1881 to 1930 with 1.6 million immigrants. They settled areas like Brooklyn and Manhattan before they were the cities we know them as. The Dutch were able to co-exist with other cultures allowing for less assikilation. Parts of their culture like their orthodox church helped sepereate their subculture.

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After the revolution many immigrants where coming to America. This rasised concerns through America and escpecially in groups like the Jeffersonians and Federalist who feared that immagrdation where either dangers or would get in the way of their agenda.  This lead to the putting down of immigrants and their cultures in media and letters criticising migration. Resulting in the spread of Xenophobia

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