Task Based Assessment (WJEC)

20% of Qualification

This is a tiered, activity-based assessment which will be externally marked by WJEC. It will take place in the second half of the autumn term (i.e. November - December). It is recommended that this should be in the final year of study.

Learners will acquire the skills needed to carry out practical procedures in the laboratory, industry and commercial work place. They will learn how to develop skills that enable them to:

  • Devise and carry out scientific investigations

  • Analyze scientific data

  • Manage Health and Safety

These skills will be developed in the following topics:

  • Modern living and energy

  • Obtaining resources from our planet

  • Our planet

  • Protecting our environment

  • Health, fitness and sport

  • Controlling processes

The content of sections 2.1.2 (diagnosis and treatment) and 2.2.2 (controlling nuclear reactions) will not be assessed in this unit.

Each year, WJEC will offer centres a choice of two packs. Each pack will contain two activities. Learners will be required to submit one complete pack so centers can select which pack they wish to use with their learners.

The packs will change on an annual basis.

The details required for the planning and administration of the unit will be provided to centers at appropriate times prior to the assessment.

The assessment consists of two activities:

Carrying out a practical investigation in an applied scientific context (45 marks)

Learners will formulate a plan, analyze and evaluate data, under a high level of control. Learners must work individually and no teacher feedback or assistance is allowed. When obtaining results, learners will be permitted to work in groups of no more than three, under a limited level of control (provided their plans are sufficiently similar). Teacher assistance should not normally be required but may be given if equipment failure occurs. Activity 1 will be completed in three sessions of 60 minutes duration.

When learners carry out an investigation they will develop the skills that enable them to:

  • Devise methods to solve problems

    • plan a method to solve a problem/ answer a question

    • write standard procedures

  • carry out standard procedures

  • use chemical 'safety sheets' to identify chemical hazards

  • identify the risks that arise from carrying out procedures

  • suggest control measures to reduce risk

  • collect primary data

  • process primary and secondary data

  • analyze and interpret primary and secondary data

  • draw evidence-based conclusions

  • assess the validity and quality of evidence

  • evaluate methods used to solve practical problems.

Analysis of data in an applied scientific context (15 marks)

Activity 2 will be carried out under a high level of control and will be completed in one session of 60 minutes duration. Learners must work individually and no teacher feedback or assistance is allowed.

Learners will analyze data which will allow them to develop the skills that enable them to:

  • use mathematical methods to analyze data

  • draw evidence-based conclusions

  • assess the quality of evidence given

  • evaluate methods

  • suggest improvements.
