June 2023 Term
Supreme Court issued 56 decisions that were accepted for full considerations on the merits
full consideration on the merits — meaning to address legal issues on those cases
the cases that the court put on its agenda and decided by the court
process of agenda setting
people make a series of decisions that bring thier cases to the Court
Court selects from those cases; only a few that they will fully consider and decide
currently 1:100
except for a special circumstances when court agrees to hear case it does so by granting a writ of ceritorai to call the case from the lower court
many people set of people and insutitions helps set the courts agenda
first stage: litigants file cases in trial coourts and their opponents bring these cases through the court ssytem to the supreme court
most of these litigants are repersented by lawyers and recieve direct/indirect help from intrest groups
the court itself